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  • Mar 29, 2009, 07:56 AM
    Giving up parental rights
    I need to know how my husband can sign over his rights to his other children? We live over 400 miles away from them. One child he has never seen before in his life and that child I think is around three and all the mothers care about is the money they want nothing to do with him just his money. One child even calls another man daddy that his mom is not even with. Not to forget to mention they don't do the child support right and we are so broke and my child has because all they want is his money. Can someone help me and give some advice?
  • Mar 29, 2009, 08:00 AM

    Yeah - he cant.

    You cannot just give up rights because you don't want to pay support anymore. If that were the case, there would be no such thing as child support and no deadbeat parents.

    If he feels that support is being calculated wrong, he needs to go back to court and have it modified. If he wants to see his children, he needs to go to court and get visitation.

    If he wants to just stop supporting his children because its inconvienient to him, he needs to go back in time and not have sex with the kid's mothers.
  • Mar 29, 2009, 08:01 AM

    You husbands child is entitled to his money. Your husband made a bad choice on whom he made babies with. Just because he wants to sign his rights away does not mean his obligation to support his children.
  • Mar 29, 2009, 08:09 AM

    He don't want to sign over rights for that reason I mean you are totally right but also the child support should be done right. We don't see the kids anymore and don't even want them we have started a family of our own. Even the mothers of the children don't want there kids to see him and they won't request to sign over rights because they won't have that money coming to them. They look at is free money for there selves.
  • Mar 29, 2009, 08:18 AM

    Originally Posted by LRE View Post
    he dont want to sign over rights for that reason i mean u are totally right but also the child support should be done right. We dont see the kids anymore and dont even want them we have started a family of our own. Even the mothers of the children dont want there kids to see him and they wont request to sign over rights because they wont have that money coming to them. they look at is free money for there selves.

    It might be 'free money' but its still money that they are entitled to and money your husband is obligated to pay, regardless if he sees them or wants them.

    The only way they could request that he signed over rights is if they got remarried and their new husband wants to adopt them.

    Sorry that it sucks for you and your child, but those children need support too.
  • Mar 29, 2009, 09:24 AM

    Oh, so your husband wants to sign over his rights because he doesn't want them due to his new family that he started with you? What a man!

    You say that he doesn't see his kids but ask yourself did he really want too? What effort did he make to reach out to them?

    Whether you and your husband likes it or not, he will be paying child support to his kids until their 18 or sometimes 21. He can't stop that whether if chooses not to be in their life. He is fiancially responsible for them. That's the way the cookie crumble.
  • Mar 30, 2009, 07:24 AM
    Your just not understnding what I am saying! It has nothing to do with the money. The mothers don't even want the kids around him so he has grown apart from them I mean there only three, three and five. Its all just so hard to explain. It's a matter of want from the mothers and his self, love that he does not receive from the other children my 15 month old child has showed him more love than the others have in the two years I have been around. He doesn't see his kids because he chooses not to he doesn't call them because he chooses to. He has made mistakes big ones that he can't fix and in return the mothers of the children hate him for the fact he married me and we had a child so they request more child support and what ever else they can get from him. Now please tell me why should he keep his rights when he nor the moms want him to they just want the free money??
  • Mar 30, 2009, 07:29 AM

    And you don't seem to understand that his or their motivation *does not matter*. If it has nothing to do with the money then why is it even something that is being talked about?

    Why should he keep the rights (and responsibilities)? Because he is the children's father. Its not free money. You have a child. You think children are cheap?
  • Mar 30, 2009, 07:43 AM

    LRE, you don't understand that his reasons behind signing his rights away aren't valid no matter how hard you try to make me think so.

    However you don't have to take my word or others. Go to court and file the necessary paperwork to get an adoption. At least the judge might get a good laugh or fine him for wasting his or her time.

    Or better yet go have a consult a lawyer and tell them your story and see what they say. The sad part is they going have a good laugh and have no problems doing so while taking your money.

    This what happens when you married a guy with 2 baby mommas.
  • Mar 30, 2009, 07:52 AM

    Originally Posted by LRE View Post
    Your just not understnding what i am saying! It has nothing to do with the money. The mothers dont even want the kids around him so he has grown apart from them i mean there only three, three and five. Its all just so hard to explain. Its a matter of want from the mothers and his self, love that he does not recieve from the other children my 15 month old child has showed him more love than the others have in the two years i have been around. He doesnt see his kids because he chooses not to he doesnt call them because he chooses to. He has made mistakes big ones that he can't fix and in return the mothers of the children hate him for the fact he married me and we had a child so they request more child support and what ever else they can get from him. Now please tell me why should he keep his rights when he nor the moms want him to they just want the free money????

    I'm sorry, but its YOU that is not understanding. Let me try to make this clear.

    First you say its not about the money, but your posts keep harping on the money.

    Second, what if I said to you that he can give up his rights, but not his reponsibility. So he might relinquish his rights but still be paying child support. Would that be agreeable to you?

    Because that is the legality of this. No court will terminate his rights to allow him to get out of child support. So you can forget that right now. It isn't going to happen. He can try for a modification of the support, but not get out of it.

    He does not have to exercise his rights if he doesn't want to. He does not have to see the kids or have anything to do with them other than pay support. So there is NO need to try to get his rights terminated, just don't use them.

