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  • Dec 24, 2008, 11:20 PM
    Does a 13 year old girl and a ferret mix
    Hi :) I just wanted to know if I should get a ferret. I am 13 love animals,and saw a ferret acouple of years ago and have wanted one ever since. So do you think a ferret is a ferret a good pet for me or do you think I should not get one?:cool:
  • Dec 25, 2008, 01:02 AM

    Please anyone tell me what you think
  • Jan 6, 2009, 11:20 AM

    I don't know, it depends on space, money, what your parents think, how much time you'll have for it etc. Also check that a ferret is the right pet for you by actually meeting one not just seeing one as sometimes animals can be very surprising.

    Ferrets are a pretty high maintanace pet needing a lot of room and care. Also they live around 8 years which means you'll be in your late teens early twenties by the time it dies, will your parents be willing to look after it if you leave home to go to uni/college/get a job? Rented accommidation that allows pets can be hard to find and for something like a ferret could be unsuitable.

    So lots to think about there! I'm not saying don't get one- they look like tons of fun but it is unfair to get an animal that you are not suitable for.

    RSPCA || Pet care
  • Jan 6, 2009, 11:28 AM

    Ferrets are a cool, not normal pet. A friend of mine won't ever get any other pet - she loves them!

    But, as tempy said, you have to make sure that you are able to care for them and keep them fed, happy, and clean. They do require extra care, so before you purchase one, make sure you can take care of him.

    If you are sure you can take care of him and your parents are OK with it, go ahead! It would be a cool pet! :)
  • Jan 24, 2009, 11:41 AM

    Thank you all. I have made my decition and I got one we don't have a lot of money but we have enugh to take care of it. It is very cute and sweet and I have only had him for a few weeks and I already love it as if it were a child. Thank you all and good in the world.
  • Jan 24, 2009, 12:06 PM

    They are wonderful animals, let us know how he is doing
  • Jan 24, 2009, 07:39 PM

    Good for you, just so you know I hope you're putting away 30 to 50 dollars a month for vet care, because ferrets are prone to several diseases that can come on as early as 3 years old and cost, depending on where you live, at least several hundred dollars to treat. They can actually have all sorts of problems, including diabetes - I hope you don't feed your ferret any sweets, fruit, 'ferret treats' or anything with carbs or sugar.
  • Jul 29, 2009, 11:30 AM
    Hi there I don't know if I'm logged in but this is autumn and my Ferret is great we play all the time and we hand built him a 4 ft. tall cage its 3 stories but all he does is eat and sleep in it so I have decided to get him a friend!! His name is Weezy he is always nosy lol and he is such a love bug lol!! Thank you beebeecee I knew they could get diseases but I didn't know they could get diabetes :( we were giving him chereos and he luves them but I guess he will have to give them up ;( and sometimes he got french fries ( he has not had them in awhile he desided he was going to hide them after he had his fill lol) and grapes. Are thoughs foods bad for him? Beside the french fries I knew they were but it wasn't fare the dogs were getting them. If you could give me tips on what to feed him and what I can't and stuff that would be very helpful. Thank all of u, Autumn
  • Jul 30, 2009, 02:00 AM

    Do you feed him actual ferret food?
    Or is his diet just cheerios and french fries? :confused:

    Definitely cut out the french fries to both the ferret and the dogs! Not good!

    The cheerios on occasion would be OK, but only as treats.
  • Aug 2, 2009, 03:32 PM
    Hi its my OK well I don't feed him the fries anymore but he eats cat food its cheap and the ferret food is to expensive my dad won't buy it for him and I never have any money.
  • Aug 3, 2009, 06:51 AM

    I'm not judging but you really should try to convince him to buy the ferret food.

    Cat food has all the right nutrients for cats, not ferrets. He may be fine but I think he would be much healthier having the real thing ;)
  • Aug 9, 2009, 02:07 PM
    OK I will try thanks for te tip.MY NEXT QUESTION: my ferret has a 4 ft tall cage and all he does is sleep in it. So I figure if I get another ferret he might play more. What do you guys think?
  • Aug 9, 2009, 02:26 PM

    They are very curious little critters so a friend would probably be a good idea if you do not spend hours every day with him.
    I found this answer that might be helpful to you, it's about how to introduce 2 ferrets.


    Housing them close enough to smell each other, but not touch, at first is the best way to go. Even swap cages so they get used to eachothers smell. We have found that bathing them together (or just in the same water) with baby shampoo, then letting them ''officially'' meet after the bath works well.

    Just remember that they are going to establish a pecking order at first (dominance), so it will look like they are fighting, or aren't going to get along. They usually will find their ranks, and become best buds. They are so social, it is actually more rare for them to NOT like each other.

    If at any point one draws blood, call it quits until another day. It may take some time. If they still draw blood after introductions. It probably won't work out.

    Because most ferrets are already neutered and spayed, introducing 2 males... even with a female ferret around, is no different than introducing a male and female.
    Found it here:
    How to safely introduce two male ferrets? - Yahoo! Answers
  • Aug 9, 2009, 02:58 PM
    Thank you so much that will help me a lot I was not sure how to introduce them but you helped me thanks.
  • Aug 12, 2009, 01:58 PM

    Now I have two but my old one is very territorial. What do I do?
  • Aug 12, 2009, 08:34 PM

    Keep them separated for now.
    You need to introduce them slowly.

    First introduction should be on neutral ground, meaning a place neither of them has been before. That way your existing ferret has no territory to defend.

    I'm going off what you do with rabbits but the principle is the same.

    Take them somewhere like your bathroom or block off your kitchen.
    Put down some yummy treats and place them at opposite ends of the room.
    Hopefully they will both go for the food and ignore each other at first.

    If they do fight then just pick them up and putthem at opposite ends again.

    Do this for about 10 minutes then call it a day.

    Try again the next day.

    It can take a while for them to get used to each other, imagine if you had your bedroom and then all of a sudden some strange girl was put in there with you.
    You would want to get to know her before you started sharing the same room ;)
  • Aug 13, 2009, 04:17 AM

    Also just so you know one thing ferrets just LOVE is things to play in etc... you could use bird bells (the bells for in birds cages,) and hammocks to sleep in.. Now if you don't have much money you can make hammocks out of fleece that you can buy from any fabric place or even walmart.

    Make a Hammock with a Cozy Pouch - Ferrets - Rats - Sew a Homemade Hammock here's one site on how to make one kind of them
  • Aug 14, 2009, 11:56 AM

    Thank you binx44 but my old ferret weezy has always slept in a hammock but the new one prefers his bed lol. And shazamataz that's a great idea I have been just letten them run around the house together but after awhile they went under my bed and started fighting! Luckly I talked my dad into letting me raise my bed up wit bricks so I was able to crawl under there and pull them a part.I am going to try your idea today. Thank you! :)
  • Aug 14, 2009, 09:10 PM

    Let me know how it goes Autumn, I hope you get them together soon :)
  • Aug 26, 2009, 08:55 AM

    Thank you everyone I have been putting them together in this playpin we built outside but everyonce in awhile they will start fighting. So I just stick them back in there cges.

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