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  • Dec 29, 2008, 11:38 AM
    How do I find if someone ever died in my home
    My 15 month old daghter screams if the door leading to the garage isn't open all day/ I sometimes find her in the garage "talking' to someone, but no one is there. She also wakes up in the middle of the night screaming to go out to the garage. How can I find out who she is talking to or if someone died in my house, possibly built on something? Thanks
  • Dec 29, 2008, 12:27 PM

    how old is your 15-month old daughter x?
  • Dec 30, 2008, 03:30 PM

    How much is your daughter talking? Is she able to tell you what's going on? Children are often better at sensing things, tuning into levels of reality that adults call "make believe." If you let her know you trust her to honestly share what she is experiencing, and that she doesn't have to hide it, she might be able to tell you what she is seeing or feeling. Of course, it may take a few more years of language development for her to do that. But you could just ask her, "I don't know what is in the garage. Can you tell me?"
  • Dec 31, 2008, 10:57 AM

    Munkhgt, your post striked my interest. I have also talked to Alder about something similar to your story. Although yours sounds a bit distressing. I have a almost 3 yr old grand daughter. She was sitting in the livingroom and yelled out 4 times for someone to come in... like someone was knocking at our door. We asked her who she was talking to and she replied... someone in the kitchen. Then last weekend we had her again. She was chasing our cat around and ran into the kitchen. She came running back out and told us the ghost got the cat. We asked her... what ghost... she said the one in the kitchen. We don't talk about the spirits in our house so I also believe, like Alder, kids are so sensitive to things like spirits. Even at the tender age of 15 months, your daughter can prob tell you more than you think she can. Simply ask her. Have a wonderful new year! I bet its going to be a doosey. :) Patti
  • Jan 2, 2009, 08:54 PM

    You can check in the courthouse or city hall in a place where they would keep records and find previous owners and research them to see how they met their demise. You could also check out old records of the city plan to see if it was built on anything. You would be surprised what interesting information you could pick up.
  • Mar 22, 2009, 12:11 PM

    I can only tell is that every time she does the garage thing try to ask her as many (easy) questions as possible. I know she probably can't talk but maybe if you showed you some signs you could understand.

    I mean we just moved into this house a few months ago and my little sister on night came up to me frighted and that she was sitting reading a book when someone or something grabbed her arm. I kept asking her questions and believe it or not I made her feel I was all ways there for her and I believe her. So from now on everything happens to her she tells me.

    (and yes my house is haunted but I don't want to waste your time telling you what has been happening.)
  • Mar 22, 2009, 02:59 PM

    It is probably best not to dwell too much on the events happening. Maybe a few questions now and then. I try not to with my 3 yr old grandbaby. I think my favorite one with her was... she was in the livingroom... all of a sudden ran back to the dark kitchen door, clasped her hands together, and excitedly said... Oh! You're back! Patti
  • May 15, 2009, 10:16 AM

    I have lived in my duplex for 5 years and we have something in our house. It doesn't bother us, it just does little things. I never said anything to the owners or the next door neighbor. One day my boy friend was talking to the guy next door about what all little kids that come in our house describe as a mexican baby. My neighbor said he can hear a little boy talking in his daughters room really late at night. So I asked how can you hear him and he explained they have a baby monitor. He also mentioned hearing mariachi music at all times of the day. We have seen the boy on our side, and he does things like knock over the trash can, turn tv's on and off, open doors, use the microwave ( push buttons), and it often always when no one is in those areas. He runs up and down the stair at times, and he responds to you if you speak to him. I am going to use your advice malenymph and go to city hall and see what I can find out. I need to know who he is and why he is here.
  • May 16, 2009, 04:57 PM

    Originally Posted by supernx5 View Post

    She is 15 months old, just like it says.:rolleyes:

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