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  • Apr 9, 2009, 06:13 PM
    How do I know the fence is belong to me or the neighbor.
    Good evening. Couples of days ago strong wind blew down the fence @ my rental property... IM pretty sure the fence is belong to the neighbor, so I knocked on their door and inguiry about them to have them fixed and ended with the answer... "that is not is your..." I brought the property about 2 years... Can anyone provide some information of how to identify who is the rightful owner? Thanks.:confused:
  • Apr 9, 2009, 06:15 PM

    Check your survey. Doesn't matter when the neighbor bought the property. What matters where the property line is.
  • Apr 10, 2009, 07:17 AM

    Hello C:

    Even if you find out it was his, he's evidently NOT going to DO anything about it, which is his choice.

    Why don't you replace it with a fence of YOUR choosing on YOUR property, and then you'll BOTH know who the fence belongs to?

  • Apr 10, 2009, 08:14 PM

    I always thought that the nice side of the fence faced the neighbor, and you got to look at the ugly side or "lined side" the smooth side of the fence will always have to face your neighbor, so just take a look at the way the fence is laying, good side toward your house, it's his fence, good side toward him... you have some fence repairing to do. But they are right, check the property line to be legal.
  • Apr 10, 2009, 08:32 PM

    True, the good side facing neighbor is required by any codes but has no bearing on who actually owns the fence. Like the earlier poster says, check your survey which was required prior to the purchase. You should also be able to locate the survey stakes in most cases. I have seen some fences wander over the line and it made closing on the proerty slightly more complicated.

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