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  • Jan 2, 2009, 04:19 AM
    14 years old, 18 years old
    If a 14 year old girl and an 18 year old guy were in love, and had sex. Would the 18 year old be classed as a pedo'?
  • Jan 2, 2009, 04:26 AM

    Hi, Roosie!

    Maybe, maybe not. Depends on the laws in place where it happened.

    Why are you asking, please?

  • Jan 2, 2009, 04:31 AM

    Originally Posted by Clough View Post
    Why are you asking, please?

    Sheer curiosity
  • Jan 2, 2009, 04:36 AM

    Originally Posted by Roosie View Post
    Sheer curiosity

    Hmmm... If I were to say that he would definitely be classed as a pedophile and would have to register on some sort of registry for the rest of his life, what would you say then? That might be the case, you know.

    More specifics are definitely needed here from you in order to give you the best answers.

  • Jan 2, 2009, 04:43 AM
    They are most definitely ages that people get most confused about, when you're 14 you've got your own views and can think for yourself, many people think of that age as, still just a child who cannot think right, or make serious decisions, whereas others may say it's a very respectable age where people start taking charge of their life.
    And as for 18, they're an adult, sure. But many people see 18 as that still a teen age, if you understand what I mean.
    But I s'pose it's all down to morals and maturity.
  • Jan 2, 2009, 04:52 AM

    Originally Posted by Roosie View Post
    They are most definately ages that people get most confused about, when you're 14 you've got your own views and can think for yourself, many people think of that age as, still just a child who cannot think right, or make serious decisions, whereas others may say it's a very respectable age where people start taking charge of their life.
    And as for 18, they're an adult, sure. But many people see 18 as that still a teen age, if you understand what I mean.
    But I s'pose it's all down to morals and maturity.

    Sure, morals and maturity issues are a big part of whether the 18 year old would be classed as a pedophile, but laws concerning where this would be taking place are an issue in answering your question.

    Where is the location where you're meaning for an answer to your question to be concerning, please?

  • Jan 2, 2009, 04:56 AM

    Originally Posted by Clough View Post
    Where is the location where you're meaning for an answer to your question to be concerning

    Uhm, I'm not sure. In a house?
    But what if the younger one wanted it? I don't understand how all the blame is placed on the older one.
    Personally, I think the structure for the laws placed against this are flimsy and unfair.
  • Jan 2, 2009, 04:57 AM

    Hello Roosie
    To legally have sex, that varies state-by-state. The legal age of consent is 18-years old in about half of the states, in others it is 17-years old. By "legal age of consent", that means you can have sexual relations with a person of any age who also over the "legal age of consent". There are various stipulations which state that individuals under the legal age of consent can have sex with another individual provided they are within a certain age range. You can find a list of all the legal statutes by state on this website,
  • Jan 2, 2009, 05:08 AM

    Originally Posted by Roosie View Post
    Uhm, I'm not sure. In a house?
    But what if the younger one wanted it? I don't understand how all the blame is placed on the older one.
    Personally, I think the structure for the laws placed against this are flimsy and unfair.

    By location, I'm meaning a certain country other than the United States or state in the U.S. Without knowing the location, it's difficult to address your question. You're bringing up opinions here that can't really be legitimately discussed without knowing the information concerning the location.

  • Jan 2, 2009, 05:10 AM

    Originally Posted by Clough View Post

    By location, I'm meaning a certain country other than the United States or state in the U.S. Without knowing the location, it's difficult to address your question. You're bringing up opinions here that can't really be legitimately discussed without knowing the information concerning the location.


    Ah, sorry, I missunderstood. In the UK, I know the legal age, it's 16.
  • Jan 2, 2009, 11:51 AM

    YEah, he wouldn't be classed as a pedo as such but some people might see it that way. For example, your parents could see it that way and charge him for having sex with a minor. I'm almost certain he could go to jail but I think that's only if someone charges him. In fact, I think he can be charged for rape even though its not. I'm not sure and sorry if I'm alarming you.
  • Jan 2, 2009, 11:59 AM

    Originally Posted by Roosie View Post
    Ah, sorry, I missunderstood. In the UK, I know the legal age, it's 16.

    Well then, it seems the 14 year old has to wait for 2 years for it to be legal.
  • Jan 2, 2009, 12:04 PM


    This is just my opinion but The law doesn't care if you're mature at 14 years old. They don't care if your b/f has a nice job and is supportive and whatever. The law on sex is all about the numbers, whether you wanted it or not a number is in effect and to be honest your 2 years shy of legal sex. Your view on government issues isn't going to change the fact that your boyfriend broke the law, whether you wanted it or not! He knew the law and he broke it!
  • Jan 2, 2009, 12:11 PM

    Originally Posted by Roosie View Post
    They are most definately ages that people get most confused about, when you're 14 you've got your own views and can think for yourself, many people think of that age as, still just a child who cannot think right, or make serious decisions, whereas others may say it's a very respectable age where people start taking charge of their life.
    And as for 18, they're an adult, sure. But many people see 18 as that still a teen age, if you understand what I mean.
    But I s'pose it's all down to morals and maturity.

    You've posted this on a legal board so it comes down to what is legal and what is not, not questions about morals and maturity.
  • Jan 11, 2009, 05:16 PM

    Yes. At least in most states, if the dude is 2 and a half years older than the chick or more, then he is considered a pedo
  • Jan 11, 2009, 05:33 PM

    Originally Posted by katgrove View Post
    yes. at least in most states, if the dude is 2 and a half years older than the chick or more, then he is considered a pedo

    Please, no chat speak. You are on an adult board and appear to be underage - and also incorrect.

    It is difficult to take you seriously on a legal board when you chat speak.
  • Jan 11, 2009, 07:07 PM

    No, the 18 yr old would NOT be classified as a pedophile. A pedophile is someone with a compulsion to have sex with children. While he MIGHT be a pedophile, there would need to be more evidence to classify him as such.

    What he WOULD be classified as is a sex offender assuming that the age of consent is over 14 for the area where they live. As noted, someone under the age of consent cannot legally give their consent to have sex. So whether she wanted it or not is of no consequence.

    While 14 yr olds are more mature then they were in the past, a 14 yr old is still at a very different phase than an 18 yr old. And its unlikely that they would have much in common. An 18 yr old is a legal adult in many areas. Just as someone under the age of consent can't legally consent to sex an adult should no better than to risk it.

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