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  • Mar 11, 2009, 09:48 PM
    Could I be pregnant?
    My periods have been irregular off & on for many years, but the last 6 months or so they were regular, but then last month I was two weeks early & this month I am 5 days late so far. I took a pregnancy test like a week ago & it came back negative, but was that too soon to take one? The only reason I took it was because I got my period early last month so I figured I could take a test early then. But now its like 5 days & I don't have it. Ive only taken the one test. Ive been very hungry lately, gained weight, my breasts are very sore & I feel swollen all over. Even my face looks blotchy red lately. Ive been on birth control for a long time now, but there was a couple times of my last pack of pills that I forgot to take a couple of them. (my fiancé & I are fine either way if we do get pregnant). Anyway... is there a chance I could be pregnant? Pregnancy tests for me in the past have always been right. When I took this pregnancy test last week it was in the evening. Does that a difference? I was exercising early last month & then kind of stopped & haven't gone, my diet has always varied depending on when I want to eat good or want to eat bad. But lately I mean Im really gaining & Im so swollen & fatigue feeling. And you know that sore all over feeling you get when you have the flu? I feel like that frm time to time lately.
  • Mar 11, 2009, 10:02 PM

    It's entirely possible that you are, and it's entirely possible that you're not. I was suspsicious that I was pregnant and had negative results on pregnancy tests for 4 weeks. Then I had one come back positive. I went for an ultrasound and I was 6 weeks pregnant. So while the boxes say they can detect them early, it is possible that it was too early for you to tell. Everyone has different symptoms with pregnancy. For me fatigue, breast tenderness, and upset tummy are sure signs. Either way, I wish you the best of luck
  • Mar 11, 2009, 10:08 PM

    Yah the upset stomach I've had too, its like gas, I have to constantly unbutton my pants when I sit. And I was even joking w/my fiancé the day before I took that test how my stomach looked rounder, it just felt different & looked like it had gotten a little bigger, but not fat, kind of rounder... oh & another thing I noticed, there's a darkish line about my private area just under my belly button from when I had a baby several years ago, its not a scar or anything but just a dark line that I hear some people get... well it faded through the past couple years, but its looks darker than usual. Omg I'm so nervous. I'm working right now but I'm thinking about going to walmart real quick to try another pregnancy test. Is that a good idea? I mean, its about a week frm when I took the last one. Thanks for answering... and thanks for wishing me luck
  • Mar 11, 2009, 10:13 PM

    Well I will tell you this, if you have already had a pregnancy it's very possible that you know you're pregnant well before the tests are going to tell you. Like I said, I took one every week because I knew I was, even if the tests were saying no! If taking another test puts your mind at ease then I say go for it.
  • Mar 11, 2009, 10:20 PM

    Okay well... should I buy one & wait until the morning to take it... im working right now, and its 130am here... I get off work at about 7ish. Would it be more accurate if I take it later or take it now? What do you suggest? That's crazy that your tests were still saying no even though you were pregnant! I never even thought that could happen.
  • Mar 11, 2009, 10:27 PM

    Lol. With my second daughter, I had a blood test come back negative and I was actually pregnant. My doctor explained that I just knew I was pregnant before it showed up in my blood (ten days) I figure it out quickly. I think in the pregnancy test kits it usually says to use your first morning urine, but I also heard that's not necessary anymore. Check the instructions
  • Mar 11, 2009, 10:46 PM

    Wow... so you were good & quick w/finding out! Yah... ive heard it doesn't matter morning or evening either... im going to go get one... if I'm not, you're right ill feel better... will you be online for awhile?
  • Mar 11, 2009, 11:01 PM

    I'm in the same boat as you. Working until 8am- I'll be around lol
  • Mar 11, 2009, 11:15 PM
    So... please, please, Pretty Please? Read the stickys attached...

    Note that many of the "signs" people state about possible pregnancy are actually presumptive... meaning it isn't at all conclusive, as many things can sport these symptoms.

    Next, please know the best time to take an HPT is first bathroom break in the morning. Hormones are most concentrated then.

    Also, understand that a negative test does NOT mean not pregnant. It CAN be because you aren't, but it really means a failure to detect levels of hormone at or above the limits of the test.

    A person can be pregnant and test negative. A person can be not pregnant and test negative.

