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  • Jul 9, 2008, 05:27 PM
    Why Should Your Kids Not Know English Only? 'Cause OBAMA Says So!
    And His Word Is LAW! Folks who support Obama, please stop beating your heads into the wall wondering why people who speak Spanish don't want to learn English. No real reason to wonder now! BARACK OBAMA, presidential candidate, wants for your children to learn SPANISH! Forget the teaching of English at least for the foreseeable future, folks. That's a thing of the past, get over it already. The CHANGE WE CAN TRULY BELIEVE IN is that Barack wants for your kids to LEARN SPANISH!! Why would he be pushing for that when so many want Spanish-speaking kids to learn English? Why does Obama take this position? Does he feel it will help his candidacy? Are you in agreement with him? What say you? But don't take my word for it. Here's the FILM for proof! Comprende amigos?

    Video - Obama Says Your Kids Need to Learn Spanish | 186 k per second
  • Jul 9, 2008, 05:41 PM
    He isn't the only one. That has been the way it has been for years.
    I remember the arguments a couple years ago over people dying from the cold and they could not read English so they were misusing kerosene heaters and all.
    Many said it was up to us to cater to their language.
  • Jul 9, 2008, 06:32 PM
    Ok the US is almost the only school system of the major nations that does not require a 2nd language. And in today's job market, you almost have to know spanish, I did not get 4 great jobs because I did not know spanish.

    So I believe a requirement in education for a second language would be great, now of course I am not sure that the federal government could even require it if they wanted to since most of this is controlled at state level.
  • Jul 9, 2008, 06:45 PM
    O.K. so far it's 2 that appear to be very comfortable with Obama's LEARN SPANISH initiative. Any more?

    Interested in the November presidential election? Have you heard? They're trying to take Hillary's delegates away!
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    And for ALL Obamanots:

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  • Jul 9, 2008, 06:46 PM
    I agree with Father Chuck. What is wrong with Encouraging kids to learn a second language.

    You know what language I'm about to begin classes to learn? Chinese. I can make good money in China doing what I do. I can make even more if I know how to speak Chinese.

    Your so predictable and monotonous Sky that its actually entertaining. Keep digging!!
  • Jul 9, 2008, 06:48 PM
    Didn't mean I was comfortable with it or not just stating that that is the way it is and just like everybody wants to put everything on Bush I see it pretty much the same.
  • Jul 9, 2008, 08:07 PM
    We have three languages spoken fluently in our household and three more that we can comprehend on beginner to novice levels. Personally I do think English in the US should be the business and commerce language, and perhaps our national major news network broadcasts. After that I don't care what people speak.
  • Jul 9, 2008, 08:19 PM

    Originally Posted by Skell
    I agree with Father Chuck. What is wrong with Encouraging kids to learn a second language.

    Nothing! But it better be SPANISH!

    You know what language i'm about to begin classes to learn? Chinese. I can make good money in China doing what i do. I can make even more if i know how to speak Chinese.

    Oh well, to each his own I guess. But Obama won't be too happy since it isn't Spanish you're interested in! Humor him once in a while by taking up Spanish as well. It won't hurt you and maybe you'll even learn something.

    Your so predictable and monotonous Sky that its actually entertaining. Keep digging!!!

    Hey, thanks for the encouragement, Skell! It's great sentences like that that are so off-beat, in a sense, that actually keep me going! I am in the process of preparing much more for folks just like You! I just Luv to hear how you hate 'em, 'cause I know that in reality, I'm really on to something when you read them and react the way you and others do! And of course, if you didn't reply, I would have little opportunity to present the tag lines that are so important from now on, so THANKS AGAIN and don't stay a stranger, let's hear from you!

    Interested in the November presidential election? Have you heard? They're trying to take Hillary's delegates away!
    Just Say No Deal!

    Just Say No Deal

    Power of Puma: Howard Dean Schemes To Shut Down Democratic Convention

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  • Jul 9, 2008, 09:34 PM
    I agree with Fr Chuck

    In the future it will be to your advantage to know a second or more language.

    If I had it my way I would have my 3 kids learn, Spanish, Chinese, and Farsi. ;)

    Tu comprende?

    Or as OHB likes to say "si se puede," lighten up once in awhile Sky ;)
  • Jul 9, 2008, 10:33 PM
    Obama is without question the 'panderer-in-chief', and shows over and over why he is not qualified to be POTUS. He is truly an embarrassment. Most government schools can't effectively teach English, math, or history; much less Spanish. I suppose Obama appeals to the elites among the populace, but he nauseates me.
  • Jul 9, 2008, 10:56 PM
    I think it is good to learn a second language. I'm going to let you in on a little secret Obama did not start this trend. It was a requirement when I was in high school ten years ago to take a second language just to graduate. I will also add that the more publicized language throughout my school was spanish.
    I can understand and speak a great deal of spanish and that helped a lot when I lived in miami, but now I've moved onto learning french because I believe that educating yourself about another's culture is what makes great and intelligent people.
    I have a question though why is sky so angry? Is it that he doesn't want children to be educated or is he mad that they are getting forced into being educated?
  • Jul 9, 2008, 11:17 PM
    When I was in h.s (when we had dinosaurs for pets), two years of a second language was required for graduation. French, Latin, and German were the choices. I took three years of Latin. Kids scoffed -- "Latin is a dead language" -- but my vocabulary is probably better than theirs now. In college I took German. For my job, I wish I could speak Hindi, Mandarin, Farsi, and ASL--plus knowing Italian and French would add to my value as an employee. I'm learning Spanish from Mexican library volunteers. My knowing Hebrew and Greek would be great for Bible study.

