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  • Jan 25, 2009, 01:18 AM
    Ways to advertise computer repair/networking services?
    Hey everyone. I have been attempting to get a small business off the ground that I have been investing my time into. Unfortunately, since I am unemployed and making so little money (around ~100-200 a week), I don't really have any money to sink into advertising. I am currently using craigslist and printing out "pull tab" fliers and putting them in local stores. I thought about maybe also making a magnet or decals for my truck. I am also in the process of creating a website, but I don't have a company name or web address picked out yet. Does anybody know of any free ways to market computer repair services besides the methods I am already using? I really need to succeed at this... I recently got into some trouble about a year ago and now have a criminal record so I can't rely on a company deciding on taking a chance with me.. You can read about that HERE . It's always been a dream of mine to run my own business.. I just need some help to get things going... any help anybody can give me would be welcome and well appreciated. Also, please feel free to comment about my other "problem" linked above...

    EDIT: I also have interests in electrical, plumbing, lawncare, pressure washing, heck Id even be a truck driver...

    Thanks again so much...
  • Jan 25, 2009, 01:39 AM
    Okay, I can understand why you're wanting to do this for the computer repair thing. But, you did list some other things that you might be able to do for gainful income.

    Let's work on the computer tech advertising then.

    What I'd like for you to do is to open up one, or two additional browsers, if you would, please.

    Please let me know when you've done that.

  • Jan 25, 2009, 01:40 AM

    Well, I am willing to do any of the things I mentioned in my other thread (electrical, plumbing, lawncare, pressure washing, etc.)

    OK, browser windows open...
  • Jan 25, 2009, 01:43 AM

    We can talk about the other things later...

    Do you have an email address that you can use that's not one of those like Yahoo, hotmail, you know, the generic kind. I hope you understand what I'm asking, because I'm not quite sure how to ask it. Do you have an email client that you can use that you actually pay for?

  • Jan 25, 2009, 01:44 AM

    Yes, I'll PM it to you right now...
  • Jan 25, 2009, 01:48 AM
    You don't need to private message it to me. I just need to know if you have that kind of email.

    I have to switch servers right now because of the errors that are happening. Will just take me a few seconds.

  • Jan 25, 2009, 01:49 AM

    Oh.. lol yes I do, well you have it now in a PM... lol
  • Jan 25, 2009, 01:53 AM

    Okay. I didn't switch servers yet because things seem to be going okay now. But, I did need to get rid of the accidental post that I made.

    What I'd like for you to do, is to go to and join the site.

    Please let me know when you've done that.

    The reason that I asked about an email account that you pay for, is that hoobly won't let you join unless you have that sort of account.

  • Jan 25, 2009, 01:59 AM

    Okay, I am now a member of
  • Jan 25, 2009, 02:05 AM

    That's great!

    Now, we need to work on the wording for your ad. Please write what exactly it is that you can do, regarding computers and the Internet, for people without putting any of your contact information in what you write.

  • Jan 25, 2009, 02:07 AM

    OK, give me a moment... and I'll post that here, yes?

    OK, here is what I have:

    We are a [Edit] based computer repair firm serving the [Edit] area. Most people never get their PC/Laptop fixed because they think it will be too expensive. We can normally fix 80% of issues for $50.00!* Compare our prices to Geek Squad, Fire Dog and Independent Micro. We will save you money! Some of our services include:
    • New PC Setup
    • “Bloatware” Cleanup
    • Performance Optimization
    • OS Security Analysis and Lockdown
    • Printer / Scanner / Fax Setup
    • Home / Office Networking Set Up
    • Existing Network Security Analysis / Lockdown
    • Data Backups
    • Pc / Laptop Repair*
    • Operating System Cleanup
    • Virus / Spyware / Adware Cleanup
    • Operating System Reloads
    • Component Upgrades
    • New Software Installation/Configuration
    • Data Recovery Services

    I'll explain the "*" here with what I have on my flier...

    *$50.00 fee for the first 2 hours of diagnostic / repair work. $50.00 minimum charge. We can fix 80% of problems within this time frame! Operating system reloads/extensive repairs /specialty services are additional. Call for details!
  • Jan 25, 2009, 02:13 AM

    Yes, post it here. I'll work everything out so that it's okay according to the site policies here so that nothing is construed to be advertising.

  • Jan 25, 2009, 02:16 AM

    Originally Posted by Clough View Post
    Yes, post it here. I'll work everything out so that it's okay according to the site policies here so that nothing is construed to be advertising.


    Done :)
  • Jan 25, 2009, 02:18 AM

    Originally Posted by JJCH View Post
    Hey everyone. I have been attempting to get a small business off the ground that I have been investing my time into. Unfortunately, since I am unemployed and making so little money (around ~100-200 a week), I don't really have any money to sink into advertising. I am currently using craigslist and printing out "pull tab" fliers and putting them in local stores. I thought about maybe also making a magnet or decals for my truck. I am also in the process of creating a website, but I dont have a company name or web address picked out yet. Does anybody know of any free ways to market computer repair services besides the methods I am already using? I really need to succeed at this.... I recently got into some trouble about a year ago and now have a criminal record so I can't rely on a company deciding on taking a chance with me.. You can read about that HERE . It's always been a dream of mine to run my own business.. I just need some help to get things going... any help anybody can give me would be welcome and well appreciated. Also, please feel free to comment about my other "problem" linked above...

