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  • Nov 26, 2008, 02:16 AM
    How does a 13 year old become a singer?
    Hi I'm a 13 year old middle schooler. I want to become a singer! I have had experience with singing in talent shows, but I don't know if that is good enough. I've been searching and searching too, but I can't find any auditions close to home that I could go to, that don't cost money! I mean I'm only 13. I don't have a job or money. I don't want to bother my family with my selfish dream. I want to achieve my dream on my own! Should I wait till I can drive, work, or have some money at least?
  • Nov 26, 2008, 03:22 AM

    Hi, gracenguyen2!

    It's sounds to me like you're already a singer, but you want some sort of way for you to get noticed and recognized more. Would that be correct?

    Also, do you play the piano at all?

    Your dream isn't selfish. It's simply the dream that you have about something that you'd like to be. Everyone has them. If you were to let your family know about what you'd like to do, by doing so might open up some other possibilities, support and assistance for you to be able to achieve your dream.

  • Jan 1, 2009, 06:56 AM

    Don't be worried about your parents they are hoping that you will reach your dream nomatter how big or small they are

    I am going through the same thing I am 12 and I am a very talented singer so at least you are not the only person going through this

    Get out there
  • Feb 1, 2009, 02:07 AM

    Well Charly told you Grace no? I'm just kidding with you. Basically, if you read what everyone wrote when they replied to her 2 threads/posts, you will get the idea. You sound like another star in the making but one thing... NO, it is not a selfish dream. Just don't ever lose sight of it, OK? It sounds as though you and Charly can help each other. Trust me and read her questions and posts that follow. I hope you two are going to Hollywood together and/or New York. Wherever your little hearts desire.
    Smiles at you...
  • Mar 17, 2009, 08:59 AM

    YouTube! Free advertising!
  • Nov 27, 2009, 06:08 PM
    Well I have the same problem I am also 13 and I do have experence in singing, but don't know how to get there ether. But, just keep on trying and keep practicing!! Hopefully God's grace and Love is enough and he's blessed you with that gift . Be thankful for that and just keep on going and NEVER give up Hope!
  • Dec 25, 2009, 09:01 AM
    Im also 13 and I'm becoming more noticed ( I think ) I've just finished one of my own songs and I'm going to publish it on MySpace and Youtube, why don't you try it.. or if you don't want to make your own song then just do a song already and with me I'm getting thought to Kirk Burrowes he's big in the music industry and he got Fugative/ Harry Byart into the music industry and Harry started the same as I am, he recorded things in his own room on his own, only I've got a musician who's experisend with Status Qoe and all them. Just put some money together and buy some good mic's and things like that.
    Good Luck :) X
  • May 26, 2010, 06:37 PM
    Im also 13 and have the same dream. Parents,Teachers,Friends everyone around me thinks I have the talent to make it big.But I just don't know how my life is singing and acting it's just a passion.Plus it's not selfish its another dream that with a lot of hard work patience and persistence could possibly one day come true I'm going to sign up for voice and I've auditioned for shows at Venice Little Theater.In fact I'm auditioning for a Christmas Carol and a few other performances when auditions come out follow your drreams and believe in yourself and possibly one day you will get discovered as a singer.
  • May 26, 2010, 06:39 PM

    Originally Posted by Dreamer30 View Post
    Im also 13 and have the same dream. Parents,Teachers,Friends everyone around me thinks I have the talent to make it big.But I just dont know how my life is singing and acting it's just a passion.Plus it's not selfish its another dream that with a lot of hard work patience and persistence could possibly one day come true im going to sign up for voice and I've auditioned for shows at Venice Little Theater.In fact im auditioning for a Christmas Carol and a few other performances when auditions come out follow your drreams and believe in yourself and possibly one day you will get discovered as a singer.

    Amazing she should answer everyone's questions this girl has some crazt good advice
  • Jun 17, 2010, 02:55 PM
    I'm 13 too and my parents want me to fill my dream I'm sure your will too... if you know how to play your voice go out there do YouTube do cover it be easy... like me I write songs my dad plays guitar he gave me music when he reliezed that I culd sing he put me in talent shows I wrote the song he played the guitar don't be afraid to follow your dream. Stick with the passion in your life
  • Jul 11, 2010, 06:16 PM

    O darling I know you want your dreams to be a singer but you need to think being a singer can have its down besides imagine all the stress you'll have you can't be a kid anymore you will have no privacy to yourself and you won't be able to go to school you have to be home schooled doesn't sound fun huh
  • Jul 11, 2010, 08:19 PM
    Just so people know who continue to post on this thread...

    It's now very old and archived. So, it's no longer visible on the list of currently active threads. If you do have a separate question or would like to start a new discussion of some kind that will be noticed the most, then it would be best to start a new thread.

    Hopefully, gracenguyen2 will return to address any recent comments that have been made on this thread.

  • Aug 2, 2010, 01:55 AM
    I am 13 and I am already strongly following my dream, all that I have done so far is post videos on YouTube and tell all my friends to tell there friends, make and account and hook me up toghther we can become famous I am sure of it
  • Aug 2, 2010, 01:56 AM

    I am as well a 13 year old singer, I have been working hard to get myself noticed on YouTube and to get yourself started I think that you should do the same, check out my channel to get some ideas on how to get started
    YouTube - ZanderSingz's Channel
  • Aug 2, 2010, 02:20 AM
    Hi, ZanderSingz!

    Did you read my post #12 above, please?

  • Sep 22, 2010, 09:33 PM
    I'm 13 and I'm in 8th grade and would love to be a singer so if you ggot any info please send it to me at [email protected] please I also had a little bit of lessions of how to sing a such like that I live in Utah so yeah they usually don't got any shows that I could go try out for so that's why but I got a good voice and such like that
  • Oct 15, 2010, 10:38 AM
    Same here. I want to be a singer I've won so many singing talent shows at my school
    Im in NC :)
  • Oct 19, 2010, 11:34 PM
    Anyone who has new questions, it would be best if you would start new threads rather than piggyback them on the questions of others.

    This place doesn't work the same way that a chat room does.

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