    Every child should learn at least two, and probably three, languages. He will never be sorry.

    Now, if only native English speaking Americans would learn spelling, grammar, and punctuation...
  • Jul 10, 2008, 03:11 AM
    He was speaking to a crowd that could barely speak English(and he was stammering and stuttering pretty bad himself) . He was AGAIN pointing a finger at the US while deflecting an important issue about English as the official language.

    He was mocking Americans oversea invoking the image of the Ugly American.

    Indeed Europeans are more likely to be fluent in more than one language . People from Alsace and many other regions of the continent are not clear what their true national origin is. Each nation on the continent is like a State in this country .So yeah ;I am very fluent in NewJersey and when I visit Florida I converse in Floridian.

    Ask the Canadians how well the dual language thing is working out. Quebec is constantly threatening secession.

    Meet the elites. They think you're stupid. They think all freedom loving Americans are stupid. They think patriotism is stupid. They think churchgoing is stupid. They think flag-flying is stupid. They despise families with more than two children. They are sure that where we live -- anywhere but near or in a few major cities -- is an insipid cultural wasteland. [Laura Ingraham 'Shut up and Sing.']
  • Jul 10, 2008, 05:05 AM

    Originally Posted by fjsmith81
    I have a question though why is sky so angry? is it that he doesn't want children to be educated or is he mad that they are getting forced into being educated?

    Angry? It has often been said that those who detect anger in another is because the anger is inherently in their own system. As for education, haven't I been saying that I agree with children learning a second language? Yes. As for being "forced" to be educated, my own position on that is that whatever it takes to educate a child correctly by qualified teachers is worth the effort in the long run to allow them to become productive members of society. I do hope that Obama can fully fund that important program to allow EVERY child in America to learn Spanish without any hardships on having to pay for their education. And of course, this would not necessarily include illegal aliens from south of the border as they may already know Spanish unless the illegals are of another country, then they may need to learn it as well. As to who would fund them, I'm sure Obama will find a way for us to. But then it's all in the name of education, so who could complain about that. Just something that is inevitably coming in an Obama administration and it's hard to disagree with anything that educates those in this country. We can't get enough education, ever.

    Interested in the November presidential election? Have you heard? They're trying to take Hillary's delegates away!
    Just Say No Deal!

    Power of Puma: Howard Dean Schemes To Shut Down Democratic Convention

    And for ALL Obamanots:

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  • Jul 10, 2008, 05:19 AM

    Originally Posted by SkyGem
    Just something that is inevitably coming in an Obama administration and it's hard to disagree with anything that educates those in this country. We can't get enough education, ever.

    Interested in the November presidential election? Have you heard? They're trying to take Hillary's delegates away!!
    Just Say No Deal!

    Power of Puma: Howard Dean Schemes To Shut Down Democratic Convention

    And for ALL Obamanots:

    Nobama Network - Dedicated to Unity Democrats, Republicans, Independents Election 2008

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    One thing I do wonder about, however, is whether Obama is wanting children in America to learn Spanish because he is genuinely interested in them learning it as a second language, or is he merely pandering for the Hispanic vote in the upcoming elections? That remains to be the question.
  • Jul 10, 2008, 05:27 AM
    Sky the word "forced " was key to everything. It's like his "forced" volunteerism that he would impose on the students . It's like his telling us what cars we can drive and how much food we can eat and what temperature we can keep our house .
  • Jul 10, 2008, 05:28 AM
    Hi Sky,
    What would be your solution?
  • Jul 10, 2008, 05:31 AM
    American Civics class 101: English is not the official language of the US.
  • Jul 10, 2008, 05:38 AM
    Yes Bobby the question is... should it be recognized as such ? There is a case to be made for both sides . Obama's mockery does not move the debate forward at all.
  • Jul 10, 2008, 07:41 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55
    Sky the word "forced " was key to everything. It's like his "forced" volunteerism that he would impose on the students . It's like his telling us what cars we can drive and how much food we can eat and what temperature we can keep our house .

    Yes, Tom, I see your point. But I'm wondering about those who are offered an education but who simply don't want to go to school. Should they be "forced", within reason, to attend? I know some will say yes, others no. There are also laws addressing truancy and home-schooling to contend with. But when someone starts to FORCE all other things on the citizens of this country then the line has to clearly be drawn somewhere as that would be un-American at best. At worse, it would be akin to what a third world country would do with its citizens. Surely we don't want to fall into that category here in this country if that's where Obama wants to take us.

    Interested in the November presidential election? Have you heard? They're trying to take Hillary's delegates away!
    Just Say No Deal!

    Power of Puma: Howard Dean Schemes To Shut Down Democratic Convention

    And for ALL Obamanots:

    Nobama Network - Dedicated to Unity Democrats, Republicans, Independents Election 2008

    Welcome to

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