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  • Jan 24, 2009, 10:32 PM
    do i have a mental disorder?
    I don't sleep as much as I used to, can't concentrate on on some things I don't trust any one (even my family) sometimes I don't like it when they know how I feel, friends is a lie, love is a lie (being alone sucks), a year ago I used to cut myself after I stopped I started to see a black dot in my left eye it still comes and goes when I used to have friends I felt like I had a connection with them even when they were not there I'm not interested in people I can't relate to when something horrible happens I block it out and I don't really remember, sometimes I don't pay attention when people are talking to me I have a lot of trouble telling people what I'm talking about people often misjudge what my expressions or emotions are I almost became anarexic (im over it now) sometimes it takes me a few days to know if I'm sad or mad about something it's like my emotions and myself aren't always connected
  • Jan 24, 2009, 10:38 PM
    nike 1
    This sounds like a major case of anxiety. You may want to consult a professional who will be able to diagnose your problem and provide therapy and or proper medication.
  • Jan 24, 2009, 10:40 PM

    But I'm always calm..
  • Jan 24, 2009, 10:43 PM
    nike 1
    May I ask how old you are?
  • Jan 24, 2009, 10:52 PM
  • Jan 24, 2009, 10:57 PM
    nike 1
    You are very young and what you are going through may just be a thing of adolescence. I would talk with your parents about your issues.
  • Jan 24, 2009, 11:13 PM

    Its hard to be 16. So many conflicting emotions.You are an adult but you are treated as a child.You struggle with relationships and you are coming to a new understanding of who you are.Its tough and sometimes it really sucks.You are growing and growing is often painful.

    Its no wonder you feel confused and depressed.And at 16 its so easy to over think everything.The one question that a lot of teens have is why ? Why do I feel this and why do I want this and why to everything.

    All that over thinking is stressful. If you can't stop these unwelcome thoughts and feelings with something more positive,like hanging with friends or a hobby I suggest you seek advice from a school counselor.

    It gets better with time.You are not alone ,growing up is hard and finding your place in the world is hard too.. but it does get better.
  • Jan 24, 2009, 11:19 PM

    From what I read in your post I think you should get some good non bias professional help and just to have someone to talk to that's not a friend or family member would be great. Say what ever you want and it stays with you and the other professional.
    Just to put you at ease, statistically 1 of ten people have some sort of mental disorder. That's part of being human who to say who is right or wrong.
    You can be whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt anybody or physically hurt yourself.
    The problems we have in how we feel should be address as how it effects our personal quality of the life we would like to have within reason.
    Don't worry what others think. You do what you need for you to get healthy and happier.
    Remember, this doesn't get fixed like a part for a car or in a bottle of love and happiness. If it did I would like to order a case.
    So be selfish for yourself and see a professional and get a tune up. I think just getting it off your chest is the best step you or anyone can do.
    Some of the best minds in the world can find themselves in a mental slump at a certain point in life. So just for kicks and giggles see someone and you may be surprised how good that will feel when ONE person won't judge you and want to truly help you.
    Nature plays tricks some of us are born with physical chemical in-balances and it takes some time to get that figured out. So don't feel like your alone if you have thoughts of questioning if you have a mental disorder. The question is not whether you have one, it's a matter of what YOU want to do to change what ever feelings you are going through. Many of times we can't do this alone even though we think we can a professional is the way to go for getting it solved.
    I have a couple of very close friends that are diagnosed Bi Polar and they are differently refreshing to hang around when you understand what Bi polar is. We joke and say this is a moment where are having here. So its all good that way. So weather you are a teen or an old fart its all the same for everybody when it comes to our feelings.
    So hang in there and there are plenty of GREAT people here that would love to bounce thoughts back and forth and the people on this site are very good people that ask for nothing from you and just want to share with you. So get back and let us know some more and what your new day was for you.
    I'm not an expert here but I can remember the tuff times growing up and feeling like the world doesn't make sense and is cruel. Well a lot older now and boy am I glad I was totally wrong on what I used to feel about things
    I developed a saying for myself. If I don't have fun its MY own Fault.
    I took it a step further I figured if I did my society thing I will be depressed but I put a hourly time limit on it. So I thought Good I was depressed for past of the day got that part of the job out of the way, and thought come hell or high water I'm going to be happy for the rest of the day and not give a krap what anybody else thinks bottom its MY life and MY choice and I will do what I want to and that's that. So I pick happy and nobody is going to ruin that because I'm better and bigger than them.

