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  • Aug 28, 2008, 01:57 PM
    Some of these people are in so much trouble owing money
    It gets tiresome but I love to help. Collection agencies buy each other out, add their pro rated interest fee and by the time they try to collect from an individual the amount is alrrady 75 or +++++ % more then they borrowed. I have been through this, through no fault of my own and fought them through, telling each in turn to go jump in the lake only after they got abusive. It was 'if you don't pay, and you already have good credit which we can destroy', we will make your life completely miserable. And then it was, if we only knew whose name the house was in we can take that, your car, your furniture (I am not kidding). I said, F****k you. And it worked. And I am not that kind of person but when my livelyhood is threatened then I fight back. Plus I have a good lawyer who knows my family well.

    I still have good credit, own my house, my car and everything in it and happily employed over 65.

    So, guys, if you here any of this from me, please don't judge. I have been there.

    Off another soapbox.
  • Aug 28, 2008, 04:06 PM
    Good to know that's it's not just English Debt Collectors that believe they are above the Law when it comes to collecting on delinquent accounts.

    I am quite involved in fighting these "professional companies" and other Financial Institutions, via a couple of other sites, in England and some of the things they say beggars belief. It's amazing the difficulty some of them have in understanding consumer law. Now I know can be a difficult environment, but I'm NOT legally trained and yet I can run rings round some of the so called Solicitors I have been involved with.
    The threats they use to try and secure payment are amazing.
    I'm just waiting to see which company is first to threaten to cancel Christmas!

    To date I have assisted around 200 people with these "parasites" and forced the Financial Institutions to face up to their LEGAL responsibilities in a correct and above all legal manner.

    Let the Consumer Revolt continue !!!

    Ps Moved from Forum Feedback.
  • Aug 28, 2008, 04:12 PM
    I know what you mean and it scares me when people come here and say a collection agency froze their bank acct and took ALL their money. I have a hard enough time making enough money to live on. If my acct gets froze I am quitting my job! I only owe about three places around a thousand dollars. But to me $20. Is more than I can afford to be taken off me. I always heard it is better to let them take you to court cause the people I knew had ran up hundreds of thousands of dollars and they came out owing less than the principal and filed bankruptcy. Now though it seems like the collection agency freeze your acct without court or at least not letting you know they took it to court.

    What really got me was when they told me they were their own collection agency and the interest never stops. So if you agree to pay them back you are only paying off interest forever and STILL owe the principal. That was when I said I will wait the seven years and let them take me to court. Most my stuff is now going on 6 1/2 years and I am still avoiding them.

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