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  • Jul 7, 2008, 07:13 AM
    Probation Violation? What do you think the sentence may be?
    My boyfriend violated his probation by not reporting to his probation officer. She violated him three times for the same offense. He was originally sentenced to 5 years in prison, but was released in four months with probation. They just got him about three days ago. Why he was not reporting was beyond me. He has not caught any other charges, but the violations for not going to see his probation officer. He was charged originally with a drug charge, but has since been an overall good guy. Do you think that they are going to give him the rest of his time? What do you think? I am just trying to get a grip on everything that's happened and what I should expect. Thanks to everyone for their help.
  • Jul 7, 2008, 11:28 AM
    Only his judge at the probation violation hearing will decide his fate. It would be hard to think that the judge would keep giving him probation since he can't seem to abide by those rules presented to him.
  • Jul 7, 2008, 11:52 AM
    Probation is mighty tough to comply with. It seems to me that it's their goal to keep them all in jail..

    I'm not sure about this, but it seems to me that your boyfriend is still using, considering he's not showing up to his appointments.. that's a big deal to Probation officers, and from what I've seen my ex-boyfriend go through, I think your boyfriend will probably go to jail for a couple months.. that's if he even passes the drug test..

    Why don't you dig a little deeper and see why he's so reluctant on going to these meetings? Seems like he has a problem here.. it's not fun being the girlfriend stuck in the middle, believe me I know.. but don't let yourself get too emotionally envolved, because it consume you with worry.. it's no good.
  • Jul 7, 2008, 12:52 PM
    Probation officers always have to right to put you back in jail for the duration of your original sentence. That is the agreement upon release. If you can hang with the guidelines, they will allow you to be realeased until you show that you can't handle it anymore. Seems to me he can't handle it anymore and while he is finishing out his sentence he should get help for his addiction. Good Luck
  • Jul 7, 2008, 10:15 PM
    I don't think your boyfriend will get the entire 5 years but he will probably do somewhere between 30 days and a year. That's just my guess. I know that it is a big window but it will have a lot to do with what the PO's recommendations are. That means that he will be let out on probation again so he better learn to start dealing with it. I know how bad it sucks but he has to understand that it is either living outside of prison as a prisoner or living inside prison as a prisoner.
  • Jul 8, 2008, 08:21 AM
    Hello t:

    It's going to be up to the judge - not the PO. They'll probably re-instate his probation, if this is his first time doing this. If not, they certainly might keep him for the duration.

    In my view, probation is EASY. Because he was charged with drugs does NOT mean he's an addict. I just thought I'd throw those things into the discussion.

  • Jul 8, 2008, 01:11 PM

    Originally Posted by typeyshab
    My boyfriend violated his probation by not reporting to his probation officer. She violated him three times for the same offense. He was originally sentenced to 5 years in prison, but was released in four months with probation. They just got him about three days ago. Why he was not reporting was beyond me. He has not caught any other charges, but the violations for not going to see his probation officer. He was charged originally with a drug charge, but has since been an overall good guy. Do you think that they are going to give him the rest of his time? What do you think? I am just trying to get a grip on everything that's happened and what I should expect. Thanks to everyone for their help.

    Boyfriend violated his probation... The probation officer violated him three times.

    Has was originally charged for a drug charge... Failure to report to PO. 3 times for the same offense.

    Smells funny, but your probably right, he's probably not an addict.
  • Jul 10, 2008, 04:46 PM
    Well look at the facts.. he was originally sentenced to 5 years in prison, 4 months from his first day in he's let go.. thats more than a gift.. the fact that he isn't showing up to probation AFTER they basically let him off the hook, in my opinion is not going to sit well with his prosecutor
  • Jul 11, 2008, 09:11 AM

    Originally Posted by GeWeIzMiN
    well look at the facts.. he was originally sentenced to 5 years in prison, 4 months from his first day in he's let go..thats more than a gift..the fact that he isnt showing up to probation AFTER they basically let him off the hook, in my opinion is not gonna sit well with his prosecutor

    Exactly and when given a break like that what would keep you from going to your PO. Other than a dirty UA. You have more important things to do?
  • Jul 13, 2008, 04:08 PM
    daniel walking
    Comment on excon's post
    Good money
  • Jul 26, 2008, 06:21 AM
    Thanks everyone for your comments. Excon, you were right on the money. The charge that he received was not for doing drugs but for selling them. He never had a caught a charge because of a dirty UA, but he stopped reporting. He thought that his probation officer was being nasty and mean just for the heck of it. I heard that probation is harder than parole. He hated it! But honestly, I think he should have just swallowed it, and kept moving. He went to court and the judge sentenced him to 120 days. He said that it will not be as easy if there is a next time and because he has not gotten into any more trouble, he gave him a lighter sentence. I think that my boyfriend understands this now, because all he talk about is how mean the COs are and how hungry he is. Hopefully he gets the picture. I have a very good job, and he has always worked. Hopefully, we can get past this, I will see him again in Oct or Nov and we can move on. Thanks everyone for your comments!!
  • Jul 26, 2008, 07:29 AM
    It is hard to say if it is his first as said most likely after sitting in detention waiting for hearing, they will give him one more chance,
    But then being an election year, ajudge up for re-election being tough on crime, who knows what can happen.
  • Jan 4, 2010, 11:12 AM
    Ok so I have a similar question...
    My boyfriend right now has not been going to his probation meetings for close to 6 months.
    He was on the 24/7 program, was watching a football game, fell asleep, and ended up sleeping through it. This was back in August. He knew that if he turned himself in he would be held for a long period so... He decided to wait until after Christmas to spend that with his family.
    My question is...
    How long to you figure he'll be held in prison?
    He only had 4 months left to serve on his original charge, but will they also tack on a year+ to that four months or what?
    I've never really been in trouble with the law so I don't understand the situation at all...
    If you could help answer the question I would appreciate it...
  • Feb 11, 2013, 05:06 PM
    I have a friend how recently got arrested for a 1st degree felony and was on probation for a 3rd degree felony. His priors include traffic offenses and doesn't have any other felonies. What do you think his sentence will be. I don't know whathis condictions were or for how long he was on probation for. Can someone give me some answers.
  • Aug 3, 2013, 09:43 PM
    My niece was charge more than eight years ago in Florida on drug possession and was to agreements and follow probatation rules

    She left the State and went to South Carolina- where her mother was-- and since was incarated in federal prison systems twice - just release two months ago-

    Now is back in same state Florida and was arrested for violation of her probation-

    She would be a flight risk and just got out of prison- two felonies on her

    What do you think the judge will do on this one--


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