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  • Feb 27, 2009, 06:21 AM
    I need opinions!
    Hello! I am 7days away from my period and I'm having slight cramps, nausea, heartburn, and lower back/abdominal pain, my boobs aren't sore but they feel heavy/swollen, yesterday night my vagina felt sore and swollen/heavy.. I calculated that I ovulated between the 16th and 20th or 16th and 22nd and had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on the 21st (of feb).. so are these just period symptoms or could I be pregnant?? Ps.. im due for my period on the 6th and I've been very regular since stopping the pill 5 months ago..
  • Feb 27, 2009, 06:50 AM

    I believe you should go see a doctor and get tested there is a possibility that you are pregnant. Set up an appointment and if you are ask your doctor what you can do to keep the baby healthy. And at all cost aviod abortion because even though you don't think the baby will feel it they will they suffer through the process of abortion. If you have a baby and decide you don't want to or can't keep the baby then have it and put it up for adoption.
  • Feb 27, 2009, 06:54 AM
    It sounds as though you may be having premenstrual symptoms. There is no way to tell if you are or are not pregnant until you get or miss your period.
  • Feb 27, 2009, 06:57 AM

    Sounds like period symptoms.
  • Feb 27, 2009, 07:24 AM

    But its weird because they don't feel like period pains and I've been feeling like this since 4 dpo so... I don't kow.. I did have sex when I was ovulating and I'm not on the pill and by the way, I don't believe in abortion , this pregnancy is definitely wanted if I am pregnant:):)... oh and I forgot to mention that I have white creamy discharge as well.. sorry for the info.. :p
  • Feb 27, 2009, 07:28 AM
    If you ovulated ON the 21st and had sex ON the 21st, then yes you can be pregnant, however, symptoms such as yours will not show up this quickly as the fertilized egg has hardly had time to implant yet.

    If you ovulated on the 16th and had sex on the 21st you are not pregnant as the egg is only viable for up to 24 hours. If you had sex on the 21st and ovulated on the 22nd, then again, you could be pregnant, but the symptoms would not be showing up this early.

    Unfortunately you are going to have to wait and see if your period does come. If it does not, wait a few days to a week and test using first morning urine.
  • Feb 27, 2009, 07:50 AM

    Well I meant that I either ovulated on the 20th or 22nd (becasue my cycle is between 28 to 30 days) so when I calculated it gave me those dates... and yea I will wait and see.. ill wait till like thr 7th or 8th even if I'm due the 6th. :s
  • Feb 27, 2009, 09:31 AM

    Keep in mind, the length of your cycle does not guarantee when you might ovulate. The ovulation calendars you find online only give a starting place. Many women will naturally ovulate before or after the dates that are calculated. For someone trying to get pregnant, they could be missing ovulation all together, but just a matter of days.

    As J_9 said, there is only a small window of time the egg can be fertilized.
    Hope it turns out how you would like it to.
  • Feb 27, 2009, 09:52 AM
    Hello, my name is emmanuel and a new to this site but I think all those symptoms you are having are all symptoms of pregnancy am sorry to say but take heart
  • Feb 27, 2009, 10:17 AM

    I actually heard that you can get pregnant at ANY time during your cycle so.. there is a possibility.. I don't mind if I'm not but ill be happy if I am.. we wanted to start trying in April anyway :p... ill know for sure next week.. im just impatient about knowuing.. I wish I could know now! :)
  • Feb 27, 2009, 01:43 PM

    Originally Posted by jennilee86 View Post
    i actually heard that you can get pregnant at ANY time during your cycle so..there is a possibilty..i dont mind if im not but ill be happy if i am..we wanted to start trying in april anyways :p ...ill know for sure next just impatient about knowuing..i wish i could know now!! :)

    This is true, to a degree. The reason that there is no time that is considered 100% safe for avoiding pregnancy is because some women will not ovulate within what is considered the norm... about 12-16 days before your next period is due. Also, you can occasionally ovulate at a different time from what might be the norm for you. For example, if you normally ovulate around day 14 of your cycle, it can happen where in an off cycle you might happen to ovulate on maybe day 10 or day 18.

    You will only be able to get pregnant when you ovulate and the egg is only viable for about 12-24 hours. Some sperm may live a bit longer, but most sperm will live only for a few days in the environment that is present when a woman's body is preparing for ovulation. Sperm will die off fairly quickly at other times of the woman's cycle.

    Waiting to find out is hard... :) Fingers crossed for you!
  • Feb 27, 2009, 03:02 PM

    Thanks! Your answers are really helpfull:):) like I said all I can do is wait... my symptoms like nausea and heartburn are more in the morning.. I get some cramps but not much.. at night are more the vaginal swelling and sore type thing with cramps.. not painful though.. and earlier I got like a little shock like feeling in my lower abdomen.. all I'm wondering is if period symptoms can still cause all these types of symptoms.. thats why I'm impatient to know.. :) thanks again Doula! :) xoxox
  • Feb 27, 2009, 04:11 PM

    Just wait a week after yr period is due and test or if yr period don't show up u can test on the 6th also simple as that lollllllllllll
  • Mar 6, 2009, 05:43 AM


    Just to tell everyone on this thread that I AM indeeed pregnant, I took a test yesterday afternoon (1 day before my expected period) and it come out positive! Thanks for all your opinions:):):)
  • Mar 6, 2009, 06:08 AM

    Ohhhh congrats!!

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