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  • Sep 2, 2008, 09:04 AM
    She was for the bridge before she was against it.
    Well, Well, Well, Not Hillary didn't think the bridge to nowhere was such a bad Idea in 2006.

    Palin backed 'bridge to nowhere' in 2006 -
  • Sep 2, 2008, 09:07 AM


  • Sep 2, 2008, 09:53 AM
    Ketchikan is actually somewhere . It was one of my favorite stop-overs during my Alaskan cruise. Since both Biden and Obama voted for the legislation the included the pork spending on the bridge ,I don't expect they will be too quick to bring it up.

    But here is how it actually went down... the question being asked during her Governor's race :

    Anchorage Daily News on October 22, 2006, during the race for the governor's seat (via Nexis):

    Would you continue state funding for the proposed Knik Arm and Gravina Island bridges?

    To that she answered in the affirmative . But her very first budget provided no state funding for the Bridge. Once in office ,after evaluating the full cost of the bridge, she favored less costly alternatives, like improving the ferry service.That sounds to me like the intelligent, fiscally-conservative thing to do.

    This sounds like the same type of "flip-flopping " that Bobby Jindal does .
    In Turnaround, Louisiana Governor Vetoes Bill Doubling Lawmakers' Pay -
  • Sep 2, 2008, 10:05 AM
    Tom's exactly right again. Our paper had this story yesterday in their all out assault on Palin and McCain. There's nothing inconsistent here, just another attempt at a smear.
  • Sep 2, 2008, 10:06 AM
    This is the part of her record that I find most definitive :
    Palin's veto ax lops $268 million from budget: Legislature |
  • Sep 2, 2008, 10:28 AM
    Tom According to your link some of the cuts Not Hillary made were money for fire stations, emergency services, road improvement projects and expansion of Covenant House for homeless and runaway youths. I think that's bad you think that's good we are two very different people.
  • Sep 2, 2008, 10:38 AM
    I guess you had the time to look at the budget and the expenditure requests to determine that these are necessary . Sometimes hard cuts are necessary ,needed and desirable . Just because there is a line item for a fire station doesn't mean it's needed . In my town they wanted to add expensive unnecessary equipment for our fire dept.

    From the article I posted it appears that she redirected the funding to areas that needed it like impoverished villages depend heavily on state capital spending, were an exception to the rule Friday. They received relatively heavy funding in the original budget and escaped the vetoes virtually unscathed.
  • Sep 2, 2008, 11:17 AM

    I don't think a governor should object to federal projects being brought home by her local congressman. She didn't, nor should she have.

    However, when you're wearing your candidacy for VP hat, especially for John McCain, you better change your mind. Doing so, doesn't make her a bad candidate. It's just a different job.

    She shouldn't be VP for lots of reasons. Being a good governor, having a pregnant daughter, or firing your no good son in law (even if she stepped over the line), AIN'T reasons enough to defeat her.

  • Sep 2, 2008, 02:45 PM

    Originally Posted by excon
    Being a good governor, having a pregnant daughter, or firing your no good son in law (even if she stepped over the line), AIN'T reasons enough to defeat her.

    You got that right, ex.
  • Sep 2, 2008, 03:50 PM
    I agree with Ex. The bridge decision has to be the least of her worries now. For one, she's admitted to having very limited knowledge, or understanding, as to her newly acquired position. Secondly she is having to cram her head with McCain's propaganda. Thirdly McCain and her both have to learn to mesh their stories on the campaign trail. That's not so easy when you have one self-proclaimed maverick, and now two supposed mavericks. This is a nationwide election, not a beauty campaign in Juno and Anchorage, Alaska. The whole State of Alaska population is no more than a mid size city (for example: Austin, Texas). She was more than happy and rightfully so to accept the VP spot, but in reality McCain acted in desperation and she'll have her feet shoved into the coals. McCain's no doubt a high risk taker and doesn't need to be anywhere near the White House making decisions. Two terms from the current drugstore cowboy has done enough damage.
  • Sep 3, 2008, 02:25 AM
    Bobby throughout history VPs have described the position kindly as "not worth a warm bucket of p*ss "(and other not so kind descriptions). Suffice it to say that John C Calhoun resigned from the office because he felt he had more power as a Senator. But the job has evolved over time .Still the VEEP has as much influence as the President allows .