    Signed 21 Boat

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  • Jan 24, 2009, 11:42 PM

    I took a few test and they said I have schizoid personality disorder I have no idea I just want to know if there's something wrong with me I don't care about how being 16 is confuseing and how I should feel about getting help I just would like to know if I'm crazy or not that's all
  • Jan 24, 2009, 11:44 PM
    Umm I don't think seeing a dot in my eye is finding sonthing new about myself no offense
  • Jan 25, 2009, 12:15 AM

    If this was a true test and that's the result already you are on your way stepping in the right direction.
    Its like worrying going to the doctor thinking you may have a bad heart and die and just find out there is a irregular heart beat and now you know there is a treatment for that and life will go on Cool!
    Same as what you were told as a disorder which may be chemical and no matter what this is probably the FIRST time something is not your fault at ALL. Think how many times you were blamed for something and it WAS your fault. Well this one isn't
    That in itself is great. Its all treatable thing and good professional are there to help you and guide you.
    What ever happens its NOT your fault so don't be hard on yourself and get yourself worked up over a test. By the way I like to call It a SURVEY and for good reasons
    A test you can flunk and not graduate from school. A test could be flunking a drivers course.
    I'm not a professional here but I do No ONE thing and I will guarantee ALL professionals will agree a "test" is not really a test it's a survey. To find out information about a person or how they feel or what they think is a SURVEY that's taken by answering questions that were asked.
    So the word society like to use is "I was tested" It sounds more official and sometimes I think its used that way to make the 'Tester" person feel better which also isn't a bad thing.
    Bottom line they tester person wants to feel good about themselves TOO. I know I would.
    When was the last time someone got mad at themselves because they felt to good about that day in there life.
    So my friend Don't worry You just had a survey done and now there is a way to go front and know what needs done to do that. Thank God for surveys to help things
    So keep everyone hear posted to let us know how the day or night is going and thanks so much for sharing your life to us that way!! :cool:

    Signed 21 Boat

    If I Helped To Answer Your Question Please Rate My Answer
  • Jan 25, 2009, 12:25 AM
    nike 1

    Originally Posted by pinkytweak16 View Post
    i took a few test and they said i have schizoid personality disorder i have no idea i just wanna know if theres somthing wrong with me i dont care about how being 16 is confuseing and how i should feel about getting help i just would like to know if im crazy or not thats all

    If you have already been diagnosed with this condition then stick with what that professional has prescribed for you whether it be therapy or medication. Other than that, we have all been sixteen here at one point in our lives. And many of us have felt some of the same ways you do now. And we have all wondered if we were crazy or not. Growing up is a confusing time in your life and you just have to trust that you will get through this. You are not a particular case as we have all been there. You are simply going through a process from chilhood to adulthood. The best you can do is accept this change in your life, and not be so critical about these symptoms of adolescence. Talk with your parents about what you are going through and how you are feeling. Do not shut them out and toss them up as not understanding you. They have been through it also in there lives and can be the best support you will have while dealing with these years. And you definitely need to tell them about this dot in your eye.
  • Jan 25, 2009, 12:49 AM

    Originally Posted by pinkytweak16 View Post
    i took a few test and they said i have schizoid personality disorder i have no idea i just wanna know if theres somthing wrong with me i dont care about how being 16 is confuseing and how i should feel about getting help i just would like to know if im crazy or not thats all

    Honey ,no one here can tell you something like that. Your not crazy.You may need help but your not crazy.

    You need some guidance and help so go get it.Instead of spending time asking strangers what they think about your mental health seek out the people who love you and know you and will help you.

    We are not doctors ,just other people, not experts.All we can do is give you the benefit of our experience.

