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  • Oct 7, 2008, 09:25 AM
    Randomly bleeding?
    Hey everyone! I have a question about two bleedings in between periods.. just looking for some advice or insight until I see the doctor!

    I'm 19 years old, my boyfriend is 24, I'm on birth control (ortho-cyclein I don't know off the top of my head the dosage, I'm taking the generic though, sprintec?). I have been taking this birth control for a while now, not under any stress, nothing different in my life, etc, etc. My last period started September 19 and ended on the 22/23. My next period should be starting October 17.

    Anyway, since my last period ended I have had two separate 'bleedings', for lack of a better word. The first one was right AFTER me and my boyfriend had sex, on September 28. The second one was yesterday, once again, right after we had sex. Its not a constant bleeding, just after we did I noticed some blood on me and him, wiped it off, it was all done. It was fresh looking blood, it wasn't brown or a dark color. So the bleedings were a week and about two days apart.

    To organize it:
    September 19 my period started
    September 28 - the bleeding happened
    October 6 - the bleeding happened again
    October 17 - next period should start

    Any ideas? Nothing to worry about? Anything from experience?

    Thanks :) :)
  • Oct 7, 2008, 10:27 AM
    Was the sex particularly rough? Are you taking the pills at the same time every day?

    Sex, even if mildly rougher than usual can cause lacerations in the vaginal canal and/or near the cervix, thus causing spotting as you described.

    Also, the pill must be taken at the same time every day or break through bleeding can occur.
  • Oct 7, 2008, 10:31 AM

    I set my alarm at 8 am every morning and take it then, religiously. And no, the sex wasn't any different. Actually, it was much less rough than it can be yesterday, we were both kind of tired. :p
  • Oct 7, 2008, 10:34 AM
    I wouldn't be particularly worried about this as of yet. Keep track of it, if it continues you may want to see your doctor for an exam.
  • Oct 7, 2008, 10:38 AM

    Thank you!
  • Oct 7, 2008, 10:50 AM

    I had the same thing happen to me about 10years ago after a first sexual experience with a new boyfriend. He broke up with me because he thought I was bleeding because I was a virgin (was not), he could not handle a virgin, whatever that means. Turns out it was a hormonal imbalance that was corrected with a hormabal crème applied to the vaginal area. Sorry can't remember the name.

    I would make an appointment to go see gyno anyway. Just to be safe
  • Oct 7, 2008, 11:18 AM
    Most likely it is caused by a surge in hormones. You see, you are about 10 days pre-period. There is a surge about this time in the month that causes the vaginal canal and the cervix to be quite vascular and sensitive.

    2 episodes at this point in your cycle should be nothing to worry about. Hence, why I suggested tracking this spotting and seeing when it does occur mid-cycle. This way, if you have to see your doctor about it, you can give him/her a timeline to go by so that a more accurate diagnosis is made... if in fact you need to see the doctor at all.
  • Oct 7, 2008, 12:04 PM

    Hmm.. well just to be safe I think I'm going to see the doctor as soon as they call me back. J_9 you always give great information, and congrats on becoming an RN!! I'm two years away, then hoping to become a CPNP (if school hasn't worn me down by then :p). One question though, you say that these episodes 'mid-cycle' should be nothing to worry about, but what about the first episode that happened less than a week after my period ended. Thanks! :)

    And thanks danielnoahsmommy for your expiernce input, I'm hoping that's all it is. I always seem to worry too much :p
  • Oct 7, 2008, 12:14 PM
    It all had to do with sex right?

    I'll give you a quote from a great website I have found that describes this.


    The menstrual cycle is divided into two phases--the follicular or proliferative phase; and the luteal or ovulatory phase. The follicular phase includes the time when menstruation occurs and is followed by proliferation or the growth and thickening of the endometrium. This phase typically lasts from 10-14 days, starting with the first day of menstruation.

    Estrogen and progesterone levels are at their lowest during menstruation. When bleeding stops, the proliferative phase begins causing the endometrium to grow and thicken in preparation for pregnancy. During the next (approximately) two weeks, FSH levels rise causing maturation of several ovarian follicles and the size of the eggs triple.

    FSH also signals the ovaries to begin producing estrogen which stimulates LH levels until around day 14 of your cycle when one of the follicles bursts, and the largest egg is released into one of the fallopian tubes.

    This phase is followed by the premenstrual phase, known as the luteal phase. This premenstrual period lasts approximately 14 days. After ovulation, LH causes the corpus leuteum to develop from the ruptured follicle. The corpus leuteum produces progesterone.
    There is more to read of it here... Menstrual Cycle - Hormones, Menstruation, and the Menstrual Cycle

    While I am one for rushing to a doctor when the need arises, I am also one to be cautious in situations like this. As I currently specialize in women's health, particularly labor and delivery, I can assure you that this is not uncommon.

    Also, how long have you been on this particular pill... it may be time to change if you have been on it a while, or it may not be the right pill for you if you are new to it.

    Thank you for the Congrats... it certainly was a long hard road, but is definitely worth the work. You can do it too I am sure.
  • Oct 7, 2008, 12:40 PM

    I have been taking this pill for probably five or six months now.

    Also, I just talked to the nurse on call at my doctors office and they had me all worried at first... sounded like they were having a bad day.. they transferred me to the doctor on call and she said that it doesn't sound like anything big, not to worry unless it gets worse/vaginal discharge/dizzyness/back pain, etc. and scheduled me an appointment for next Thursday.
  • Oct 7, 2008, 01:15 PM
    Ah, good. Keep the appt on Thursday, you may just need a change in BCP.

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