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  • Oct 28, 2008, 02:21 PM
    Obama the socialist?
    No? Then why is more and more evidence cropping up of Obama's socialist tendencies … and socialist past?

    First there was Joe the Plumber, the guy that brought out his “spread the wealth” line and whose records were accessed by Ohio state employee and maximum Obama donor Helen Jones-Kelly, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. Now we learn that at a 1996 meeting of the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America called “A Town Meeting on Economic Insecurity: Employment and Survival in Urban America,” Obama hinted at his Socialist leanings:


    A true welfare system would provide for medical care, child care and job training. While Barack Obama did not use this term, it sounded very much like the “social wage” approach used by many social democratic labor parties…

    The state government can also play a role in redistribution, the allocation of wages and jobs.
    Get that? “Social wage” approach, he thinks the state can allocate wages and jobs. Just how are they going to do that? Hmmm?

    Add to that his 2001 Chicago radio interview where he thinks the Warren court wasn’t radical enough and thinks “any three of us sitting here could come up with a rationale for bringing about economic change through the courts.”

    Founding Bloggers has uncovered video of Obama Praising New Party Socialist Danny Davis because he “shares our values.” New party values like…


    American commitments to equal opportunity should be upheld with the resources to make them real. We favor universal access to quality health care, education, and housing for all children - a program of “starting gate” equality that will tend to equalize chances before people enter the labor force. For adults, we believe most social benefits should be universal - like Social Security is now - but taxed progressively based on private income. The result would be fairer and more fiscally stable.
    Of course Obama was never a member of the New Party…or was he?
  • Oct 28, 2008, 02:23 PM

    YOu are a card carrying socialist, Tex. Open your wallet and look at your social security card. We have lived for a long time in a part Capitalist, part Socialist society and according to a study, 70% of Americans like it this way!
  • Oct 28, 2008, 02:30 PM
    Time to set Steve to Ignore... this stuff is becoming spam.
  • Oct 28, 2008, 02:44 PM
    When you two open your eyes and minds and have something of substance to say, let us know.
  • Oct 28, 2008, 03:12 PM

    Social security and medicare and medicaid are Socialist programs.

    Welfare is a socialist program.

    Unemployment benefits are socialist programs.

    Declaring "Disaster Areas" and giving gov't money are socialist programs.

    Child services is a socialist program.

    On and on... Tex.

    NOW, BUSH CAPITALIZED THE BANKING SYSTEM. It's socialist n ow. We are more Socialist than capitalist today!

    You are as full of it as you always have been. :)
  • Oct 28, 2008, 04:02 PM

    Originally Posted by Choux View Post
    Social security and medicare and medicaid are Socialist programs.

    Welfare is a socialist program.

    Unemployment benefits are socialist programs.

    Declaring "Disaster Areas" and giving gov't money are socialist programs.

    Child services is a socialist program.

    On and on... Tex.

    Yep, and Obama wants to expand on the "Second Bill of Rights" of the most socialist president we've ever had, FDR.


    NOW, BUSH CAPITALIZED THE BANKING SYSTEM. It's socialist n ow. We are more Socialist than capitalist today!
    I don't support the bailouts and such, and just because it's been done doesn't mean it can't be undone. I've only begun to fight.


    You are as full of it as you always have been. :)
    Ah Choux, I love you , too.
  • Oct 29, 2008, 02:22 AM
    The New Deal it may be argued stimied the downward spiral of the American economy but it did absolutely nothing to restore the economy. In that aspect it was a complete failure.
    The Roosevelt Congress was hit hard in the 1938 mid-terms and Roosevelt would've lost re-election in 1940 if the issues hadn't shifted to foreign policy.

    World War II was the stimulus that restored economic growth... not his "new Deal" .


    "The Constitution reflected the enormous blind spot in this culture that carries on to this day. The framers had that same blind spot ... the fundamental flaw of this country."
    Obama;according to his own words ,thinks the Constitution was a "tragedy," that the men who wrote it were not the revolutionary heroes Americans regard them to be, and their work must be corrected by the rules of the 60s radicals.

    New Deal ? What he envisions for America is much more radical than that.
  • Oct 29, 2008, 02:32 AM
    For those who want to wade through the falsehoods that tom posts: Media Matters - In column ABC's The Note called a "Must Read," Wash. Times ' Pruden joins conservative chorus in misrepresenting comments Obama made in 2001
  • Oct 29, 2008, 03:03 AM

    Now you deny something that is clearly articulated on tape ! Amazing!

    He clearly states that the Constitution should provide socialist guarantees of redistribution of money from those who earn it to those who do not. That is his core economic philosophy, and that is his objection to the United States Constitution.That is what he thinks is the" fundamental flaw".

    He talks of the Constitution guranteeing "negative rights" but says he want a Constitution that promises to do stuff "for you."

