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  • Aug 17, 2008, 04:17 PM
    I'm haunted by the devil
    for years I have been followed by the devil and I know it for certain.

    here's a couple of stories:

    when I was little I woke up at around 9:00pm because I took a nap after dinner.
    I knew for a fact it wasn't a dream because I had full control of things and I didn't wake up.
    anyway, I was bored sitting on the top of my stairs in the front hallway of our house.
    then I looked down into the little room that was dark and pitch black (living room) and saw the face of the devil. He was dressed in black robe sand had a red face with two horns on top of his head. He smiled at me and then ran away into the darkness of the room.
    later that night I went to sleep in my room try to figure out what the heck I just saw and the ni went to sleep. But in the dream the devil was standing over me and he had picked me up using some kind of pyscotheneisis or something and made me spinning around and around in the room.

    in this house I exsperienced many demons... most unexsplainable.also living in the house I had dealt with poltergeist and incredibly real,sickening,disturbed dreams that huant me where ever I go.

    ever since this happened I've seen faces stareing at me in the darkness of my home no matter how many times I move. Also I see random red lights a lot.

    but now things have actually started to settle down a bit but... I can't get the feeling out of my head that when I'm alone the devil still wants to just... fight me and or harm me in some sick way. But luckily I also found my gardian angel inside that house who oddly enough looks just like me but with sharp teeth.

    so hopefully my gardian angel can keep the devil at bay for me to live my life but he's always there... I just know it.

    what should I do about it?
  • Aug 17, 2008, 04:20 PM
    Well first you don't "find" a guardian angel, they would have always been there. If you are religious you call on God, since no power can effect you with his protection.

    If you have ruled out any other cause, you can see about having the evil driven out
  • Aug 17, 2008, 04:21 PM
    Do you get involved with any kinds of things like ouija boards or séances?

    It sounds SORT of like lucid dreams, out of body experience and possibly the old hag syndrome.

    Do you have any sleep disorders?
  • Aug 17, 2008, 05:01 PM
    First, we have to try to get a handle on what it is you are seeing. Our brains have this wonderful ability called "pattern recognition," which is how we sort through the chaos of input we get through all our senses and make it into a coherent story. When something that's very far outside the kinds of experiences we are used to happens, our brains try to fit the anomaly into forms we know based on our cultural background. Imagine if I took an African bushman on a ski vacation to Mount Hood. When he got home, he'd tell his friends, "We went to a hill higher than any other in the world. It was covered with white sand, and when I touched the sand, it burned me. But it wasn't hot, it was very cold. But if I held the burning sand long enough, it turned to water that I could drink. Then we put wings on our feet and flew down the white sand."

    His friends wouldn't know what the heck he was talking about. So here, you are connecting to a presence, a spirit or energy of some sort, which is way outside the ordinary world. Your brain tries to make head or tail (horns or tail?) out of it, so it turns it into a traditional form of devil, just like the one on the can of spiced meat. But why is your subconscious picking that form? Does it sense that it is evil? What you describe sounds more mischievous, more impish, than evil.

    The devil is that which disrupts, which breaks the pattern. It is the chaotic force, but can be chaotic in a positive way, breaking up the order that would otherwise become stagnation. The Christian devil is a corruption of the Horned God, Dionysus. Have you ever read Blake's "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell"?

    Evil is something we humans do. Evil is what happens when we act out of the rage and pain and fear within us, when we allow those energies to rule us. The easiest way for that inner darkness to rule us, and leave us open to those kinds of nasty spirit creatures that parasitically feed on people, is when we deny it exists. It's a long hard road to recognize our woundedness, and admit our faults. But once we do, we can begin to integrate ourselves and become solid, whole, so that we have no gaps to be invaded. Then we can face a spirit like the one you describe and sit down and negotiate with it. Some people might disagree with that approach, but it's really no different than international politics: You can either try to engage with a power that opposes you, or attack it.

