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  • Jun 9, 2008, 02:31 PM
    Liberal to conservative, just like that!
    It was years ago that I first heard this little story, and I just heard it re-told today, a little different of course, but the meaning still hit as hard as it did the first time I heard it.

    I just wonder what anyone's opinion of the story might be:

    A man was attending dinner at a friends home one evening.

    After dinner, the Very Liberal host and hostess were visiting with the man when the couples 5 year old daughter came into the room.

    "Hi", she says to the man.

    "Well, hello there, whats your name"?

    The girl told him her name, and he asked her, "what do you want to do when you grow up"?

    Without a moments hesitation, she replied, "I'm going to be the president of the United States"!

    "Well, that is one heck of a goal for a 5 year old", looking up at the beaming parents, the man asks "When you become president, what is the first thing you will do"? The girl replies, "I will give a house and food, to every homeless person in America"!

    "Good for you" the man replies, "but, you won't have to wait that long in order to start helping the homeless, I can help you get started right now"

    "How" the girl asks?

    "You come over to my house with me, I have a whole lot of dog poop in my back yard that needs to be picked up and cleaned up, I'll pay you $5.00 to clean it up. Then, you can take your $5.00 down to the homeless shelter, and use it to buy a homeless man dinner, how would you like that"?

    The girl looks at her parents, and then back at the man, and says " I have a better idea.
    Why don't you go down to the homeless shelter and pick the man up. Then take him to your house and let him pick up all that dog poop, and you just pay him to do it"?

  • Jun 10, 2008, 01:07 PM
    That's good! And I thought a conservative is a liberal that's been mugged.
  • Jun 10, 2008, 05:55 PM
    Typical radical *religious* right propaganda... big laugh and engendering hate toward homeless people who are the least among us. Mostly veterans and schizophrenics and other mentally ill incompetents.

    And, Jesus said, what you do for the least of us you do 'for me'.

    Shame on you.
  • Jun 11, 2008, 10:01 AM

    Originally Posted by Choux
    Typical radical *religious* right propaganda.......big laugh and engendering hate toward homeless people who are the least among us. Mostly veterans and schizophrenics and other mentally ill incompetents.

    And, Jesus said, what you do for the least of us you do 'for me'.

    Shame on you.

    "radical, religious right propaganda huh?

    Strong words, hit a little close to home did it?

    Either you ignore the real message here, which has NOTHING to do with the homeless, and everything to do with Liberal Ideals vs. Conservative Ideals, and just how wrong the Liberal Ideals really are. The "Robin Hood" idea of taking from the "so called rich" (anyone who pays taxes) and giving it to the "so called poor" who have been taught to depend on the government for everything.

    Personal Responsibility, that is what created this fine nation, and that is what we have to get back, if we really want to "heal our souls".

    Shame on you!
  • Jun 11, 2008, 10:06 AM
    I too would rather the homeless have a job and support himself, and I'm still a fairly moderate/liberal guy. The two concepts aren't mutually exclusive.
  • Jun 11, 2008, 10:08 AM
    You guys are funny! Neither the Liberals nor the Conservatives are "right". It's all about what youfeel passionate about. What is ridiculous is hating people who are passionate about different ideas than you.
  • Jun 11, 2008, 10:19 AM
    Who said anything about hating anyone?

    I sure didn't!

    I hate the ideals, yes indeed I do, but hate towards the individuals who lack the knowledge to realize how wrong the socialistic liberal ideals are, in me, does not exist.

    Actually, I tend to feel sorry for them, unless they are running for public office that is.
  • Jun 11, 2008, 10:26 AM

    Originally Posted by progunr
    ...but hate towards the individuals who lack the knowledge to realize how wrong the socialistic liberal ideals are, in me, does not exist.

    That's called passive-aggressive hate.
  • Jun 11, 2008, 10:39 AM
    Passive-aggressive hate?


    Go ahead, call me a "hater", passive-aggressive or not.

    I actually expect that type of response, since it is difficult to argue in favor of Socialism or Liberalism, when the idea of personal responsibility is injected into the debate.

