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  • Dec 25, 2008, 06:30 PM
    Uncertain about future career
    I'm a senior in college & I'll be graduating soon... however, I STILL DON'T KNOW what career I would like to pursue. The things I'm interested in do not make as much money as I want, but I'm sure I'll enjoy my job. I'm torn between pursuing something I enjoy or something that will make me $$$... (I might like this profession too!)... I don't know I just feel lost... I'll be taking a year off due to my indecision. I plan to return to graduate school in 2010... I've just put thinking about the future off because thinking about it makes me nervous.

    Plus, everyone has high expectations when it comes to me. I was planning to be an oncologist, but decided that was not for me. I might regret it later, but for now I'm talking myself out of it... People expect me to be a doctor or a lawyer... something with high prestige. It's very overwhelming. I feel so pressured.

    How did you guys decide which path to pursue?

    I don't know, any thoughts on this?
  • Jan 1, 2009, 04:32 PM

    I would choose a career on something you enjoydoing or are good at.
  • Jan 1, 2009, 06:25 PM

    Hi, PurpLePassion!

    It can be really hard when someone is trying to carve out a niche in life for themselves. So many choices... To me, the important thing is to just get started and choose those things that you know that you'll enjoy doing and that will enable you to be gainfully employed or even gainfully self-employed. You can always change a career path later in life.

    I've always been driven to pursue activities that have to do with the musical arts. I don't do just one thing in music though. I tune and repair pianos, play professionally on a number of instruments as well as sing; direct a mens barbershop chorus; perform onstage as an actor or in pit orchestras; compose and do arrangements; give lessons, etc.

    Sometimes I make a lot of money and sometimes I don't. But, I do greatly enjoy any of the musical activities that I do. The connections that I make with others is fantastic and has lead to many other opportunities to make a living, also in the musical arts.

    There can be lots of opportunities in any number of fields that a person might want to choose as part of their career. I know that there are plenty of different things to do in the medical fields.

    How about asking someone in a profession that you might like to pursue if it would be okay for you to "shadow" them for awhile to see if it might be the type of career that you would really like?

    Ultimately, what you decide is a decision that you have to live with no matter what others think. You can do this. "You won't learn how to swim unless you get into the water".

  • Jan 9, 2009, 02:33 PM

    Thanks! :)
  • Jan 9, 2009, 09:40 PM

    Originally Posted by PurpLePassion View Post
    thanks! :)

    You're welcome!
  • Jan 17, 2009, 12:56 PM

    First, I have a question, you never mentioned anything about the degrees you planning to get.

    To me, a career is something important and needs to be taken seriously. But, at the same time, the answer is right under your nose.

    Everyday, take a notice of what you are doing, lets say, when you fix a mechanic, how do you feel about it? Are you excited when doing it? What makes you excited?

    You have a take a minute everyday to notice your personality. Like, when I'm on the computer, I can stay on for hours without being tired. If there is something you like doing that much, than you will probably enjoy it.

    Don't stress out.
  • Feb 23, 2009, 12:16 AM

    I've decided I'm going to pursue Oncology :)

    I wanted to do it initially, but I let math & science classes stop me from doing it. I REALLY did not want to take them... so I took the "easy" way out and I'll be getting my degree in psych this June. I've realized [well I knew... ] that I want to be a doctor & t I'm not letting some stupid classes get in the way of doing what I WANT TO DO.

    Thanks everyone! :)
    Wish me luck... I'll be in school for the next... 16 years? Lol

    I like school anyway
  • Feb 23, 2009, 12:34 AM

    Hi again, PurpLePassion!

    Just a pointer here - find that if I force myself to do those things which I find hard to do first, then it makes all the other things seem to be even easier.

    For instance, and this can be related to any field, when I start a new piece of music, I'll frequently go to the hardest section first in order to work to get it done and expedite getting it out of the way, so to speak.

    Doing the hardest things first can help us to be able to do the easier things even more easily because of the skills that we've learned in trying to conquer the harder things. Doing things that way is one of the ways that can help to facilitate ourselves in reaching the goals that we have.

    At least you've come to a decision...

  • Mar 1, 2009, 08:43 PM

    Aww you're right :)

    Thanks for all of your input!
  • Mar 1, 2009, 09:50 PM

    Again, you're welcome! Please let us know how things go for you in the future!


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