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  • Jan 30, 2009, 01:58 PM
    Starting a horse rescue
    Is it possible to get a land grant for a non-profit horse rescue farm? Where would I look for this information. I haven't had much luck yet
  • Jan 31, 2009, 05:29 AM

    Hi, krb!

    Where have you looked so far, please?

  • Jan 31, 2009, 05:37 AM

    Originally Posted by krb View Post
    Is it possible to get a land grant for a non-profit horse rescue farm? Where would I look for this information. I haven't had much luck yet

    Hello k:

    If you mean, where can you get FREE money and/or land to start this business, you're not going to find any... Even if this was the GREATEST idea since sliced bread, ain't NOBODY going to shell out bucks to get you started.

    That just ain't the way the world works..

  • Jan 31, 2009, 05:44 AM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello k:

    If you mean, where can you get FREE money and/or land to start this business, you're not gonna find any.... Even if this was the GREATEST idea since sliced bread, ain't NOBODY gonna shell out bucks to get you started.

    That just ain't the way the world works..


    Hi, ex!

    Oh, I don't know about that! In my section of the woods in the Midwest, it might be possible for someone to donate space for such a thing, even if it weren't going to be for some sort of tax deduction.

    I can find people who'll be glad to lend me space for any number of business activities.

  • Jan 31, 2009, 06:12 AM
    Hello Clough:

    I don't disagree. In fact, if someone had the experience, contacts, and financing, and ALL they needed was some land, THAT could be a successful business.

    However, in my view, MOST of the people asking such questions here have NOTHING - NO experience, NO money, and NO idea of what they are considering... All they have is a fantasy.

    THOSE are the people who I'm addressing... Now, I don't know which category the OP falls into... But, I have a sneaking hunch the OP is more a dreamer than a businessperson.

  • Jan 31, 2009, 06:52 AM

    Hi, excon!

    I do agree with you about that concerning a lot of the posters. I just want to give them the benefit of the doubt before making some sort of judgment.

    A period allowed for discovery may be necessary for some of the folks that post here...

  • Jan 31, 2009, 01:54 PM

    First a horse resue is a wonder and great thing. You would have a professional grant writer review and see if they can find any government offers for any animial rights grants,

    You would need to form a non profit corporation to work though, using your years of experience with horses and animal you would also make contacts and ask for assitance though groups like PETA and the Humane Society.

    Then you contcact 100's of businesses, Walmart, Sears, look for horse groups, saddle manufactors, feed groups and more.
  • Feb 2, 2009, 10:44 AM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello Clough:

    I don't disagree. In fact, if someone had the experience, contacts, and financing, and ALL they needed was some land, THAT could be a successful business.

    However, in my view, MOST of the people asking such questions here have NOTHING - NO experience, NO money, and NO idea of what they are considering.... All they have is a fantasy.

    THOSE are the people who I'm addressing... Now, I don't know which category the OP falls into... But, I have a sneaking hunch the OP is more a dreamer than a businessperson.


    People that make judgements piss me off. I have worked with horses for 20 years and had my own business for 10 years. I have successfully rehabilitated abused and neglected horses. It's not just a fantasy, I have done research on it for a while.
  • Feb 2, 2009, 10:45 AM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    First a horse resue is a wonder and great thing. You would have a professional grant writer review and see if they can find any government offers for any animial rights grants,

    You would need to form a non profit corporation to work though, using your years of experience with horses and animal you would also make contacts and ask for assitance though groups like PETA and the Humane Society.

    Then you contcact 100's of businesses, Walmart, Sears, look for horse groups, saddle manufactors, feed groups and more.

    Thank you so much and I greatly appreciate the POSITIVE reply. Thanks for the tips!
  • Feb 10, 2010, 08:48 AM
    Ray Miller

    Originally Posted by krb View Post
    Is it possible to get a land grant for a non-profit horse rescue farm? Where would I look for this information. I haven't had much luck yet

    I am also looking for funding for a horse rescue farm for the day to day operation.

    I have 200 + acres and 19 outbuildings at my ranch in Wisconsin. Easy on easy off interstate access.

    I am in the process of forming a non-profit corp. to operated the rescue ranch.

    Perhaps we could work together.
  • Feb 10, 2010, 10:15 AM
    Wow. I lived in Wyoming before, but never been to Wisconsin=) I have started to go back to school to try to get into Physical Therapy school, although the horse rescue is what I really want. Have you had any luck finding funding? One of my ideas if I could ever get it off the ground is that I know a country singer- Jason Michael Carroll who has just recently gotten big. I am pretty sure he would do a benefit concert. I think fundraising, private, corporate donations are good ways to start.
  • Feb 10, 2010, 10:15 AM
    Wow. I lived in Wyoming before, but never been to Wisconsin=) I have started to go back to school to try to get into Physical Therapy school, although the horse rescue is what I really want. Have you had any luck finding funding? One of my ideas if I could ever get it off the ground is that I know a country singer- Jason Michael Carroll who has just recently gotten big. I am pretty sure he would do a benefit concert. I think fundraising, private, corporate donations are good ways to start.

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