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  • Aug 4, 2008, 07:56 AM
    Itching with no rash on the shoulders, forearms and down the right arm
    I am a 47 year old female that has had this itching problem for 10 years. I have seen every kind of doctor for this and I have had all the blood work that goes along with it also. The Dr.'s look at me like I am CRAZY :confused: I have been diagnosed with a pinched nerve in my neck with spinal stenosis and degenerative disk disease. I just had the first cortisone shot 2 weeks ago in my left arm, because I was in so much pain I had to have some relief. I cannot take pain medications it makes me nauseated.:( I have a apt with a Neurological appointment in 2 weeks. I had my first apt back in 1999 with Neurological Surgeon and that is when I was Surgeon.
    The itching started on my arm and now it is across my shoulders and forearms. When you scratch once it leads to more and more. It is worse at night. It awakes me from my sleep now. Ice is really the only thing that will help. I have used creams, lotions
    etc... :( It can get really embarrassing at times.:o .

    If anyone has any suggestions please write and express.
  • Aug 4, 2008, 01:37 PM
    There are some conditions a person may have that requires positive thinking to deal with. Itching is often one of these conditions.

    I would recommend that you get a book from your library on the power of thinking positively and how this can greatly improve your life.

    Positive thinking and meditation.
  • Sep 2, 2008, 04:14 PM
    Hi! I also have Lumbar Spinal Stenosis and Degenerative Cervical Disk Disease. As my condition worsens, I am experiencing a lot of itching. I notice it is worst when I am on my feet for too long. It is so painful sometimes that I cry. Anyway, my doctor told me that it is a sign of neuropathy. I know what you are going through!
  • Sep 2, 2008, 09:06 PM
    I have cauda equina syndrome. Many people who have what I have, and also myself, have an additional condition that is similar to what you describe. It is called Arachnoiditis ( and also Adhesive Arachnoiditis). For me it is located in my feet, but the location of the pinch nerve would explain the location for you.

    It is critical for patients to realize that the symptoms of arachnoiditis are highly varied and are not all experienced by all sufferers. Consequently, while typically significantly life-altering, the outcome, especially with physical therapy, appropriate psychotherapy, and medication, may be better than many patients fear upon receiving the diagnosis.

    Arachnoiditis is a neuropathic disease caused by the inflammation of the arachnoid, one of the membranes that surround and protect the nerves of the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. The arachnoid can become severely inflamed because of adverse reactions to chemicals, blood, and/or steroids, infection from bacteria or viruses, as the result of direct injury to the spine, chronic compression of spinal nerves, or complications from spinal surgery or other invasive spinal procedures. Lumbar patches (also known as blood patches), which are often useful in relieving painful headaches associated with spinal taps and epidural anesthesia, have been found to be significant potential causative agents in some cases and may warrant avoidance of the procedure where possible. Multiple blood patches may amplify the probability of contracting arachnoiditis. It is also noteworthy that blood has been found to be a significant inflammatory agent in the nervous system. Inflammation can sometimes lead to the formation of scar tissue and adhesions which can cause the spinal nerves to "stick" together.

    Ask the neurologist about this, I have the itching form but many people have severe pain to go with it. My pain is located in a different area than the itching. It feels like ants crawling on your skin.

  • Nov 11, 2008, 04:36 PM

    Originally Posted by engliksh04 View Post
    I am a 47 year old female that has had this itching problem for 10 years. I have seen every kind of doctor for this and I have had all the blood work that goes along with it also. The Dr.'s look at me like I am CRAZY :confused: I have been diagnosed with a pinched nerve in my neck with spinal stenosis and degenerative disk disease. I just had the first cortisone shot 2 weeks ago in my left arm, b/c I was in so much pain I had to have some relief. I cannot take pain medications it makes me nauseated.:( I have a apt with a Neurological appointment in 2 weeks. I had my first apt back in 1999 with Neurological Surgeon and that is when I was Surgeon.
    the itching started on my arm and now it is across my shoulders and forearms. When you scratch once it leads to more and more. It is worse at night. It awakes me from my sleep now. Ice is really the only thing that will help. I have used creams, lotions
    etc.....:( It can get really embarrassing at times.:o .

    If anyone has any suggestions please write and express.

    I am a 46 years old female. I have a very intense itching in my arms for the last 10 years. I sleep with ice packs. I have also had all kinds of blood work done. It usually happens from August through January. It is worst in Oct. and Nov. When my body gets hot it is worst. It's like a hot spot. So I have to cool it off. It is so embarrassing. I make myself bleed all the time. Have you been given any answers? I don't have pain just the itching. Sometimes when I get out of the shower I break out with hives, which make me believe that I have a problem with heat. I'm not sure how this works, so I hope you get this e-mail.
  • Nov 19, 2008, 09:14 PM
    I have the same thing from what you are describing. My forearms itch so bad and the more I itch them the worse the need for me to do it gets. It seems to be worse at night too. I take benedryl but that is not helping. I saw a Dermatologist today for it. He asked me if I had ever been in a car accident and had whiplash and I said yes several years back. You mentioned having a pinched nerve in your neck. This could be your problem. According to him, because of the whiplash the nerve in my neck that goes down my arm is causing me this itching. I don't fully understand it but he said he believes I have a nerve problem and that is why there is not any noticeable redness on my arms or a rash of any sort. It is the nerve below my skin causing this severe itch. He prescribed CAPSAICIN which is over the counter medicine. I got the roll on stuff so you don't get this on your hands. CAPSAICIN is made from jalapeņo peppers so it is extremely hot when it is on your skin. It is safe to use everyday. I hope this helps you.

