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  • Jan 17, 2009, 12:01 PM
    How do you know if a talent agent really wants to work with you?
    I just found a talent agent. They asked for Resume, pic, and anything else. I did a commercial script, and then I showed them a YouTube video of me on-line. Then she gave me her biz card, some labels of her address, and a few invoice vouchers (think that's what it's called). She said she wants to work with me, and that she has some gigs in mind. Does this mean she really wants to work with me? I just feel that since nothing was signed, I really don't think she's my agent.
    Can someone help me out?
  • Jan 17, 2009, 12:34 PM

    Originally Posted by HK5fan View Post
    I just found a talent agent. They asked for Resume, pic, and anything else. I did a commercial script, and then I showed them a youtube video of me on-line. Then she gave me her biz card, some labels of her address, and a few invoice vouchers (think that's what it's called). She said she wants to work with me, and that she has some gigs in mind. Does this mean she really wants to work with me? I just feel that since nothing was signed, I really don't think she's my agent.
    Can someone help me out?

    She's not your agent until you have a contract with her. It's the same as any other business arrangement.

    I have no idea why she gave you her address labels. The business cards I understand but SHE should be sending you out for try-outs, look sees, auditions.

    I also can't believe U-Tube is being used to evaluate talent but I suppose the World is changing.

    I'd be very careful here because I can't - quite frankly - figure out her angle. How did you meet this person?

    My Agent had a pretty iron clad contract, Attorneys on both sides, everything spelled out and enforceable.
  • Jan 17, 2009, 12:44 PM
    Thank you so much. That's what I thought. I found her on a Google search.
    Do you have any recommendations on how I can find an agent? Plus, do I have to find a agent from the same state or can I look anywhere in the USA? :)
  • Jan 17, 2009, 12:56 PM

    Originally Posted by HK5fan View Post
    Thank you so much. That's what I thought. I found her on a google search.
    Do you have any recommendations on how I can find an agent? Plus, do I have to find a agent from the same state or can I look anywhere in the USA? :)

    I was living in NY City. My Agent was in Toronto, Ontario.

    I would find someone local or else it's almost impossible to audit, evaluate, that type of thing. The local Agent has connections somewhere else and so it sort of blossoms out from there.

    I have no idea who is any good - any of the big ones in big Cities, of course, but on a smaller or local scale, I don't really know.
  • Jan 17, 2009, 12:59 PM
    Thank you again for your diligent response.
    I'm in the city, I've been getting people that say they work on referals only. Is there anyway around that?
  • Jan 17, 2009, 01:05 PM

    Originally Posted by HK5fan View Post
    Thank you again for your diligent response.
    I'm in the city, I've been getting people that say they work on referals only. Is there anyway around that?

    Once you contract with an agent - at least this was in my roommate's contract, my contract - any and all work went though the agent and we paid the percentage. We were not allowed to work without identifying our agent.

    Certainly everyone goes out on auditions and might get lucky but if you have an agent he/she can put in a good word, has someone's ear, so to speak.

    The agent was also very helpful when it came to union work and union cards/membership.
  • Jan 17, 2009, 01:08 PM
    Judy, you have so much knowledge in this industry.
    Thanks so much.
    If you have any other advice that you want to share, please feel free to share.

    Thank you again, and stay warm.
  • Jan 17, 2009, 01:18 PM

    Originally Posted by HK5fan View Post
    Judy, you have so much knowledge in this industry.
    Thanks so much.
    If you have any other advice that you want to share, please feel free to share.

    Thank you again, and stay warm.

    Thanks but it's been a while. My other advice is to be very careful of extra charges - you know, the "my cousin, the photographer, needs to do your headshots," that type of thing. You certainly need to deal with professionals but just make sure they are recognized and respected.

    And as far as stay warm - I'm sure trying! Will this weather never end?

    Good luck.
  • Jan 17, 2009, 01:26 PM
    Thank you. Yeah wish the cold would stop too!
    Take care. If I have any other questions later, is it OK if I contact you? Through here.:D
  • Jan 17, 2009, 02:12 PM

    Originally Posted by HK5fan View Post
    Thank you. Yeah wish the cold would stop too!
    Take care. If I have any other questions later, is it ok if I contact you? Through here.:D

    Sure, contact me through here. I hate the private PM thing and if we do that, nobody learns anything.

    Do you have much experience, professional, amateur? That's how people get seen and signed by agents.
  • Jan 17, 2009, 02:43 PM
    I will contact you. :)

    Yes, I'm going to be on the next season of Hell's Kitchen. I've been an extra on Sex in the City- The Movie, and I have done some commercials for international websites.
  • Feb 1, 2009, 01:18 AM

    Hello HK, You sound as though you already have had an agent in the past? Or did you get the extra shot/job and other work on your own? I must say I am very very impressed. And jealous. I would love to look out for you on the next episode of Hell's Kitchen. I do not watch it but I would love to see you on it. Who were you in Sex in the City? If you'd rather not say, I understand. I was an extra in a smaallll budget movie. Nothing nasty or anything, just small time. I didn't have a speaking part either. I just had to pretend I was speaking. There were a few scenes I was in but the experience was great and a lot of fun as you already must know. I've also danced/performed, choreographed for small productions, and taught children's dance. I had a similar situation as you did where they did not sign anything. I signed something but they didn't. If she calls you, you will know. If they ask for money up front, you'll get the idea. Then you do want a contract. I'm sure you know better that if an agent wants you, they are not going to necessarily ask you for money beyond the norm. I'll bet you know this much already but just in case. In the meantime, it sure can't hurt to keep looking around. You're worth it and a good agent will be quick to pick you up. Also, YouTube and MySpace are indeed ways to get noticed or have your work seen. Quite a few artists made it quite big for themselves that way, especially on MySpace. Best to you always you lucky lucky and obviously very talented woman!!

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