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  • Feb 9, 2009, 02:38 PM
    Shadow People
    I hope someone can give me some answers to this problem. My daughter and son in law just moved into a new home and they have seen and heard a lot of stuff but, the thing that bothers them the most is they have both seen shadow people, and that scares the devil out of them but, worse than that is my son in law has been waking up with scratches on his forearm and back. There's always six scratch marks not five like you might expect. Has anyone ever dealt with stuff like this? I believe in ghost and spirits, I've seen my share but I have never had a negative experience. Thanks for any help.:)
  • Feb 9, 2009, 05:19 PM

    I have never heard of shadow people scratching but anything is possible and they say the shadow people are getting bolder. They use to disappear as soon as they realized that they were seen but they linger longer now.
  • Feb 9, 2009, 08:18 PM

    I saw one just the other day. I was heating my soup in the microwave, and there it was on the stairs in my office building.

    Six scratches, huh? Freaky. Well, I do tend to think the shadow people aren't native to this world. Darn illegal aliens. I'm sure they're only here for the welfare benefits. ;)

    Seriously, though, I'd be happy to consult with your son-in-law in more detail. Although driving them away completely might not be the right objective, he needs to find some way to tell them they don't get to go scratching him.
  • Feb 25, 2009, 12:38 PM

    6Scratches? Maybe Like A Mark Of The Devil You Know It... 666.. Creepy
  • Jul 28, 2010, 10:24 AM

    Originally Posted by Alder View Post
    I saw one just the other day. I was heating my soup in the microwave, and there it was on the stairs in my office building.

    Six scratches, huh? Freaky. Well, I do tend to think the shadow people aren't native to this world. Darn illegal aliens. I'm sure they're only here for the welfare benefits. ;)

    Seriously, though, I'd be happy to consult with your son-in-law in more detail. Although driving them away completely might not be the right objective, he needs to find some way to tell them they don't get to go scratching him.

    My little brother just started experiencing the "shadow people"... he describes it so weirdd? I actually posted a Question about it.
  • Jul 29, 2010, 01:12 AM

    Hello Poohcorner,

    There is a difference between seeing "Shadow People" and seeing shadow figures out of the corner of your eye. Nionetheless, no one (or thing) has the right to hurt another. Here is a website you might want to check out: LIFE Foundation, Inc Paranormal Help - Home.

    Good luck to you and your family.

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