    I am a 47 year old female that has had this itching problem for 10 years. I have seen every kind of doctor for this and I have had all the blood work that goes along with it also. The Dr.'s look at me like I am CRAZY :confused: I have been diagnosed with a pinched nerve in my neck with spinal stenosis and degenerative disk disease. I just had the first cortisone shot 2 weeks ago in my left arm, because I was in so much pain I had to have some relief. I cannot take pain medications it makes me nauseated.:( I have a apt with a Neurological appointment in 2 weeks. I had my first apt back in 1999 with Neurological Surgeon and that is when I was Surgeon.
    The itching started on my arm and now it is across my shoulders and forearms. When you scratch once it leads to more and more. It is worse at night. It awakes me from my sleep now. Ice is really the only thing that will help. I have used creams, lotions
    etc... :( It can get really embarrassing at times.:o .

    If anyone has any suggestions please write and express.[/QUOTE]
  • Nov 19, 2008, 09:15 PM

    Originally Posted by pami1962 View Post
    I am a 46 years old female. I have a very intense itching in my arms for the last 10 years. I sleep with ice packs. I have also had all kinds of blood work done. It usually happens from August thru January. It is worst in Oct. and Nov. When my body gets hot it is worst. It's like a hot spot. So I have to cool it off. It is so embarassing. I make myself bleed all the time. Have you been given any answers? I don't have pain just the itching. sometimes when I get out of the shower I break out with hives, which make me believe that I have a problem with heat. I"m not sure how this works, so I hope you get this e-mail.

    I have the same thing from what you are describing. My forearms itch so bad and the more I itch them the worse the need for me to do it gets. It seems to be worse at night too. I take benedryl but that is not helping. I saw a Dermatologist today for it. He asked me if I had ever been in a car accident and had whiplash and I said yes several years back. According to him, because of the whiplash the nerve in my neck that goes down my arm is causing me this itching. I don't fully understand it but he said he believes I have a nerve problem and that is why there is not any noticeable redness on my arms or a rash of any sort. It is the nerve below my skin causing this severe itch. He prescribed CAPSAICIN which is over the counter medicine. I got the roll on stuff so you don't get this on your hands. CAPSAICIN is made from jalapeņo peppers so it is extremely hot when it is on your skin. It is safe to use everyday. I hope this helps you.
  • Sep 22, 2009, 08:57 PM
    HI. I See you are all having the same severe itching, with tingling that is annoying as heck... it won't go away no matter how much anti-itch cream, lotion or anything that I try.

    I get the itching mostly on my arms, shoulders, upper and lower back, neck, head, elbow, sometimes around my ankles or feet and miscellaneous other places like once in a while my eyebrows, cheeks, under my neck, etc. Definitely everywhere my long hair covers itches and I suspected it was my hair before.

    It feels like bugs running around or jumping under your skin, very tickly, itchy and very annoying to the max. It is driving me insane. Insane, Insane. I am scratching myself silly especially at night and especially when I sleep I make myself bleed more.

    I have sores and scratches everywhere and have to work like crazy not to scratch. At the moment I am going insane with itching.

    I did find an answer tonight online before I came to this site.

    This person had told another group to get tested for...

    Formaldehyde and Formaldehyde Releasing Agents which are in many things including: soaps, cleansers, shampoos, lotions, creams, moisturizers, cosmetics, wrinkle resistant fabrics, cleaning products, smoke and tobacco, smoke from wood, coal, kerosine or charcoal fires, cleaning waxes and polishes and paints.

    It can be diagnosed with a "truetest" allergen patch that can be given by your doctor... more info here which also tests for other things that cause the contact dermatitis. Even then the test says it only tests for 29 allergens but that there are thousands of other allergens and your doctor can test you for even more of them. Well it is worth a try if it gets rid of this problem.

    More info here

    Well good luck everyone!

  • Oct 6, 2009, 02:22 PM
    I, too, have suffered with this problem off and on for years. Mine started in my upper arms (more on the left one than right) and the itching has worked its way down to my forearms. I have severe lower back injuries, but after reading this suspect that it is related to perhaps a pinched nerve in the neck.

    The only thing I have found that really works to alleviate it is activated charcoal. NOT charcoal briquets. You can purchase activated charcoal at a health food store. You need a fairly large amount, not capsules. Mix the charcoal with equal parts whole or ground flax seed. Then wet it until you have a thick, black paste. Cut a piece of a chux pad to fit the area or use something similar (paper toweling and plastic wrap on the outside will work in a pinch) and tape it on with Waterproof surgical tape. In most cases this will stop the intense, painful itching almost instantly or in a few moments. This method also works great for poison ivy and insect bites and stings. For the itching, it has been a true Godsend for me and I hope it will help someone else who tries this.
  • Aug 1, 2010, 02:14 PM
    Okay... I have these exact symptoms... no rash... burning, itching, waking me up at night... ice pack for relief... happens mainly in evening... no relief from cortisone shots / creams / pills. It went on for about 6 months before I had every test done to find out the cause... I went to GP and had a blood work done (nothing)... went to a dermatologist and had a topical allergy test done (not allergic to anything) and to an allergist and have a prick test done (not allergic to anything). The allergist assured me it was dry skin... the GP told me it was stress... and I don't think the dermatologist believed me because there wasn't a rash there for her to look at. I thought I had it figured out when I changed deodorants... never had another break out... for a whole year and now it is back again. My allergist said that there is NO way that it is an allergy to a topical because I had a test and there is not a rash (how is it going to show up, if I don't get a rash from it anyway, I say) But I believe it has to be something I am putting on my skin... maybe I have become allergic to this deodorant?? I have bought a new brand and will try again... Has anyone found out anything else? The only other thing that would make sense is a nerve problem of some sort. But what do you do about that? One more thing... my dad has the same problem too. He switched deodorants and did not work.

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