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  • Jul 26, 2006, 02:55 PM
    Guitar! Guitar!. need an online guru!.
    Okay.. here's the thing:

    I have an electric guitar on me with a mini-amp and I love playing with it but I want to learn how to actually play it. After repeated 'playing' I have learned the strokes and fingering a little bit on my own but without some theoretical understanding, I don't seem to move on from here.
    I wanted to see if anybody had any ideas about online guitar tutorials? At least the ones that teach you how to read/play the tabs.btw, Does guitar pro have a tutorial built in it? I've only heard about it.

    Just curious...

    Guitar has been on the things to do list for the summer... can't wait to get the rhythm right.
  • Jul 26, 2006, 03:14 PM
    The best way, in my opinion, to learn guitar, is to invest in a teacher. At least until you have learned a bit of theory. Once you can chord a little, read tab or notation and understand how to build on that skill, then go at it on your own for a while. Any one that says they are self taught, probably had someone that could play showing them some tricks at some time while learning.
    I am not saying you can't completely teach yourself, but it will just take a long time if you don't give up first. A good teacher can have you strumming a little dity in no time and that will give you the desire to go forward and expand. Theory will give you the reasoning behind what you are playing and teach you how to create your own style.
    Internet courses are all well and fine if you know what they are talking about. I have seen a few that leave much to be desired. I have seen even more in which just getting your money is much more important than you becoming a great guitarist. If you don't like the teacher you have hired to teach you then you can find someone else and you are only out the cost of one session. Most importanly, Keep jammin man!
  • Jul 26, 2006, 05:45 PM
    My wife is a professional musician, she of course had college degrees in music, now she has taught herself 5 or 6 instruments but she already had a great understanding of theory and music.

    You can buy a music theory book and study but if you really want to learn to play the guitar, take lessons from a professional teacher.

    Beyond theory there are many methods, the professionals in Nashville for example have their own coding that they use when mark their music so tohers can play with them in certain ways.

    Check your teachers background. Many people who just learn to play try to teach, but if they are not really good at not only playing but the theory of music, and so on.

    There is no good online or self taught, you can learn that way in spite of it, if you work and try hard, but a good teacher is the best.

    ** I will say my wife and I own and operate a music school, so I have an opinion
  • Oct 3, 2009, 11:34 PM
    Rocker Jack V

    Do not pay for an online course. You should learn the basics on your own or with the help of a teacher. After you learn the basics you will probably want to start thinking more about your goals as a guitar player. Do you want to write songs? Do you just want to play your favorite songs? Do you want to be in a band?
    This website will help you : Free guitar lessons - - Learn how to play Guitar free here!
  • Dec 26, 2009, 12:17 AM

    I don't think private teaching is a good idea for the high price!
    I recommend you learn guitar online,
    Here is a guitar player's blog,some of tips are very helpful,
    Guitar Learning Blog
  • Dec 26, 2009, 02:55 AM
    Just so others know who continue to post on this thread, it's nearly four years old now.

  • Dec 28, 2009, 07:41 PM

    I have learned guitar ten years give you a good website Jamorama Review | User Reviews of Jamorama
  • Mar 22, 2010, 08:31 AM

    In my opinion the best way is to teach yourself how to play. Think of a simple sounding song you really like and learn TABS for it. If you don't know what that is Google it.
    Also a great website for TABS is
  • Mar 22, 2010, 08:48 AM

    Oh by the way I will teach you if you want. I have skype and my camera is good enough to send a good picture and sound. I can teach via webcam!!
  • Mar 3, 2011, 07:10 PM
    Check out YouTube. Type it how to play the guitar. Or. Guitar theory. There really are a lot of good players on YouTube that will explain most everything.check out this link
    They have a lot of good stuff on it.

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