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  • Nov 20, 2008, 08:06 PM
    I love him but, I sincerely hate him.any revenge ideas?
    I met the man of my dreams about 3 months ago. Before he even spoke, or I even knew his name; I knew I had to be with him. We hung out a couple times, made love, and other random activities and every time my feelings became stronger.

    Recently he's been being totally rude, unresponsive, and I can just tell he's over me. We don't even talk anymore unless its sex. It hurts so bad because I wanted to be his girlfriend and I sincerely have feelings for him. I'm not the kind of girl that comes off really strong and needy, in fact I usually very nonchalant so I don't think I pushed him away or anything. He's such an arrogant promiscuous I don't even understand why I feel so strongly towards him. I feel so used by him, especially since he's about 7 years older than I

    Anyway, recently my friend and I created a fake Facebook account using pictures of a girl we thought he would find attractive to somehow get back at him. We added him as a friend and surely enough, the NEXT day he was messaging this fake girl asking her to attend one of his concerts (he's a local musician) and telling her how beautiful she was.

    How do I use this fake account to get back at him (without him knowing its me) so that I can stop thinking about him? Any good ideas?
  • Nov 20, 2008, 08:17 PM
    Just don't. Why stoop to his level? That's immature of you AND your friend.

    Break up with him and move on. That's the best revenge of all.
  • Nov 20, 2008, 08:31 PM

    How Pahtetic

    You hardly know him.. you sleept with him real fast..
    He is 7 years older than you. ( next time wait a bit before jumping in)

    Best Reveng advice...

    Move on with your life leave him in the dust and be HAPPY!

    My god it scares me to think there are people like this in the world.
    Who play petty games
    And use emotions as blackmail.

    (Fake Facebook account) - (Sigh)

    Grow up
    Move on

    There's a good girl
  • Nov 20, 2008, 08:44 PM
    The name explains it all...
  • Nov 20, 2008, 08:48 PM

    So what you girls in Jr High or High school ?

    Most likely report him to the police for sleeping with you, sice you are sounding like a very young girl, so you may not even be legal to have sex.

    But basically you let it go, even doing the fake face book is far to childish.
  • Nov 20, 2008, 08:51 PM

    I'm 18 actually Chuck, just trying to have a little fun, besides a broken heart makes you do crazy things. (At least I can spell.)
  • Nov 20, 2008, 09:00 PM

    Well take your spelling B and move on with your life.

    Broken hearts do not make us do crazy things.
    Our actions do.

    We can't control how we feel little one..
    But we can control how we act..

    So Act well.
  • Nov 20, 2008, 09:15 PM
    I agree with Chuck actually, I would have thought you were much younger too.
  • Nov 20, 2008, 09:34 PM

    This is a site where many people come to release there most inner emotions in trying to deal with the emotional roller coaster of a break up... 10 to 1 there has been people on here that have been on the other side of your childish games.. Now you come here and spew this nonsense your basically portraying yourself as the villain that everyone has lodged in there memory...

    Hope you grow up..

    You have a whole life ahead of you
  • Nov 20, 2008, 10:03 PM

    Grow up.
  • Nov 20, 2008, 10:33 PM

    Wow I'm not a villain. Maybe my approach is naïve but I'm not a bad person. Thanks for attacking me. My feelings were hurt and I'm saying how I feel and all I get is a bunch of people judging me... thanks
  • Nov 20, 2008, 10:35 PM

    No one said you were a villain but, I feel like you're a better person then what your doing, sounds like you fell in love with a "playa" let him go don't give him your feelings sounds like heartbreak in the future. :-(
  • Nov 20, 2008, 10:35 PM

    We just don't really support the idea of revenge. It's childish. If your post was more geared toward, "how do I get over my ex?" you may have gotten better responses.
  • Nov 20, 2008, 11:17 PM

    Oh come on gril

    Don't throw a hissy fit here.

    Ok.. we told you the Advice..
    Move on and Be happy

    You going to stop pouting?

    And we got angry about the game playing. Because many of us have been on the other side.. of that.

    Yeah your hurt... but it does not give you the right to play games like this.. with other peoples feelings or emotions

    The guy you was with.. is an A@@ and he will get what's coming to him.. but not by you.. by his OWN actions!.

    We don't really care about him. We are giving you advice. And if it feels like its an attack.
    It is just tough love
    Because you need people to bang your head and go.. Oii.. stop it.

    You have to be the better person here.
  • Nov 21, 2008, 06:25 AM
    High Max

    Convince him to meet you somewhere, and then have a gay friend or one of your female friends who are not fortunate in the looks department go and tell him that they used a fake picture to get his attention, and that they really like him and want to get to know him. He will feel like a real idiot. ;)
  • Nov 21, 2008, 06:29 AM

    You fell in love with this guy for all the wrong reasons. You might have been looking for love but he wasn't, he was out for a good time and after you realize that you should've stopped being bother with him. Instead you probably thought if you continue to have sex with him his feelings might change but it didn't and now you feel used.

    Life lesson, guys and people will only do what you allow them to so in the future keep your feelings under control and know the difference between love and lust a making love vs having sex.

    You stated he is arrogant, and promiscuous,that's enough not to want to be bother with him.

    Move on and next time control your feelings. Doing something out of anger will not make you feel better and doing what your doing takes too much time and energy when you can be doing something else.
  • Nov 21, 2008, 07:08 AM

    Revenge never satisfies. No matter what you do to "get back" at him, it won't be enough and you will constantly be looking for ways to satisfy your own feelings of bitterness and envy at him for having another girl.

    The best way to get over him is to cut him out of your life - completely. Out of your thoughts, out of your Facebook (fake or not), out of your phone, out of your everything.

    Make the mental choice to move on and find something better. He's out there for you, forget this guy and go find the right one.

    Learn from the responses on this question - revenge never works and makes YOU the bad guy, not him.
  • Nov 21, 2008, 07:16 AM

    The best revenge you can use is making yourself better and more successful without him. Move on and make him realize you don't need him anymore, and you never did. Concentrate on yourself. The more attention you devote to him, the more he is winning.
  • Nov 21, 2008, 07:34 AM

    The best revenge is to move on and live a happy life without him.

    Revenge is for 13 year old girls who can't handle a relationship ending
  • Nov 21, 2008, 07:45 AM

    Chalk this up to a learning experience. If you want to pursue a man for a relationship you need to not jump in the sack with him and think that he will have any respect for you.

    Try learning about him first, not being his sex toy.

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