    When she told Kudlow that she needed to know what the VP does it was a fair question since she would be going from the highest elected office in the State to an ill-defined position. What she obviously meant is that she would need assurances that her job would allow her to have a useful role before she decided to accept it.
  • Sep 3, 2008, 03:40 AM

    This is a nationwide election, not a beauty campaign in Juno and Anchorage, Alaska. The whole State of Alaska population is no more than a mid size city (for example: Austin, Texas).
    Alaska is also a state at the forefront of one of the biggest issues in the coming election;our energy policy . Palin has taken a lead in this issue as a person who ran the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission that oversees production of the largest petroleum reserves in America. When she reported conflicts of interest and other ethical violations by another commissioner, she was ignored by then Governor Murkowski's administration .So she resigned to take on the established machine in the political arena.

    Her margin of victory in the primary was 30 points and she then defeated a former Democrat Governor in the election .To this day she retains an 80% approval rating in the State.

    She then went about to fulfill her campaign promises ,reform ,and reducing the size of the government. She smacked down ExxonMobil, BP, and ConocoPhillips in negotiations over a proposed Alaska natural gas pipeline, even though they, too were well prepared to eat her alive.

    I am happy that the Obama campaign is underestimating her . The carcasses of her political opponents are scattered all over the State of Alaska .

    Sure they think she is a threat... a working mom?. why isn't she asking the Dems for a government handout ? She is violating the image they have created about their natural constituency . Her hubby is a union man . Why isn't he on the picket line or belly aching about the loss of jobs ?

    When someone from one of what they believe to be their natual constituency doesn't behave in the streotype they have invented for them they belittle mock and ridicule that person. This was true with Clarence Thomas and it is true with Palin. Let the "Borking" begin.
  • Sep 3, 2008, 08:42 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55
    Bobby throughout history VPs have described the position kindly as "not worth a warm bucket of p*ss "(and other not so kind descriptions). Suffice it to say that John C Calhoun resigned from the office because he felt he had more power as a Senator. But the job has evolved over time .Still the VEEP has as much influence as the President allows .

    When she told Kudlow that she needed to know what the VP does it was a fair question since she would be going from the highest elected office in the State to an ill-defined position. What she obviously meant is that she would need assurances that her job would allow her to have a useful role before she decided to accept it.

    In numerous ways it's a gloried administration position, but you do have to know your responsibilities being the next in line to fill the vacancy of president... heaven forbid. I don't buy that she "obviously meant is that she would need assurances that her job would allow her to have a useful role before she decided to accept it." This is for VP of the US, not an assistant manager position down at the local 7-11.


    Originally Posted by tomder55
    I am happy that the Obama campaign is underestimating her . The carcasses of her political opponents are scattered all over the State of Alaska.

    I disagree. Obama's campaign is not underestimating her. It's that John McCain overestimated his hand for pocket aces, when he's actually got a queen, jack, off suit. She a working mom and the husband is a union man, that's wonderful. Sometimes I think a manager at WalMart could do a better job than the upper-class wealthy politicians, so I have no qualms with her convictions or base salary which is less than other governors. Actually she cut her own salary when she took over office and now makes around 80k. But there is no new breed Republican party, as hard as John McCain tries to sale this. It won't happen in our system. Eventually the old money has the say and power. The Palin's are but puppets to John and Cindy McCain, Bush, Cheney, etc... Just more exploitation by the McCain campaign.
  • Sep 3, 2008, 09:43 AM
    Hilarious! Now you think McCain is the insider in the party! Half the party was at best luke-warm to his candidacy until he went outside the party establishment for his VEEP . The Republican party is itching to get rid of the old guard that corrupted the Reagan/ Gingrich revolution. They have been looking for the leadership to usher in the change and McCain is glad to provide it.