    He talks of the Warren court and overcoming constitutional restraints.
    But it is not the role of the court to overcome COnstitutional restraints. That would be the equivalent of rewriting it(which the Warren Court did anyway and why most Americans think it was a radical court) .The way to amend the Consititution is not the role of the court. As a so called Constitutional lawyer and "professor" Obama should know that. It clearly shows his bias towards progressive judicial activism .

    He does not like the US Constitution but he most likely will be sworn in to defend and protect it. Yikes!
  • Oct 29, 2008, 03:10 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Now you deny something that is clearly articulated on tape ! Amazing!

    You say "Obama;according to his own words ,thinks the Constitution was a "tragedy," and that is a blatant lie. I'm getting sick of your stuff tom.
  • Oct 29, 2008, 03:20 AM

    Yes he thinks it was a tragedy because the constraints placed there by the Founders, held our government back from taking one person's property and giving it to another person.
  • Oct 29, 2008, 05:01 AM
    He did say it was "one of the I think the tragedies of the Civil Rights movement" in discussing it, NK. Look it up.

    Obama calls these radical friends of his just a guy in the neighborhood, someone he had a conversation with, etc. In Dreams From My Father he told he he chooses his friends carefully:


    "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."

    Go ahead, deny it some more...
  • Oct 29, 2008, 05:28 AM
    Hello again,

    I hear WalMart is running a special on pad locks so you can lock your stuff up. Obama is going to want to confiscate it, and "redistribute" it.

    You guys are silly - really.

  • Oct 29, 2008, 05:34 AM
    Ex, for a guy that has spoken so much about the constitution I'm amazed you don't find any of this disturbing.
  • Oct 29, 2008, 05:42 PM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello again,

    I hear WalMart is running a special on pad locks so you can lock your stuff up. Obama is gonna wanna confiscate it, and "redistribute" it.

    You guys are silly - really.


    Good one! Yup! Their campaign is now in the desperate mode. They're a whimsical bunch that's for sure. BTW McCain's for distributions to the upper class.
  • Oct 29, 2008, 06:53 PM

    Originally Posted by Choux View Post
    Social security and medicare and medicaid are Socialist programs.

    Welfare is a socialist program.

    Unemployment benefits are socialist programs.

    Declaring "Disaster Areas" and giving gov't money are socialist programs.

    Child services is a socialist program.

    On and on....Tex.

    NOW, BUSH CAPITALIZED THE BANKING SYSTEM. It's socialist n ow. We are more Socialist than capitalist today!

    You are as full of it as you always have been. :)

    I'm glad you brought up Social Security. It is indeed socialism. And it is corrupt, as most socialism is.

    My wife and I draw about $1400.00 per month. I worked for 44+ years and for most of the time, I paid out of my check 7.25% AND my employer paid the same. Now, that didn't come out of his pocket, I earned that additional 7.25% for a total of 14.5% if memory serves me.

    I had no choice in the matter. If I could have taken that money and drawn just a safe 5% compounded for all those yeare, we would'nt be getting this pathetic pittance for retirement. Having to hand over that much to government meant that I could not do more for my retirement.

    Social Security is a huge ponzi scheme. As long as the work force is expanding, it will work slightly, but when the work force stops growing, then either benefits will be cut or workers will have to up the ante. Because I couldn't put anything away for myself, now my children and grandchildren have to support me in this grand manner.

    And you want to know something else? You same socialists insist that abortion on demand is a woman's right, never mind that the child has no rights at all. Now that you have slaughtered 40 million + TAXPAYERS just who do you dummies think are going to support you in your old age?
  • Oct 29, 2008, 08:00 PM

    Originally Posted by Galveston1 View Post
    I'm glad you brought up Social Security. It is indeed socialism. And it is corrupt, as most socialism is.

    My wife and I draw about $1400.00 per month. I worked for 44+ years and for most of the time, I paid out of my check 7.25% AND my employer paid the same. Now, that didn't come out of his pocket, I earned that additional 7.25% for a total of 14.5% if memory serves me.

    I had no choice in the matter. If I could have taken that money and drawn just a safe 5% compounded for all those yeare, we would'nt be getting this pathetic pittance for retirement. Having to hand over that much to government meant that I could not do more for my retirement.

    Social Security is a huge ponzi scheme. As long as the work force is expanding, it will work slightly, but when the work force stops growing, then either benefits will be cut or workers will have to up the ante. Because I couldn't put anything away for myself, now my children and grandchildren have to support me in this grand manner.

    And you want to know something else? You same socialists insist that abortion on demand is a woman's right, never mind that the child has no rights at all. Now that you have slaughtered 40 million + TAXPAYERS just who do you dummies think are going to support you in your old age?

    I love it! Well said!

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