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  • Jul 5, 2008, 03:36 PM
    The Republican connection?
  • Jul 5, 2008, 03:46 PM
    I've seen that quote several times, are you trying to make a point?

    If so, why not make your point, instead of just posting something old to read?

    The article itself even states that this tactic can be used by ANY political party, so again,
    What is the point?
  • Jul 5, 2008, 04:17 PM
    BABRAM Hermann Goering

    Oh? But I see you got the point. It just took you three sentences of dancing to get there, but you did. You acknowledged subject matter and reference, "this tactic could be used by ANY political party." So why does the Republican party choose this tactic, when the Democrats for all their faults choose not?? That old flimsy transparent patriotism card. The Republicans have worn it out.

    BTW you thought this was not old?? You said,"Socialists, Communists, Marxists, Fascists, or any other term you want to use with the same basic meaning, is EXACTLY what the Democratic Party is all about." Please! That rhetoric is so stale Ronald Reagan knew it was outdated during his campaigns. Both parties have been slinging terms like these at each other for decades.
  • Jul 6, 2008, 06:23 AM
    Yeah obviously that was the way Churchill and Roosevelt fooled their nations into war.
  • Jul 6, 2008, 07:42 AM
    This theory works not only for war but for just about anything. Substitute a different word for War and it still works. I personally liked "Mad Cow Disease".
  • Jul 6, 2008, 07:46 AM
  • Jul 6, 2008, 08:02 AM
    The is obviously a very narrow view out there by some people. Babram claims that "So why does the Republican party choose this tactic, when the Democrats for all their faults choose not???" Do you not realize that it was the Democrats that got us involved in most of the wars in this great countries history. LBJ - Vietnam (Democrat), Truman - Korean War (Democrat), FDR - WWII (Democrat), Wilson - WWI (Democrat). Before slinging blanket statements we should be sure to weigh the facts of history.
  • Jul 6, 2008, 02:53 PM

    Originally Posted by Gregisteredtrademark
    Do you not realize that it was the Democrats that got us involved in most of the wars in this great countries history. LBJ - Vietnam (Democrat), Truman - Korean War (Democrat), FDR - WWII (Democrat), Wilson - WWI (Democrat). Before slinging blanket statements we should be sure to weigh the facts of history.

    Huh? Two things going on here. Actually I said, "Both parties have been slinging terms like these at each other for decades." I should had said the Democrats used to bombard Ronald Reagan, as the Republicans are currently attempting to do with Barack Obama. Yes, I take responsibility for this needed clarification. But did you think that LBJ, Truman, FDR, and Wilson are candidates for the upcoming presidency? They are all dead, it's 2008, and Dubya's current personal project, otherwise known as the Iraqi war, is a costly disaster. Let's learn from the past, but not live in it. Number two, which is the relative subject of today and point, generally speaking though Democrats do not directly require Republicans patriotism credentials, but Republicans have made calling out Democrats patriotism tantamount to their campaign agenda the past decade. I'm not wearing my American flag lapel pin. Whoop-tee-do! BTW it's not a narrow view, it originated with Caesar and it works to damn well. That nazi "Hermann Goering" was speaking directly about making the masses persuaded to war, not made cow disease. Please.

    PS. I'm a registered Indendepent that's voting for Obama.
  • Jul 6, 2008, 03:05 PM
    Tom, nobody with an IQ above room temperature would confuse George "Dubya" Bush for Churchill or Roosevelt.
  • Jul 6, 2008, 04:09 PM
    Ok so let me get this straight. You mock me by saying that LBJ, Truman, FDR, and Wilson are dead an not a candidate for president. But in the same breath you speak of George Bush? Knock Knock... Bush isn't on the ballet either, or did you miss that one?

    I can't stand it when children whine and I can't' stand it anymore when adults whine. What Bush has done is going to be his legacy and Americas issue to deal with for many years to come. I will flat out agree that Bush is an idiot and that he wanted to finish daddy's war, but the question is where do we go from here?