    But don't wate you time and money trying to get his rights terminated. And forget about getting support terminated.
  • Mar 30, 2009, 08:33 AM
    Look I came on this site for help not for any of you to abuse me. I am only 20 years old and when I met this man he told me he didn't have children because I would never date a man with childern that's just not what I wanted to get into at 18 years old I was a child myself. I later found out on my own he has three by three different women and one he claims not to be his and I just don't know the truth I can't seem to find anyone to help me out. I got pregnant around the time I found out he had kids so what was I suppose to do just walk away? Unlike the oher moms I mant my son to have a father not just money and I know they cost a lot and when you can't get ajob its a lot harder. Its just not fair that my child means nothing when comes to the others because they were the first three. My husband and the others were never married. I also can't understand how its possible for the third child gets 600 dollars a month when the first child only gets 203 a month when he is suppose to come first? I am not wanting anyone to feel sorry for me because its my fault for trusting a liar. I just need a little support here and some help or options not for anyone to be mean.
  • Mar 30, 2009, 08:38 AM

    No one is being mean. We are telling you the truth. The truth is harsh sometimes and the simple fact of the matter is that the only option you have is to go back to court (all 3 of them) and try to get support modified. It will NOT be canceled and his rights will NOT be removed.

    I am sorry that your husband is a waste of oxygen... but he is REQUIRED BY LAW to support all of his children. It wouldn't be any different if all 4 kids were with you.
  • Mar 30, 2009, 08:43 AM

    He has been to court many of times and its in the women's favor not his. I just don't know what else to do. We moved 400 miles away and one of the girls got mad and some got the suppoat raised 188 a month with out us having paper work on it. So tell me how thst possible because by law review papers have to be sent to us to be filled out and a aggrement has to be made and if not have to go to court. It has to be based on both incomes and the mom makes way more than my husband does. So I just don't see how that is possible when laws are not followed and have not been since day one.
  • Mar 30, 2009, 08:47 AM

    And he is not a waste of oxgyen you don't even know him. He is a wonderful husband and a wonderful father to my son. He made mistakes as everyone does maybe not as bad but everyone makes mistakes. That was rather rude of you stevetcg.
  • Mar 30, 2009, 08:48 AM

    Originally Posted by LRE View Post
    He has been to court many of times and its in the womens favor not his. I just dont know what else to do. We moved 400 miles away and one of the girls got mad and some got the suppoat raised 188 a month with out us having paper work on it. so tell me how thst possible because by law review papers have to be sent to us to be filled out and a aggrement has to be made and if not have to go to court. It has to be based on both incomes and the mom makes way more than my husband does. so i just dont see how that is possible when laws are not followed and have not been since day one.

    The problem is that the laws ARE being followed. Just not by your husband. If there was a hearing to have support modified, he was entitled to attend and defend.

    Which law is it that says that he has to be sent paperwork? He has to be sent a summons... which I am quite sure he was.

    Listen... I'm happy to sit here and argue with you all day about this, but the simple fact is that if he wants ANYTHING to change, he needs to go back to the court where the order was issued and request a modification.

    And just so you are clear... it is in the CHILDREN'S favor, not the women. I assure you the court does not care any more for the woman as they do your husband.
  • Mar 30, 2009, 08:52 AM

    Child support is based on income, if they found that his support was warranted for the income he has then that is what is ordered to be paid.

    It is unfortunate that your child is the last in a string of children as the first child is granted the highest percentage. In the hopes that by child number four the couple is wiser about having children. If you had four children in your home your husband would have to work two-three jobs to support them, it's the same concept with children not living in the home. If he has four children to support than he needs to work his behind off to do that.

    As far as him telling you that he didn't have children and entrapping you when you were eighteen, your husband doesn't sound like a stand-up man who faces his responsibilities. Hopefully he will learn to set a better example for your child or you have decided to stay in a relationship for a poor cause.
  • Mar 30, 2009, 08:55 AM

    Have you ever dealt with this before? It seems that you have not. You are sent review papers ever three years or unless you request a review. We did not receive any papers on it because I make him stay on stuff like that. We received papers on where he is behind on child support because he has not had a job and on there it was raised 188 dollars. I am telling you the gods honest truth. I isn't trying to argue with you. You just think I am lying about the laws not being followed and they are not. I am in college for criminal justice where I have learned the laws and they are not being followed I have even been on the child support website for Tennessee reviewing the laws and they are not being followed on so many levels.
  • Mar 30, 2009, 08:58 AM
    You are right about income and one mother makes more than my husband and her child is the third so how is she recieivng over 600 dollars a month where the first child only receive 203 dollars a month? This is what I am talking about that the laws are not being followed.
  • Mar 30, 2009, 09:00 AM

    That 188 increase was a payment on the arrears (back owed support). That gets added onto the amount owed until all back support is paid.

    I'm sure your undergrad courses in criminal justice college cover family law in TN. Except they don't.

    You need to understand this:

    1) there is NOTHING you can do. This is his issue.
    2) support is calculated by the court based on a number of factors. If he failed to supply required paperwork, default judgments are issued.
    3) no one gives in the court gives a fig about your CJ courses and what you think the law is.

    And yes, everyone talking to you about this has extensive experience with this.
  • Mar 30, 2009, 09:01 AM

    Originally Posted by LRE View Post
    have you ever dealt with this before? It seems that you have not. You are sent review papers ever three years or unless u request a review. We did not recieve any papers on it because i make him stay on stuff like that. We recieved papers on where he is behind on child support because he has not had a job and on there it was raised 188 dollars. I am telling u the gods honest truth. I aint trying to argue with you. You just think i am lieing about the laws not being followed and they are not. I am in college for criminal justice where i have learned the laws and they are not being followed i have even been on the child support website for tennessee reviewing the laws and they are not being followed on so many levels.

    Please cite the law that is being broken.

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