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  • Jan 8, 2009, 10:56 PM
    Losing weight
    Hello, I'm 14, about 5'7. A little overweight. I weigh about 180. I do have a lot of muscle on me, but there is some fat around my face, chest, stomach, thighs, (everywhere) :p I really am not that "fat". But, I am kind of a couch potato and do eat a lot. What are some good meals that I can eat, and some excercises that I could do to burn off this ugly fat :p
    I want to be able to see my abs, which I can feel :p that I know are underneath! I would just like to loose some weight, maybe be about 140. I don't feel comfortable at 180. I'm the "fat kid" at school, I have gotten used to it, but I'd rather not be the fat kid. Suggestions on meals, workouts, any extra words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :)
  • Jan 8, 2009, 11:08 PM

    I'm 13 and my mom is the same she's a little over weight I know something perfect for u OK start eating nice salads with a liquid Dressing not a creamy one and type in free movies on Google when your alone if your scared to it in front of people type in the search button (Hip Hop Abbs) my mom lost a lot of weight so its perfect for you and don't take a lot of food take enough that will fill you up but won't be a lot
  • Jan 8, 2009, 11:10 PM
    JUMP ROPE will be perfect for you try to do around 100 jumps on the jump rope a day than relax with some water and then strech
  • Jan 8, 2009, 11:11 PM

    Surprisingly, I don't eat that bad. I have a slow metabolism, but I do partake in the occasional goldfish cracker or two :P
  • Jan 8, 2009, 11:11 PM
    I do not eat sweets, I do drink pop... which I need to stop. I need to lose this weight though.
    It's ugly :O
  • Jan 8, 2009, 11:17 PM

    But you I feel you for the last week I've been pigging out of sweets and pop I guess because I fear for my mom lol she's gone on a plane to cuba and I'm scared for her I hate planes lmao but you just jump rope a lot be in lots of sports stuff even if your not good you still loose pounds by mom she feels young and she's way more happy and she only lost around 30 or 40 pounds... I'm going to be back to working out too but I'm not over weight but if I keep doing that I will be
  • Jan 8, 2009, 11:19 PM

    I'm lazy, but also doesn't mean I can't do a lot of workouts. I can run pretty fast for a fat boi :P But... I used to be in Tae-kwon-do. So that helped me with stamina. I can do a lot of things skinny people cannot do either. Don't be afraid to push the limits on some of the stuff you tell me peoples :) thanks
  • Jan 8, 2009, 11:20 PM

    I hoped I help you but I think you should try jump rope it's a great work out evey person that works out jump ropes a lot way more than the push ups and sit ups and that
  • Jan 9, 2009, 05:45 AM

    Try to cut way back, if not out completely, the pop. Keep up with the healthy eating... don't deprive yourself of some treat you want once in awhile, just don't go over the top with it.

    Get some sort of exercise everyday... start slow if you need to, but the key is to stick with it. Takes a bit of time before it becomes habit and usually after the first few weeks you will find it easier to keep going. Easy to go all out in the beginning and then burn out on it. Find something fun to keep you moving. Anyway to get back into the tae-kwon-do? Any sports at school you might get involved in?

    Healthy food and drink choices... only occasional goodies in limited amounts... and daily exercise are things you can keep going with easily for a lifetime. This becomes even more important later on when you are older and your metabolisim will naturally start to slow down... plus the habits you have now, can greatly effect your health later on.
  • Jan 9, 2009, 05:45 AM

    Hello there.

    If you feel you don't really need to lose much weight you really don't need to worry about it at all.

    It sounds like you just need to trim. The best way is to do something you enjoy (a sport or fitness training) that has a regular program so you fit into it without worrying when and what to do.

    Secondly, the eating thing is easy. Just eat healthy foods i.e. vegetables, rice, cereals, chicken, fish, fruits and drink lots of water. But do this as part or your life style change and focus and never go back to eating unhealthy or doing no excersises.
  • Jan 9, 2009, 05:52 AM

    Well, the Tae-Kwon-Do school was very expensive to promote. I might get back into MMA, But... As of now, can't get back in. As I said, I might get into more MMA... but, Not really any school sports right now.
  • Jan 9, 2009, 05:58 AM

    Cost can keep some things out of reach, so go for what is free. Walking... running... mix it up. If you have free weights, use those... or just use some cans for now. Get a cheap jump rope, rent some workout videos, whatever will get you moving and keep you moving.

    Start today... go for a walk or if the where you live the weather prohibits that, do something as simple as jogging in place, some pushups, etc. while watching TV.
  • Jan 19, 2009, 09:52 PM

    The pop has to stop, too much sugar, sugar is simply excess calories, you need to get off the couch and walk, run use a bike but move... at least for 15 minutes, then work your way up to 30 3x a week. The truth is you have to cut out a lot of stuff you love, salty snacks, like chips, fast foods, cakes, cookies, most goodies, for the time being. Snack on fruits, small amounts of nuts or seeds, fruits, veggies, and eat healthy foods, wheat instead of white flour products. Lean meats, like turkey, chicken breast, fish, loin type meats, dairy products, low fat/skim milk, cheese, yogurt Just for a start. CUt out soda, presweetened drinks, anything with excess sugar, fats, salt! No way around it!
  • Jan 19, 2009, 09:52 PM

    The pop has to stop, too much sugar, sugar is simply excess calories, you need to get off the couch and walk, run use a bike but move... at least for 15 minutes, then work your way up to 30 3x a week. The truth is you have to cut out a lot of stuff you love, salty snacks, like chips, fast foods, cakes, cookies, most goodies, for the time being. Snack on fruits, small amounts of nuts or seeds, fruits, veggies, and eat healthy foods, wheat instead of white flour products. Lean meats, like turkey, chicken breast, fish, loin type meats, dairy products, low fat/skim milk, cheese, yogurt, Just for a start. Cut out soda, presweetened drinks, anything with excess sugar, fats, salt! No way around it!
  • Jan 23, 2009, 01:01 AM
    qween bee

    Swimminqq is qreatt ! It works out everywhere! Plus its fun! I do it & it worksz qreat. Also eat special k & replace a meal or two w/. A slim fast shake. Lower your soda intake. Water is the best !
  • Jan 23, 2009, 03:33 PM

    Oh my goodness. You are 14, and a boy. If you don't grow out of a little chubbiness in the next year, it won't be difficult for you to lose any unwanted weight. The pop should do a lot of it. And for the rest, just go on a walk every day, some crunches, and push ups... old school, I know, but it works! I dropped to my pre-pregnancy weight in a matter of a few months, and then some with that routine...

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