    Talk to your parents.My kids always came to me,sometimes more than I wanted ,told me things I didn't want to know ,they were way too open and honest but I dealt and so will your
    Parents.Try it,it might work.

    God Bless.. Michele
  • Jan 25, 2009, 01:06 AM

    Well I would not tell my parents cause they actually shut me out plus I think I freaked them out enough but that's a different story lol umm thank you guys for your advice gbu you guys
  • Jan 25, 2009, 01:23 AM

    Originally Posted by pinkytweak16 View Post
    well i would not tell my parents cause they actualy shut me out plus i think i freaked em out enough but thats a different story lol umm thank you guys for your advice gbu you guys

    Send me a personal message and we can talk.Believe me I have done it all when I was young and if I haven't I know someone who did and then there are all the kids I helped to raise.You can't shock me! I may be old but I know a lot. We can talk .Trust me I'm cool all my sons friends and their friends come to me.I don't judge.
  • Jan 25, 2009, 01:48 AM

    Originally Posted by pinkytweak16 View Post
    i dont sleep as much as i used to, can't concentrate on on some things i don't trust any one (even my family) sometimes i don't like it when they know how i feel, friends is a lie, love is a lie (being alone sucks), a year ago i used to cut myself after i stopped i started to see a black dot in my left eye it still comes and goes when i used to have friends i felt like i had a connection with them even when they were not there i'm not interested in people i can't relate to when somthing horrible happens i block it out and i don't really remember, sometimes i don't pay attention when people are talking to me i have alot of trouble telling people what i'm talking about people often misjudge what my expressions or emotions are i almost became anarexic (im over it now) sometimes it takes me a few days to know if im sad or mad about somthing it's like my emotions and myself arn't always connected


    Do your best to not catagorize "mental" or put yourself into that category. :)

    There's a lot to take a look at, but simply :

    First you should go to your doctor and get a physical. Make sure your hormones are in balance and that your blood work is within standard norms.
    When your physical body isn't healthy is causes your brain to secret hormones which influce a lot of things such as the ability not to sleep well.

    The inability to sleep is tremendous and can make a person paranoid, not able to each, become indifferent (unable to feel).

    So, please make sure to get some medical help before you catagorize yourself in a mental place.

    Okay, then... after that... if the doctor tells you that your physical fine you must tell him exactly what you typed in your psting, it's important. Most likely the doctor will refer you to a person you can address the mental side of these issues.

    Behavior and Mental issues are similar and not always the same. Take some time to read up on things. Learn about how your brain works. Learn about how your body and your brain function together. Learn about hormones and how they affect your ability to do many things.

    Talk with a doctor, friend, parent, maybe if you attend group functions such as religious organizations and/or such.

    Your issuse you typed about are all issues I have dealt with my whole life. And this I have to say to you. If I am not physically healthy my ability to mentally cope is taxed. And, unfortunately, my mental ability was taxed as a child. I grew up in an abusive environment, which has caused me some growing pains that often times people are quick to catagorize as "mental" but really they are behavioral...

    Or my way of looking at the world, my mental attitude about my situation.

    Please reach out to someone, talk about what your typing, sometimes that's the solution in a nutshell, just to talk about it.

    Also, something else to takea look at? Maybe take a look at the possibility that you may be highly introverted living in highly extroverted world. You may also be very sensitive to people and have natural tendencies to block bad energy from people. I am not aware of your age, but my advice to you is...

    Please be careful about labeling yourself... Only you can truly understand where you are at all times, it's the rest of the world who's left wondering... :)



    Originally Posted by pinkytweak16 View Post
    umm i dont think seeing a dot in my eye is finding sonthing new about myself no offense

    Pinky, the dot in your eye could be what is called a floater. Often people get them when under a lot of stress, it's the "pop" (nothing to worry about) of a tiny tiny blood vessel and that black spot is "scar"... you'll probably have it your whole life. I've got two them, and I especially see them when in direct sunlight. If the dot moves definitely a floater. Maybe having an eye exam can clear it up for you. Stigmatisms are maybe also something to look into, but that usually comes with eye strain and the use of glasses. :)


    Originally Posted by pinkytweak16 View Post
    i took a few test and they said i have schizoid personality disorder i have no idea i just wanna know if theres somthing wrong with me i dont care about how being 16 is confuseing and how i should feel about getting help i just would like to know if im crazy or not thats all

    You are not crazy Pinky, you just need to follow your heart. Sounds like you've got a lot of people pushing you to maybe do things you may not want to do... thus your body is reacting to them the way it is.

