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  • Aug 2, 2008, 08:42 AM
    What is wrong with me?
    OK, so from experiences with relationships in the past I have always got very intense very quickly, which usually pushes the girls away. I met someone last week and we went on a date this week, had a lovely time and spoke briefly about it the day after and said 'yes we will do it again sometime'. The promblem is, depsite having a lot going for me (not to sound big headed but do), I am a very very insecure person and when I don't hear from someone I assume they have gone off me... every time! I've bene on one date with this girl and already I am in a state of 'whats going on?' 'does she like me?' etc etc. she's older than me too, and I've never been out with anyone older, so I don't wanan come across as a little boy. For the next couple of days I have nothing to do at all!. and I don't want the days to be spent by my fone hoping she'll get in contact. I am just not cut out for relationships. I analyse everything, read into everything too much and am constantly paranoid and insecure which I don't know why. And I really hate that I'm like this all the time. Is it just me?
  • Aug 2, 2008, 09:57 AM

    for the next couple of days I have nothing to do at all!.
    That's part of your problem, you need a real life of your own, to balance things, and have some business, to give you something else to do besides think of a female, and tripping in your own head. Then you can work on your own issues, and improve on them so they will not interfere in enjoying a relationship, instead of worrying about trivial things.
  • Aug 2, 2008, 10:11 AM
    Your right. I actually av a very busy life coming up starting Tuesday. Which I know by then I should be OK. But I let famle trouble ALWAYS get in my way and bring a downer on things.

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