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  • Sep 2, 2006, 06:57 PM
    Help with Yahoo
    Is there anywhere to report innappropriate behaviour on Yahoo?

    Can anyone find out who I am from the computer?

    Please I need an answer as soon as possible.
  • Sep 2, 2006, 08:47 PM
    At the very bottom of the Yahoo page (small print) is a feed-back feature that you can report problems to Yahoo.


  • Sep 2, 2006, 09:24 PM

    Originally Posted by aqua@home
    Is there anywhere to report innappropriate behaviour on yahoo?

    Yes there is.

    If you are in a chat room, on the bottom right hand side there is a button that says “Report Abuse”, you can use that.

    I am sure there are other ways as well.


    Originally Posted by aqua@home
    Can anyone find out who I am from the computer?


    That is, they can find out your IP address.

    But how to then find out who you are from just your IP address can't be done by just any ordinary person.
  • Sep 2, 2006, 09:38 PM
    Ok... thank you both of you.

    IP address... would I be the only one with this IP address or is it a shared thing. I don't know if you are laughing or not, I don't know that might have been the stupidest question you've ever heard. I don't know anything about computers... obviously.

    Thank you for getting back to me on this and for any help you can still offer.
  • Sep 3, 2006, 02:37 AM
    Hi Aqua,
    Here is a link that might help:

    As far as your IP address, it is possible this could be retrieved quite easily. Whether you have a dynamic (shared, logged by time and user) IP address, or a static one (the same every time you log on) would depend on your internet provider, assuming you have dial-up. DSL has a static IP address. Though I believe many dial-up services now use static IP addresses these days.
    Beyond that, as others have said, retrieving your personal info from your static IP address is virtually impossible without extensive computer knowledge and/or highly specialized software. As far as I know, the best that could easily be done is to narrow down your geographic location, and then only to within roughly a 10 mile radius, if my memory serves me correct.
    I doubt you have much of anything to worry about. But do report any sort of violation to Yahoo.
    Take care.
  • Sep 3, 2006, 12:41 PM
    Thank you Thomas for the inforamation and the link. We do not have dial up, we have the internet coming through a cable.

    I am going to try your link right now. Thanks again.
  • Sep 3, 2006, 08:18 PM
    First, unless you pay for a static IP address, you probably do not have one. However, since, with a broadband service, your connection is generally always on, the IP usually stays the same. However, if you shut your cable modem for a week or so (like when on vacation), you might not get the same IP when you reconnect.

    Most dialup services still use dynamic IP addressing since that enables them to maintain fewer addresses since not all subscribers will be logged on at the same time.

    All knowing the IP will do is confirm the ISP that issued it. Anything more would require a court order served on the ISP.
  • Sep 3, 2006, 08:46 PM
    Thank you Scott for the information. That is a little more reassuring.

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