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  • Oct 8, 2008, 06:21 AM
    The dufus - again

    Seventeen Gitmo detainees will be released on Friday INSIDE the US. The Federal judge said, "I think the moment has arrived for the courts to shine the light of constitutionality on the reasons for the detention."

    The Constitution?? What's that, Bush asks. "If they're released, it could be a precedent", Dana Perino said. He might have to OBEY the Constitution in the future. Well, we certainly can't have our dufus in chief obeying the Constitution now, can we?

    You Republicans are silly. And, you want another chance?? Bwa, ha ha ha.

  • Oct 8, 2008, 07:46 AM

    Clinton-appointed US District Court Judge Ricardo Urbina decided it was time to free some Gitmo detainees, right onto the streets of Washington DC. All the best to be closer to one of their prime targets . I bet ACORN will be signing them up to vote by tomorrow.

    Good call ! Good thing they made guns legal in DC .

    The Boumediene v. Bush decision created a Constitutional right of habeas corpus for the Gitmo prisoners. Scalia's dissent predicted that it would cost American lives . We are one step close for that prediction coming true.
  • Oct 8, 2008, 08:08 AM
    Hello again, tom:

    Well, those gol darned Clintoon judges. I guess they just don't understand the Constitution like the Bushies do.

    Speaking of which, if the dufus had charged these people IN federal court, and they actually DID something illegal, they would BE in the federal slam right now, and for a long time to come.

    But, the dufus thought he couldn't convict them in a civilian court IF they had those gol darned CONSTITUTIONAL rights, so he put 'em in Gitmo where they had NO rights. I guess he figured he could convict 'em in a kangaroo court...

    Well, how did that work out? Why weren't they tried? Seems that the dufus could have done so ifin he didn't have to deal with that pesky Constitution...

    So, since they WEREN'T tried in a kangaroo court, where they could have easily been convicted, it would appear that they may actually have not done anything wrong. Perish the thought.

    But, you want them held forever... For no reason... Shame on you.

    In addition to these detainees, recently released documents detail how two American citizens and a legal US resident were treated in military jails INSIDE the US. They were held for YEARS with no charges. They weren't allowed access to a lawyer. They endured endless interrogations. They were held in isolation - no mail - no visits - no telephone - no light - no books - no NOTHING, but their guards.

    I say again, these were AMERICAN citizens held INSIDE the US.

    I know, I know. You're going to start listing all the reasons THESE citizens shouldn't be allowed Constitutional protection...

    To you Republicans, the Constitution is just a convenience - not a requirement. Too bad for you. Americans understand that now. You and your neocon agenda are toast.

  • Oct 8, 2008, 08:54 AM

    If the Neocons are truly toast and Americans truly understand now that the constitution is our most treasured possession then I would say that these last eight years were not all in vain.
    To bad the dufus's are on both sides of the isle and there is no particular party going to come save us though. When this big terrorist thing started, there were no Repubs or Dems, just Americans. Remember? Both parties got us here today, as far as Gitmo goes. As far as the economy goes concerning the meltdown and Fraudie May and Phonie Mac, that rests on the Democrats shoulder, mostly Barbie Frank and gang.
  • Oct 8, 2008, 09:50 AM


    if the dufus had charged these people IN federal court, and they actually DID something illegal, they would BE in the federal slam right now, and for a long time to come.

    Since when do prisoners taken in battle get cases decided in Federal Court ?
  • Oct 8, 2008, 10:01 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Since when do prisoners taken in battle get cases decided in Federal Court ?

    Hello again, tom:

    Uhhhh, when we can't convict them in a kangaroo court.


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