    The book A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula LeGuin is fiction, but it has a lot of good spiritual wisdom in it. The plot involves a young wizard who screws up bigtime, releasing a really nasty shadow creature that chases him halfway across the world. I won't give away the ending, but I think you might find this story to be a good fable for what you are experiencing.


  • Aug 17, 2008, 06:36 PM
    The 'Old Hag" Syndrome
  • Aug 22, 2008, 02:54 AM

    Originally Posted by GHOST MASTER
    for years i have been followed by the devil and i know it for certain.

    heres a couple of stories:

    when i was little i woke up at around 9:00pm because i took a nap after dinner.
    i knew for a fact it wasn't a dream because i had full control of things and i didn't wake up.
    anyway, i was bored sitting on the top of my stairs in the front hallway of our house.
    then i looked down into the little room that was dark and pitch black (living room) and saw the face of the devil. he was dressed in black robe sand had a red face with two horns on top of his head. he smiled at me and then ran away into the darkness of the room.
    later that night i went to sleep in my room try to figure out what the heck i just saw and the ni went to sleep. but in the dream the devil was standing over me and he had picked me up using some kind of pyscotheneisis or something and made me spinning around and around in the room.

    in this house i exsperienced many demons...most unexsplainable.also living in the house i had dealt with poltergeist and incredibly real,sickening,disturbed dreams that huant me where ever i go.

    ever since this happened ive seen faces stareing at me in the darkness of my home no matter how many times i move. also i see random red lights alot.

    but now things have actually started to settle down a bit but...i can't get the feeling out of my head that when im alone the devil still wants to just...fight me and or harm me in some sick way. but luckily i also found my gardian angel inside that house who oddly enough looks jsut like me but with sharp teeth.

    so hopefully my gardian angel can keep the devil at bay for me to live my life but hes always there...i just know it.

    what should i do about it?

    I have had out of body experiences since I was five yrs old. One time when I was using drugs I was repeatedly pulled out of my body every night and subjected to things like being wrapped in barbed wire, having very long needles stabbed into my body. When I finally stopped using drugs in the intravenous way and got properly medicated by a doctor I was pulled out my body yet again and the demon who had been torturing me night after night smiled at me and said"we wondered how long it would take you to get it!" Now you could argue that this was drug induced but as I said I have had obe's since I was young. These beings do exist, they are real but I do not believe that the devil is bad in the christian way. I finally met a 'demon' called belial who my attacker was working for, and what I believe is true is that in hinduism there is a being called Yamaraja who lives in our dream world, he has many servitors and their job is to punish conditioned souls and kick them back to the material world as an animal, human or whatever depending on the severity of there crimes in previous life. All these beings do is actually reflect back to us our sin if you like so the devil has been a handy scape goat for mans perverities! Make sense? I am not saying that you are doing anything wrong, but what I am certain of is that this being wants to protect you from something, he is trying to tell you something, just be open and done be afraid. Gandhi g
  • Aug 26, 2008, 05:37 AM
    Go to a priest and have him preform a ritual that rids you of bad spirits, if not done ypu may become possesed by evil spirits.
  • Aug 26, 2008, 06:26 AM
    Rubish spooked. The only devils are the ones running round in our own hearts! The beings I spoke of earlier exist in the ether, astral plane, conscious and collective dream world and they only reflect back to us what we really are. If you see horns and hooves then there must be something in you that corresponds to that image! The devil or yamaraja is only doing a job, he works for god unlike the majority of the human race. The fall of lucifer is actually the fall of humans into the material world, locked outside heaven if you like, contained within a material field of so called freedom and pleasure, the scriptures that contain this knowledge are over five thousend years old! Check out, bhagavad gita, sriman bhagvatam.
  • Aug 27, 2008, 06:50 PM
    Wow that sounds really horrifying!! You should try to have the house blessed by a priest!!
  • Dec 26, 2008, 02:29 PM

    If what you say is true your going to need all the help you can and if you need help call me my phone number is (1309)444-3164

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