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  • Sep 13, 2008, 08:51 AM
    Marriage and dating
    Hello. I wonder if there are many white caucasian males looking for mixed race wives in Christendom?

    It can't be that hard and out of line of God's purpose..

    I am Italian/Jamaican, very pretty, attractive build and a serious born again woman devoted to the Lord. Im kind, tender hearted, loving and strong. Always growing in the Lord.

    It was so much easier in the world to find someone, now nobody seems interested. The Lord stopped me from using web chat (a friend met her husband this way).

    I don't go looking for a man, but then they don't seem to come. I prefer white i.e American, English, European etc. I have always been that way. That can't be bad?

    Where are my choices?

    Anyone of the above description and reading this inspired?
  • Sep 13, 2008, 10:25 AM
    First there is nothing unChristian about a mixed marriage, my ex was african american. There are some hard things of course at times by the way some people treat you in society.

    I think it was Moses that had a African wife. It is all in perosnal taste, Some people like McDonalds, others like Wendy's some like both.

    For myself I have always liked a darker skinned person, but one only has to read the skin lightening board here to know the 1000's that are sold out to the lighter being better belief.

    Also I can't believe that the Lord would have anything against Web Chatting ( but again he may not want you to, because he has another idea for you)

    And one never knows where and how you will find that special person,
  • Sep 13, 2008, 10:35 AM
    Hi Chuck.

    You might not reply again but because you were so kind I'll let you know...

    The Lord told me that using the web sites was 'meaningless'. From that instance I knew He had 'chosen' for me.

    I left it and had some incidents which led to the Lord revealing a 'black' man standing behind me, to my Apostle.

    This has me incredibly discouraged, I know it may sound pathetic. Disputing the revelation is not to my discretion because of who the man of God (my father in the Lord is.
  • Sep 13, 2008, 10:40 AM
    Well I would think of a man/women relationship where you look toward a man as your Apostle to be somewhat of a worry personally, Since the husband and wife relationship is one where of equality and sharing.

    But yes the Lord may have someone in plan for you, but make sure it is from the Lord and confirmed by two or three people full of the spirit.
  • Sep 14, 2008, 05:33 PM

    Originally Posted by breathless1
    Hello. I wonder if there are many white caucasian males looking for mixed race wives in Christendom?

    It can't be that hard and out of line of God's purpose...?

    I am Italian/Jamaican, very pretty, attractive build and a serious born again woman devoted to the Lord. Im kind, tender hearted, loving and strong. Always growing in the Lord.

    It was so much easier in the world to find someone, now nobody seems interested. The Lord stopped me from using web chat (a friend met her husband this way).

    I don't go looking for a man, but then they don't seem to come. I prefer white i.e American, English, European etc. I have always been that way. That can't be bad?

    Where are my choices?

    Anyone of the above description and reading this inspired?

    Hi Breatless1, There's nothing worng with you wanting to date a white guy for marriage. I'm African American dark female and I'm very much attratted to white men mostly Portuguese, Latin, Greek, Jewish.

    I can't help it. I love men with dark features and hairy, lol. Too bad Marc Anthony isn't alive. Hmmm... White men are attracted to me too. I was married to a Cape Verdean/Indian man with green eyes. He was very attractive but he passed away.

    Since I've been a widow for a few years white men have been checking me out and vice versa. I was engage to a white man Polish decent. We broke up because he was a cheater.

    I'm sure they are not all like that. I'm now dating a Portuguse guy and he's sooooooooooo cute! He looks just like Joey Trinani. I swear he could be his fill in.

    He loves me to death, yes this dark skinned women!

    Hang in there.

    Ps. I'm also christian and we just had a talk today about not dating outside the christian faith or finding mates on the internet...
  • Sep 15, 2008, 08:42 AM

    Originally Posted by breathless1
    Hello. I wonder if there are many white caucasian males looking for mixed race wives in Christendom?

    It can't be that hard and out of line of God's purpose...?

    I am Italian/Jamaican, very pretty, attractive build and a serious born again woman devoted to the Lord. Im kind, tender hearted, loving and strong. Always growing in the Lord.

    It was so much easier in the world to find someone, now nobody seems interested. The Lord stopped me from using web chat (a friend met her husband this way).

    I don't go looking for a man, but then they don't seem to come. I prefer white i.e American, English, European etc. I have always been that way. That can't be bad?

    Where are my choices?

    Anyone of the above description and reading this inspired?

    Let me just clarify a few points I think will help to make up your mind.
    a) GOD made us ALL alike. Colors and ethnics are totally incidental and secondary. Many societies still do not see it that way but TRUE Christians do. And I speak as a white man too.
    b) In my humble opinion I think what you should be looking for in the first place is for the innate qualities of the man that has to eventually become your husband. The way he may look is not THAT important, for after all his looks will eventually fade away with time, whereas his personality should, not only not disappear, but most probably improve with age.
    This said, there is nothing in Christianity to prevent mixed marriages. And it so happens that their progeny, more often than note, is healthier and better looking than the parents.
    You have got to look only at some of the people you find in the Caribbean or in Brazil where these mixtures are quite common.

    On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with your being inclined towards white people, as long as you don’t get yourself be carried away just by the looks.
    I do not know where you live but if you are a good looking girl as you say you are bound to receive a lot of attention from the male department.
    My own advice. Take it easy. Eventually your better half will show up. And he will be the one that will not expect you to fall into his arms immediately and will treat you with the respect you obviously deserve.
    :) :)
  • Sep 16, 2008, 12:31 PM
    Want we want is generally not what God wants for us
  • Sep 17, 2008, 02:31 AM

    Originally Posted by maje3
    Want we want is generally not what God wants for us

    Most of the time, yes! You are right. And this is why we run into so many problems. This is also why our modernt western society has become a place where materialism and selfishness reign almost as the only masters of our behavior. As if only money and comfort matter. As if life is meant to be just a joyous blend of sensuality and pleasurable things and morality and ethics are things of the past.

    Thanks GOD, not everybody is like that. But unfortunately many youngsters DO follow that path.

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