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  • Apr 9, 2006, 08:19 PM
    Question about after death
    My son died almost two years ago and I have a couple of questions that didn't even hit me until recently. Though it may seem masochistic, I need some more information on time of death. The death certificate just states when he was pronounced at the hospital. Anyone with helpful information please let me know and I'll give you the details.
  • Apr 10, 2006, 03:44 AM
    I am sorry to hear about your loss, twhiting. I don't think the question is masochistic at all.

    I am quite positive that the hospital will have time of death in his file. I would call the hospital and ask them directly: "My son died there and I was never given the time of death; how can I get this?"

    I am not positive, but you may even have a right to a copy of the file yourself. You could ask them about that also.

    I wish you success with it, twhiting.
  • Apr 10, 2006, 06:19 AM
    I am surprised the death certificate does not state a time that he was declared dead.

    Also actual time of death and declared time of death are not always the same. In a hospital it is closer but for example if death occurs somewhere else, the ER crew arrives and you are dead, they can not pronouce you dead so they take you to a hospital where they declare you dead. You may have died a hour earlier.

    But as Rick stated if the actual death certificate does not state it, the hospital or coroners records should have that info in them.
  • Apr 10, 2006, 06:22 AM
    First my condolences on your loss. Its perfectly natural for you to want to understand details about your son's death. However, I'm not sure why you think there is a difference. Its up to a doctor to officially pronounce a person as dead. If you watch medical shows, you will see someone "calling" it. That time is noted on the death certificate as the time of death. I don't believe any other time would be recorded. So I doubt if the hospital would have any other record.

    You don't say how your son died. If you wanted any more details, you would probably need to talk to the physicians who worked on him or the EMTs who transported him to the hospital.
  • Apr 10, 2006, 06:12 PM
    My son didn't die at the hospital. He died at home. When I found him in his crib, lividity had already begun in his cheek. I just need to know. It's the 'what if' factor.
  • Apr 11, 2006, 06:14 AM
    Do you know if an autopsy was performed? If one was, then you need to speak to the pathologist who performed the autopsy. They may be able to give an estimate of the actual time of death. But it will only be an estimate. However, given your further explanation that may be enough to help you find closure.

    However, if an autopsy was not performed, I doubt if the hospital will have any records to make such an estimate.

    Good Luck.

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