    If you've only had a few test and you haven't been in therapy for at least 6 months (once a week) no doctor can give you such a diagnosis. If someone did... they are the ones who are "crazy" and I would suggest a 2nd opinion, you have that right.

    Don't take everything to heart, and hold some "open" space in your heart to maybe hear what others have to say to help... but truly your only 16 and in order for anyone to be schizoid you must have a childhood past in which you've been "acting out" getting into trouble with authority (maybe jail time), doing things to violate others, and a handful of other things... the list could be endless if someone tried to make a list... :)

    Schizoid is a behavioral issue. No medicine, or physical issues are involved. I serioualy hope you went to your family doctor and had your blood work done (please see my first post to your original posting).

    Shoot your 16 your hormones are flying off the chart every where and they are suppose to! You are going to be highly susceptible and vunerable to many things.

    Give yourself a chance... BY no way shape or form are you crazy... Schizoid is merely a "LABEL" for people who behave a little outside the bell curve in which most people don't know what to say when people act "differently"...

    Also, not saying you do, but if you are having a difficult time sensing any pleasure you might want to look into "depression" because depression can manifest into INDIFFERENCE (the inability to feel temporaily, and temp can mean years in some cases).

    Take a look at this website for some info: 2KnowMySelf | The Ultimate Source for Self Understanding , getting more than 300,000 visits each month

    If you are experimenting with drugs:

    Then these sorts of activities DIRECTLY affect your brain chemistry and affects an area in your brain (limbic system) and makes it difficult for a person to experience pleasure.

    It's like you're over exhausting your hormorne secrection for pleasure because the drug use stimulates it constantly... wearing your pleasure principle on "thin ice"... so if your experiementing, you might want to stop and see if your symptoms lighten... generally takes 180 days of no drug use to begin to notice a difference or not... be aware.

    I wish you the best pinky...
  • Jan 25, 2009, 02:02 PM

    Pinky, You are working as hard as you can to be a negative and disfunctional person. Why is that? :)

    Girl, you have to find out with the help of a professional. Are you jealous of the popular girls? Are you overweight? And so on??

    The goal in life for everyone is to be happy. You have to lay down a solid foundation now... get a good education, take up hobbies and sports, makd friends... volunteer your time once a week...

    Get some help now.

    Best wishes to you in the future, :)
  • Jan 25, 2009, 02:48 PM

    Ahh whatever lol I don't care anymore and I'm not going to tell my parents or go to a doctor cause that's too serious I was just scared that something migth be wrong with me (again) but you guys are telling me that there's nothing wrong with me so I guess there isn't thanks again oh and I'm not introverted
  • Jan 25, 2009, 03:32 PM

    Hi pinkytweak.. you say that you've been diagnosed with this... schzoid personality disorder... I 'm just wondering how that conclusion was made!. I know you said you had a test!

    Were you refferred to the relevant specialist and clinic who studied your case history for a while or was it a case of visiting the Gp's surgery who perscibed pills to take?

    I have to say my son has a mental disorder which took 10 years to diagnose so I am really surprised that you have been so definitely.

    You need to have several visits to a Psychiatrist who will talk to you in great depth and who will also want you to talk about everything in your life.. or not as the case may be.. say it as you see it and not what you think they want to hear... don't hold back.

    If you cannot speak out about it, put it on paper.. sometimes that's easier, you can then just hand it to the therapist.

    Also keep a daily diary, starting from how you feel when you first get up, then several points throughout the day, take it to your next appointment, it will help the therapist to form some idea of what your daily life envolves ,your thoughts how you feel, is there a pattern or trigger, and so forth.

    I know it requires some effort from you but please give it a try, this is the only insight that will give the professionals a decision on how to treat you and make you feel better...

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