    Does a 7-11 or a Walmart manager successfully negotiate a 1,712-mile ,$30 billion tran-Alaskan ,4.5 million cubic feet of natural gas per day, pipeline project that crosses international borders ?
  • Sep 3, 2008, 10:04 AM
    Hello tom:

    Spin all you want, but the question is one of John McCains judgment, and his unbelievably quick turnaround from "experience" being the issue. She has NONE. That's just so.

    As I said before, picking Palin is a hail mary pass. It may work to fool the country in the campaign. But, I don't want a person who throws hail mary passes in the White House.

  • Sep 3, 2008, 10:14 AM
    But it is much better to run an outsider campaign and pick as a running mate the quintessential beltway insider ?
  • Sep 3, 2008, 12:36 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55
    Hillarious !! now you think McCain is the insider in the party !!! . Half the party was at best luke-warm to his candidacy until he went outside the party establishment for his VEEP . The Republican party is itching to get rid of the old guard that corrupted the Reagan/ Gingrich revolution. They have been looking for the leadership to usher in the change and McCain is glad to provide it.

    Tom, the Dems and Independents are laughing at you and anybody else that thinks John McCain is not part of the establishment. John McCain's going to usher in more of Dubya.


    Originally Posted by tomder55
    Does a 7-11 or a Walmart manager sucessfully negotiate a 1,712-mile ,$30 billion tran-Alaskan ,4.5 million cubic feet of natural gas per day, pipeline project that crosses international borders ?

    Some could, perhaps. I had a friend twenty years ago with one of the highest intellects for biology in the country that worked part time doing cancer research and part time at a 7-11. I'm not saying he's doing that now, but then he needed the extra cash. I've seen monkeys in a circus ride bicycles and few are flying out of the Republicans you know what at their convention. However you missed the point. You claimed, [that she] "obviously meant is that she would need assurances that her job would allow her to have a useful role before she decided to accept it." I'm saying that if that is what you think, and what she believes of the VP position, which by the way is not what she said but for the moment I'll play that game, than she is clueless beyond comprehension concerning the office and the responsibility of the future following the footsteps of a 72 year old man. That puts her a heartbeat away from president, not for her to think that her role as VP is useless. There are thousands of senior business executives and project mangers across our country that negotiated terms and over see projects to completion. Hell the company I work for will be finishing up a three year 12 billion project in Oct '09.
  • Sep 3, 2008, 02:20 PM
    We keep going around in circles. All the attention seems to be for Palin. Maybe that's good for us. How about this though? I'm not hearing Dems bragging about the experience of THEIR candidates. Why not?
  • Sep 3, 2008, 03:19 PM

    There are thousands of senior business executives and project mangers across our country that negotiated terms and over see projects to completion.
    That is true and any one of them would make a better President than the community organizer who's only reall attempt at administration before this campaign was a stint at running a charity ,with his good buddy Bill Ayers ;giving away the wealth of a conservative philanthropist to radical "progressive" educational pursuits.

    Palin's state is a couple of hundred thousand people smaller than the great state of Deleware . Palin has run her state . Biden has held a lifetime position
    Who's only contribution to the state has been the pork that lobbiest like his son have squeezed from the Federal trough .

    Yeah you are right about the role of the Veep. They do wait for the President to stop breathing. They are also symbolic "preesident of the Senate" . Any other duty they perform is at the discretion of the President .

    For the record here is the exact Palin quote :

    But as for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does everyday? I'm used to being very productive and working real hard in an administration. We want to make sure that that VP slot would be a fruitful type of position, especially for Alaskans and for the things that we're trying to accomplish up here for the rest of the U.S., before I can even start addressing that question.

    Clearly she was suggesting that she would not accept the VEEP unless there were assurances that she would have a productive role in the McCain administration;a role at least as important as the running of the state.
  • Sep 3, 2008, 03:23 PM
    The Dems had to do that when McCain made it an issue. I'm guessing that will be brought up in the debates by a moderator. McCain already has an ad distorting the experience factor and that's going end up costing him more votes. It's just makes McCain look like a hypocrite with his pick, but mostly he's linked to the experience on Dubya coattails. This is a poorly ran Republican campaign and prone to mistakes.

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