    I just don't get how you can say that one candidates patriotism doesn't matter? And it is not about the pin, the pin is just one piece of a pattern that has been forming for years. Let's see his pastor of how many years? 20+ spewing "god dXXn America" are you going to tell me this was an isolated incident? No, he has been listening to this anti-American banter for years and never opposed it until it started to make him look bad.
  • Jul 6, 2008, 04:43 PM
    Nope. I'll try and make this clear as possible. Our current situation is in part because of George W. Bush, which you admit is an idiot, and he fully endorses John McCain. I never said our candidates were not patriotic. I find them both to be very patriotic. I'm saying generally speaking, both Republicans and Democrats are patriotic alike. BTW I've thought "damn America" on several occasions in regards to our president and congress for their knucklehead decisions and actions. But neither Wright, Obama's ex-pastor now retired, or Hagee, whom has made several bigoted remarks although McCain sought the guys support (and has since dropped his endorsement), are running for president. I try not to involve myself with the side shows of the campaign circus unless there are discriminate falsehoods being made. Granted, we all have different perimeters as to what issues are relative or most important. But it's simply a false charge that either one of the candidates are not patriotic (or the vast majority of their supporters).
  • Jul 7, 2008, 03:37 AM
    The question is ;was Iraq a necessary war? We disagree on that and will not persuade each other to change opinion. I guess history will decide. Comparing President Bush to Nazi Germany's leaders is a cheap shot .
  • Jul 7, 2008, 03:46 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55
    The question is ;was Iraq a necessary war.

    Actually I think it's more related to the tactics used to control the population - and Bush's administration's tactics fit the quote.
  • Jul 7, 2008, 04:34 AM
    Sorry Tom, Canada never used scare tactics to control the population like the US does. When the posters came the world war was underway: Menu - Victory Bonding - Exhibitions - Library and Archives Canada

    In the case of Bush's administration the scare tactics and use of FUD is used to allow the admin to reach their goals which seems to include a great loss of privacy and freedom for the general public.
  • Jul 7, 2008, 04:48 AM

    Canada never used scare tactics to control the population like the US does.When the posters came the world war was underway

    Yes when President Bush began to mobilize the war had already been thrust upon us.


    Canadians were physically and psychologically unprepared for war in 1939 - inadequate military preparations were matched by a psychological reticence. The country had just begun to recover from the trauma of a severe ten-year Depression which had strained the its religious, social and political institutions and bred widespread cynicism and anger. Because of this, Canadians were reticent to assume the responsibilities and sacrifices they knew would be demanded by the war. Although they were aware of the deteriorating situation in Europe, many Canadians continued to hope that a full-scale conflict could be averted.

    This lack of preparation and enthusiasm, coupled with the nation-wide large-scale sacrifices required of the war made it imperative that the government mobilize public opinion to support the war effort and defuse discontent. After a shaky and indecisive start, the government, through the Bureau of Public Information and later the Wartime Information Board (WIB), undertook an extensive propaganda campaign "to dampen cynicism" and stimulate support for the war. Posters quickly became an essential element in this programme, in part because of their physical properties: they were relatively inexpensive to produce; they could be created, printed and distributed in a relatively short period of time; and they enjoyed a broad, sustained exposure.

    Relying on posters' impact, immediacy, emotional appeal and sustained exposure, federal government ministries and agencies, under the guidance of the WIB, produced approximately 700 propaganda posters that were printed in a wide variety of sizes that appeared on everything from billboards, shop windows and theaters, to buses and streetcars and even matchbox covers. Because of their variety and distribution system, posters saturated the nation's cities and towns, and quickly became familiar to most Canadians.
    The popularity of posters as a propaganda tool, however, was also a consequence of the manner in which they sent their messages. By using images as a form of visual shorthand, they implied much more than was actually stated or shown. As one of the poster artists pointed out years later, successful posters made this shorthand graphic through "vigorous composition, eloquent colour, an unambiguous theme [and] impassioned execution," and in that way they communicated complex, highly emotional messages "in the blink of an eye." And the powerful messages they transmitted tend to be instantly internalized rather than analyzed. Because of this, the posters had a strikingly immediate impact on people's values, attitudes and aspirations.
    Canadian WWII Propaganda Posters
    What I'm saying is that all nations rally the people to support the war in similar manner. All We really disagree on is the cause of the war itself.
  • Jul 7, 2008, 04:56 AM
    Actually you're changing the subject. The subject is about telling the country they are being attacked and denouncing the pacifists for lack of patriotism.
    This is indeed being done.
  • Jul 7, 2008, 05:08 AM
    We weren't attacked ?
  • Jul 7, 2008, 05:16 AM
  • Jul 7, 2008, 05:29 AM
    YEAR = 2001 !
  • Jul 7, 2008, 05:43 AM
    And ? Of course the measures that were taken happened AFTER 9-11-2001 .
    Should we let our guard down until next time ?

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