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  • Mar 9, 2009, 09:16 PM
    14 and 21 what will I do?
    Ok so I'm 14 years old and turning 15 and I really need some answers because my parents arnt very helpful. Well first of all Im really into this guy and please don't think I'm a sluty teen because I'm really not I never in my life thought this would happen. OK so there's this guy and he's 21 years old its only 6 years apart but I guess that's a lot. My parents told me that I couldn't have any contact with him anymore and I don't no what to do. Im falling for this guy and my parents are killing me inside every time they say something that refers to him. I just really don't no what to do. The laws state that I can date him just that I cannot have sex with him until I'm at the age of 17. And it not like I'm going to be have sex now I'm only 14. People think that all men are only out for girls for sex but I don't think that's intirley true. Wellif you could help me out that would be awesome because I'm so confused right now.:confused:
    Thanks a lot,
  • Mar 9, 2009, 09:28 PM

    Does he want to date you? (What is he thinking in all this?)
  • Mar 10, 2009, 04:54 AM

    I agree with your parents and you have to understand they're to protect you.

    Why would a 21 year want to be with a 14 year old girl? Why is he having any contact with you? You don't find this weird? Of course not.

    Right now the two of you're at different levels in your life. You're a teenager and he's an adult.

    Also, there's no law stated the two of you can date because if such law exsists than parents would basically have no say so. If the two of you was to get together he can get in trouble for simple things such as touching or kissing.

    So leave this guy alone and if you really think he wouldn't want sex from you than you need to think again. Your parents already warned you and even him to stay away from you. If he doesn't he might can get arrested.

    You need to listen to your parents and stop wanted a realationship and focus on being a teenager and your studies not an older guy. Your going have plenty of times for that.
  • Mar 10, 2009, 06:34 AM

    Where does a 14 year old meet a 21 year old guy? How did this happen? (Just curious)
  • Mar 10, 2009, 07:15 AM

    Good point kctiger. Where do adults meet children? The sex drive of all males is very high from about age 14 till death. So if you are foolish enough to think that he won't try and have sex with you you are simply fooling yourself. At your age this is one big mistake looking for a place to happen. Please do yourself a real favor and listen to your parents. Now, if you were 21 or 22 and dating a guy aged 30, I would have no problems. But, you are still a child. Enjoy your childhood instead of trying to grow up so fast. Life will still be there in 5 years.
  • Mar 12, 2009, 01:49 AM

    I know exactly where you're coming from because when I was your age(and to this day) I've always been attracted to men that are older, more mature, have jobs, and can drive. Call it a flaw, but whatever. Anyway, believe it or not the other posters are right- it's a better idea to just call it quits with this guy(I assure you another one will come along). I was in a 2 and 1/2 year relationship with a guy who was 6 years older than me when I was 16 and everyone judged me, especially our families, very harshly and I didn't even get to meet his family until over a year and a half after we were dating because of the undeniably awkwardness of the situation of our relationship. In the end, I found out he was cheating on me for a long time so I broke up with him. The point is- no, you shouldn't waste your time and youth with this guy. You are sooo young! I know people probably tell you this all the time, but its only because it's the absolute truth: focus more on school than boys and/or friends(neither will last past high school I promise you), find out more about yourself, and listen to what your parents tell you. If I had followed those 3 rules it would have saved me a lot of heartache and misery for the past 5 years. If anything, I'd advise you to stay single until you turn 18 because then you can date anyone you want!
  • Mar 12, 2009, 03:55 AM


    People think that all men are only out for girls for sex but I don't think that's intirley true
    You are 14 and have experienced very little to make that statement.That is not all young men want but believe me,its high on the list.

    He may not be pressing you now but eventually he will want a sexual relationship.He is not going to wait three years and chances are you will not either.

    Bottom line is this,you are worlds apart emotionally and I doubt that his interest is you is anything but sexual.Of course you are not going to believe that and I am sure he has convinced you otherwise but my 50 plus years of experience tell me otherwise.

    You parents are trying to protect you, as they should ,and I know it goes against everything you want to do but you need to listen to them.They know what is best.

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