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  • Apr 1, 2006, 05:55 AM
    The Rope
    Thought you might enjoy this, too.

    Have a great weekend.
  • Apr 1, 2006, 06:41 AM
    Kind of like a website chain letter.

    I like this one:
  • Apr 1, 2006, 07:03 AM
    What a spooky story. And it is just that, a story, written by humans.

    Hmm, wasn't the bible written by humans? During an age when creating and telling stories was the primary method of communcation and entertainment?

    It can illustrate that even thou this person thought he believed in this higher power, he did not trust the advice. So much for faith. Poor soul was only a few credits from being a true believer.

    A few more words of advice may have helped. But people have been killed falling only a few feet, let alone ten feet, so not cutting the rope seemed reasonable.

    The alleged entity certainly could have been more proactive and actually cut the rope with a bolt of lightning instead of just sitting back and offering advice that sure did not sound like a reasonable solution.

    The climber asked for help, not advice. But this I suppose reverts back to the fact that we have choices. The person had the choice of NOT climbing the mountain at night, which certainly sounds dangerous to me.

    The first bad choice was to attempt climbing at night. The second bad choice was not having a flashlight, along with the other equipment needed to perform this activity. Besides making fatal bad choices, he clearly was not prepared. Really, now that I think about it, the absolute first bad choice was even thinking he was capable of performing this sport without proper training, equipment, and knowledge of when to do it and when not to.

    Imagine yourself walking on a dock, at night, towards the water,and is well known that it ultimately ends, at the water. If you suddenly realize that you are in a dillema, which way would you go? Back the way you came, towards dry land, or continue towards the water?

    Why did he not do what he went there to in the first place, climb the rope? Who will know, but he certainly did not trust the false or otherwise bad advice, and decided not to take the chance.

    Sounds as if he was doomed the moment he chose to try to climb the mountain, and the questionable advice he was given when asking for help was a feeble attempt to help, so this must had been his time, and the entity knew it, and was just playing with him.Must have known he was not a gambler.

    Is the intended message to listen to your intuition, and believe that every time a message is received it comes from above? Then we certainly will need to question every piece of advice received.

    And this is my opinion.
  • Apr 1, 2006, 07:06 AM
    HI, tk,
    I posted it because I like it.
    No other reason.

    Hey, NeedKarma,
    I posted it because I like it.
    Saw part of your link.
    We are all entitled to our own opinion.
  • Apr 1, 2006, 10:14 AM
    Fred,think of it this way.We all have a different view point.If we did not,how boreing would we all be.That is the great leveler of a forum site.And long may it continue. :)
  • Apr 1, 2006, 10:23 AM
    Hi, Nez,
    I agree.
    We all have a different point of view; and, it would be boring if everyone had the same opinions! I hope it continues also.
    Personally, I enjoyed the message and the great pictures.
  • Apr 10, 2006, 12:43 PM
    Thank you for sharing it with us.
    I think each of us is tied to a rope which is believed to rescue, while what it really does is preventing us from solving our problems, or even worst: prevents us from even seeing it correctly.
    We should really listen to that inner voice - shouldn't we?

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