    Most of the time... when test procedures are followed strictly, and reading of the test is done within the stated time, a positive is quite reliable.
  • Mar 11, 2009, 11:16 PM

    Okay... I bought one... sat on the pot & of course cldnt pee... yet lol. Going to drink some liquids & go again... ill let you know. I'm so nervous. I'm sure I'm not, I mean I'm sayn that because I don't want to feel stupid in case it turns out I'm not pregnant. You know... I was talkn w/one of my girlfriend on my way to walmart... she was reminding me how she gagged in the beginning when she brushed her teeth... I do too.. I didn't even think about that! I get so nauseated & gag when I brush my teeth lately. I need to relax..
  • Mar 11, 2009, 11:22 PM
    Diluting your urine by drinking lots of liquid isn't the way to go.

    I know you are wanting an answer... I know you want that test taken...

    But honestly, what you need is to get some rest, to not completely overload your body with liquids, and to take that test when you really, really need to go in the am.

    Drinking a gallon of liquid now might make you need to pee, but won't necessarily give more accurate results. If anything, id say hold back, especially from things like caffeine, and take an honest test that isn't forced because of excess volume.
  • Mar 11, 2009, 11:27 PM

    I didn't know drinking lots of liquids could actually change the results of the test. I took a test when I didn't really have to go so there wasn't enough urine to saturate the stick. I actually ran some water on it and still got a positive result. I agree that you should wait until morning though if that's what the test says to do.
  • Mar 11, 2009, 11:30 PM

    Well just so you know, I haven't drank much since I got back to work... im workn night shift right now so I have no choice but to be hear & awake. I last pee'd about an hr & half ago & haven't drank much tonight at all to be honest w/ya. I was reading you links you posted... it makes a lot of sense... the thing that kind of make my heart sink a little (nervousness)... I have that discharge it talks about being a sign of pregnancy. Its been about a week now that I've noticed it... no burning or itching, discharge... and the past three days when my fiancé & I have intercourse its almost uncomfortable, like he's hitting my bladder or something. Another question- we don't use protection, just birth control & I've missed a couple pills a few weeks ago. If he pulls out of me before he orgasms, is there still a good chance we could get pregnant? Or are we pretty safe that way?
  • Mar 11, 2009, 11:35 PM

    There is still a good chance of pregnancy.
  • Mar 11, 2009, 11:41 PM
    The reason behind first in the am testing is tied to concentration of hormone...

    If you can wait until that urgent need to pee, its best.

    If you drink lots of liquids, you'll feel the urge, but the level of pregnancy hormone put out by your body will be diluted by the excess water... and HPT's all have a threshold... a limit of sensitivity... that ties into the results.

    So.. best thing is to test early in the am, first trip to the bathroom.
  • Mar 11, 2009, 11:41 PM

    Okay well I gave in & took it & it says not pregnant soooooooooo ?
  • Mar 11, 2009, 11:46 PM
    Withdrawal method of birth control is anywhere from 20-40% failure.

    Now... consider that use of the pill failure goes from under 1% to 4-5% depending on use...

    My son was conceived while we were both tracking fertility and using BC... we weren't trying to get pregnant.. we were active in tracking fertility... mkay. Sometimes life has other plans.

    That said, I know people who have tried their damndest to get pregnant, knowing all the tricks and angles to pursue, and who still cannot get there.

    So... "is it possible"... I'm sorry, but that is so wide open.. yes it is, and no, there's no guarantee...
  • Mar 11, 2009, 11:46 PM

    So it means you could be not pregnant, or it's too soon to tell. You said you are 5 days late right? The fact that you messed up on your pills a couple days can affect your period as well. I would wait another week (I know it's torture) and if you haven't gotten it by then try again. Really if you think about it, finding out early in the pregnancy, just makes the pregnancy seem that much longer :)
  • Mar 11, 2009, 11:49 PM

    Originally Posted by alwaysava27 View Post
    okay well i gave in & took it & it says not pregnant soooooooooo ?

    A negative means "failure to detect pregnancy"

    It does not mean you are. It does not mean you are not.

    I wish I could tell you more.

    If you were my beloved, and took this test, and had it negative, id know that what is next is waiting and time and another test.

    A negative is just the failure to detect hormone levels at or above the threshold limit of the HPT.

    Which means you might not be pregnant, or you might be.
  • Mar 11, 2009, 11:54 PM

    hmm interesting. Thanks for both of your feedback & you're right logicalthinker... its going to drive me nuts waiting! Okay so I'm going to give it another week & if nothn, I'm def going to take another. =) thanks for your help. Either way, ill try to remember to update ya's on the positive or the negative.

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