    EDIT: I also have interests in electrical, plumbing, lawncare, pressure washing, heck Id even be a truck driver....

    Thanks again so much...

    Hi JJCH,

    One thing I've done to drum up business is go to local libraries, vetrans homes, and or community affairs and offer free classes to the community. You can offer giving free 2 weeks courses at local colleges, by talking with the Director of Academic Affairs... schools love when community members offer their services and eat them up like cookies.

    You can try adult schools and so on... When giving the classes hand out your cards and use the free courses as your marketing "hour" :)

    Courses that would really work well from my experiences are
    How to use email
    How to make a website
    How to use eBay
    How to use my iPod
    How to pay bills online

    Keep it simple... and things are easier that way.

    Hope this helps...
  • Jan 25, 2009, 02:18 AM

    Okay, I've edited possible locations in your ad so that it will not appear to be advertising and draw attention for people looking for the kind of services that you provide where you're located.

    Please give me a minute to review your ad and to make suggestions.

  • Jan 25, 2009, 02:20 AM

    Originally Posted by LetLiveLetBe View Post
    Hi JJCH,

    One thing I've done to drum up business is go to local libraries, vetrans homes, and or community affairs and offer free classes to the community. You can offer giving free 2 weeks courses at local colleges, by talking with the Director of Academic Affairs... schools love when community members offer thier services and eat them up like cookies.

    You can try adult schools and so on... When giving the classes hand out your cards and use the free courses as your marketing "hour" :)

    Courses that would really work well from my experiences are
    How to use email
    How to make a website
    How to use eBay
    How to use my ipod
    How to pay bills online

    Keep it simple... and things are easier that way.

    Hope this helps...

    That's a fantastic idea! If the college will let me since I do have a record? I wonder if they care about that? I find myself questioning everything I can do because of this [edit] record... :(


    Originally Posted by Clough View Post
    Okay, I've edited possible locations in your ad so that it will not appear to be advertising and draw attention for people looking for the kind of services that you provide where you're located.

    Please give me a minute to review your ad and to make suggestions.


    Thank You!

    Clough, check your pm when u get a sec.
  • Jan 25, 2009, 03:07 AM

    Sample ad...

    I've put fictitious locations in your ad.

    Title to possibly use: Smith, Florida Computer Repair, Smith County, Florida

    Computer repair service offering services in and around the vicinity of Smith, Florida. Over twenty years experience.

    Some of the services that we offer include:

    • New PC Setup
    • “Bloatware” Cleanup
    • Performance Optimization
    • OS Security Analysis and Lockdown
    • Printer / Scanner / Fax Setup
    • Home / Office Networking Set Up
    • Existing Network Security Analysis / Lockdown
    • Data Backups
    • Pc / Laptop Repair*
    • Operating System Cleanup
    • Virus / Spyware / Adware Cleanup
    • Operating System Reloads
    • Component Upgrades
    • New Software Installation/Configuration
    • Data Recovery Services

    Most people never get their PC/Laptop fixed because they think it will be too expensive. We can normally fix 80% of issues for $50.00!* Compare our prices to Geek Squad, Fire Dog and Independent Micro. We will save you money!

    *$50.00 fee for the first 2 hours of diagnostic / repair work. $50.00 minimum charge. We can fix 80% of problems within this time frame! Operating system reloads/extensive repairs /specialty services are additional.

    Free phone consultation. Some of your problems might be able to be fixed over the phone!

    Please call or email [Your Name] at [Contact numbers and email address or addresses]

    Please visit our website at: [Link to Website]

    Keywords: Computer repair services in Florida, Smith Florida computer repairing service, computers for sale in Smith Florida, Expert computer laptop repair, Computer upgrades, rebuilding an old computer, data recovery, computer repair and support, small business IT help in and around the [location], computer laptop repair, computer geeks, I need to get my computer fixed, electronic repair service in Smith Florida, repairing and rebuilding computers in Smith Florida, Jackson County Florida, Jason Florida, computer testing, diagnostics of computers, computer tune-ups, trouble-shooting, utilities, computer hardware and software, computer virus repair, utilities for computers, best computer repair service, [any town, city or location that you might feel to be relevant.]

    Area codes: 786, 132, 354, 478, 786, 987, 948

    Zip Codes: 19872, 39873, 47887, 98732
  • Jan 25, 2009, 03:13 AM

    Originally Posted by JJCH View Post
    Thats a fantastic idea!! If the college will let me since I do have a record? I wonder if they care about that? I find myself questioning everything I can do because of this [edit] record... :(

    Well, I use to be a division chair for a community college our forms for volunteers to give classes didn't include back ground checks... or quesitons of "jail time served" :) . So it would depend, but if I were you, don't ask... don't tell policy works for way too many people in this world. :)~.

    Good luck to you. :)
  • Jan 25, 2009, 03:13 AM
    Also, you might want to click here, here, here and here for some additional examples.


    I will "see" you sometime soon then, JJCH! And, I do wish you well with whatever it is that you do today.

    Please do wait to post an ad on, because there's something really neat that happens about that!

  • Jan 25, 2009, 10:38 AM

    Hey clough! Got your ad format, looks good! I will definitely wait to post for when I talk to you again. Its 12:38pm here right now and I have to leave around 1:30 to do some work for a client so I will see you soon when I can.

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