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  • Jul 24, 2008, 10:03 AM
    Little White White spots all over my arms. Monobenzone user
    I have been using it for almost 2 weeks but not every day. I have started using it twice a day and then decided to slow it down and use it once a day. I have mixed the 20% with my body lotion and that's how I used it.

    At the beginning I noticed that my skin got brighter and no side effects and just to remind you guys am Kim Kardshians tone. A few days later my skin got dry and wrinkly " which is normal side effects"

    TODAY: I freaked out soooo badd because I was looking too close at my skin and found WHITE very tiny dots spread all over my arms and legs. They are definitely 2-3 shades lighter than my tone and there are patches all over my body. I have been applying it purely to my very dark elbows and all I see is pink undertone with not much of lightning. My elbows gotten BAAAD, dry and a thick leathery film formed there.

    I have scheduled an appointment with my Dr. late this afternoon to see what's going on but I am too scared to find out about these white dots.

    Can someone tell me if they have experienced same thing... Please :(

    HELLLLLLLPPPP :confused:
  • Jul 24, 2008, 10:23 AM

    Originally Posted by spotted
    I have been using it for almost 2 weeks but not every day. I have started using it twice a day and then decided to slow it down and use it once a day. I have mixed the 20% with my body lotion and thats how I used it.

    At the beginning I noticed that my skin got brighter and no side effects and just to remind you guys am Kim Kardshians tone. a few days later my skin got dry and wrinkly " which is normal side effects"

    TODAY: I freaked out soooo badd because I was looking too close at my skin and found WHITE very tiny dots spread all over my arms and legs. they are definitely 2-3 shades lighter than my tone and there are patches all over my body. I have been applying it purely to my very dark elbows and all I see is pink undertone with not much of lightning. My elbows gotten BAAAD, dry and a thick leathery film formed there.

    I have scheduled an appointment with my Dr. late this afternoon to see whats going on but I am too scared to find out about these white dots.

    Can someone tell me if they have experienced same thing.... Please :(

    HELLLLLLLPPPP :confused:

    It's very common to have the problems you are having with the use of mono. If you don't have vitiligo you should not use mono.
  • Jul 24, 2008, 11:45 AM
    Duh, you're supposed to get white dots lol.
  • Jul 24, 2008, 12:58 PM
    Vicky-D ,so they are suppose to be extremely WHITE... very small tiny DOTS?
  • Jul 24, 2008, 05:07 PM
    ^ Yes.
  • Jul 24, 2008, 05:24 PM
    Hi Vicky, can you eloborate? Do these spots grow together eventually?
  • Jul 25, 2008, 08:05 AM
    Hi spotted

    I got a few white spots, also it just means the product is working, it may be a bit to strong so dilute it further with your own cream of your choice

    Heppy whitening
  • Jul 25, 2008, 09:56 AM
    Well, I guess you can affoid using a couple of days but it might trigger the color to come back more. So I think you should just use it until it becomes white all together. Is depigged what you wanted?
  • Jul 25, 2008, 10:55 AM
    Hi spotted

    Please update us on your MD's advice and diagnosis, I think what you are experiencing is the product working and doing what it is suppose to do,

  • Jul 26, 2008, 11:40 PM
    Hello Everyone
    Lightrrr.. on top of the white spots my skin also developed a big red circles and it was so itchy, it was only in my inner elbow joints , MY doctor said it is not serious it is just a reaction toward a cream or type of food that I am allergic to and no need to worry about, but My dr. advised me whatever new thing that I am using I have to stop it. I didn't actually tell her that I was using Mono because I didn't want to get into any troubles.

    My redness is gone after I stopped using it for 2 days and now and I am back on the mono again but this time I am only using once a day and planning to use it 3 times a week and increase it gradually. I have also changed the mixture and just applied it after a thin coat of vitamin E oil. Too bad my skin is so sensitive.

    If you can guys help me by tell me where can I buy the 20 % powder or a place other than that sells it for cheaper price that would be greatly appreciated.

    I will keep you updated...

    By the way, how long it took you guys to see desired results?
    Do you think 2 month of use will help in getting rid of my brown spots and uneven tone?
  • Jul 27, 2008, 01:13 AM
    Hi spotted

    Glad to see your back and doing well, I think what you are doing is great by reducing the amount of mono your applying daily and giving your skin some time to get use to the mono, in regards to the mono I still purchase from mon... net people and they give discounts just ask them and they sent me an email about a rewards incentive for frequent customers, I don't want to go elsewhere because I have lost so much money from the chinese suppliers, stay far far far away from them.

    Happy whitening

  • Jul 27, 2008, 07:30 PM
    Hi everyone,

    LIghterr, I must say I LOVE my mono suppiler. I find it funny that I just wanted it and it took little searching for a supplier where others have been searching for years and still haven't found one. I find their price to not be too bad actually not bad at all compared to some others skin lighteners that claim to do somethinng and do nothing. I am trully getting results, I am like in yellow fever. Like I said its easy access and really works. I am blessed no problems at all.
  • Jul 27, 2008, 11:52 PM
    Yayyyyy Red! Man I can't wait!
  • Jul 28, 2008, 03:16 AM
    Hey guys

    I am glad that your happy and the products are working, its also working for me too. Like I said prior my neck and chest are high yellow and my face is finally starting to look yellow, arms are filled with patches hoping they will clear up soon, legs have repigged a bit hopefully they will clear up as my face has.

    Spotted I think your doing great, what I think happened to you is the cream that the supplier had mixed may have been the cause of youur irritation its no ones fault, but what I suggest is that once you order again maybe ask them to only give you the powder alone or ask them to use a specific cream, that you use regularly to avoid further irritation.

    Hapy whittening
  • Jul 28, 2008, 09:34 AM
    Thanks you guys. I was talking to mon... net. And they do work with you. I think I am hooked for life.Lighterrr, what is your before color like again, I forgot? I figure once you get past the repig phases its nothing but lightening there one. SO keep you head up girls/guys! Hopefully, it will all be worth it in the long run.
  • Jul 29, 2008, 05:43 AM
    Hey red

    That's great, my original color was dark like hmmm let me think like naiomi campbell, and now I would say that I am like or close to being ashanti (the singers) color, my ultimate goal is to be like tyra banks color or maybe beyounce

  • Jul 29, 2008, 09:09 AM
    Ooooo weee, lighterrr, it sounds like your might be lighter than beyonce if your face gets caught up. Get ready girl. LOL
  • Jul 29, 2008, 03:19 PM
    Hey red

    I could not have said it better myself, my body is going to be sooo bootylicious as beyonce would say, ill let you know once I get their

  • Jul 29, 2008, 03:46 PM
    Hi guys, but what's the estimated wait time for beyoncelicious? 2 months, 3 months? Right now I'm a medium brown...

    What's everyone's rutine, are you guys applying twice daily? If someone would apply three times daily would the results come quicker?

    You know what I notice, this mono from net is good because it didn't darken me as soon as I put it on like the chinese ladys I ordered from eBay.
  • Jul 29, 2008, 09:08 PM
    To get to where I am at it took 2 months to get any real good results. I assume it varies person to person. I know your skin will burn/tingle, lighten initially, the darken/repig, then peel, this should reveal lighter skin... then it repeated for me. NOw I am at the lightening stage.

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