    Even a devout Liberal, has a hard time saying that we should "not" be responsible for ourselves.

    It's OK, I understand.
  • Jun 11, 2008, 10:55 AM
    There are few Conservatives in America... what we have in America is a war of Fascists against Moderates.

    I know, this would be difficult for you to understand since you are used to belching slogans and repeating ignorant drivel. We have average citizens rah-rahing for the cause of Fascism because they are ignorant of their own self interests. :)

    Mary Sue, a Moderate

    Oh, and homeless people are very damaged, incompetent people.
  • Jun 11, 2008, 11:01 AM
    Ah yes, when all else fails, attack, attack, attack.

    I've added "belching slogans, ignorant drivel, and ignorant of my own self interests" to the meaningful, well thought out, and intelligent responses that have been posted here.

    Anything else you would like to add?
  • Jun 11, 2008, 11:05 AM
    Moderates v. fascists? Pppuuullleeezzze! Let me digress a moment: Ayn Rand said the 'war' is between Attillas and Witch Doctors, which I kind of enjoyed reading a few years ago. Seems to me the war is not between our ideals, but how our ideals are to be accomplished. The liberal/fascist crowd sees no problem with most any government program; they had no problem with Clinton's programs, until they were inherited by Geo Bush.
  • Jun 11, 2008, 11:06 AM

    Originally Posted by progunr
    I actually expect that type of response, since it is difficult to argue in favor of Socialism or Liberalism, when the idea of personal responsibility is injected into the debate.

    Why do you feel that a person who considers themselves a liberal does not feel a sense of personal responsibility?
  • Jun 11, 2008, 11:19 AM
    I have to talk to your level in order to communicate with you. Look at the pathetic joke you thought was so amusing and educational... aren't you ashamed of yourself for being so shallow and uninformed, p?

    Yes, in America, it is a fight between Fascists *against* Moderates/Liberals. There are few Conservatives, just only Fascists calling themselves Conservatives like wolves in sheep's clothing that they are. Proof? SEE GEORGE W BUSH'S FASCIST GOVERNMENT.

    I know it is difficult to understand complicated concepts, but don't opt out your mind to the first BS you hear because you love to hate instead love to understand the issues at hand.
  • Jun 11, 2008, 11:28 AM
    Because that is what socialism/liberalism is all about.

    It's about making everyone equal.

    It is about making sure that no one in the liberal society has more than any other. It is about how the government exists to take care of every need that each individual may have, and has gone from need, to "want" or feeling "entitled" to this "Nanny State of Government".

    The focus is not on "working hard, doing your personal best, to improve you and your families quality of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". No, not at all.

    The Liberal focus is on "what can the government do to help me get this, or have this", there no mention of "doing for yourself" or the fact that "the harder you work, the more you get rewarded". Nothing in the Liberal Ideals has anything to do with taking care of yourself, rather it is focused totally on our government taking care of us.

    I believe that I am better off deciding what is best for me and my family, I don't need the government to make those decisions.

    Our Great Nation was founded upon conservative ideals, that a free market, capitalistic society, where everyone has the same opportunities, is the best form of government. The more you apply yourself, the more successful you can be.

    This ideal provokes individual pride, and individual responsibility.

    Liberals hate the rich. They see it as "unfair" that anyone should have more than the rest of the society, no matter how hard they had to work to achieve that success, the liberal belief is that it is the duty of the government to take some of that success away from the one who earned it, and hand it over to the ones who chose to do nothing but sit with their hand out.

    If one truly believes in individual responsibility, and not the re-distribution of wealth, then they cannot truly call themselves a liberal.
  • Jun 11, 2008, 11:33 AM
    Wow, you are deluded if that's what you think all liberals think. And you obvioulsy do harbour a good deal of hatred.

    Aren't you from a country known to sue everyone for anything bad that happens to you (regardless of political ideology)? How does that play into your 'personal responsibility is a conservative value' argument?
  • Jun 11, 2008, 11:34 AM
    Choux has not yet come to grips with the reality that Fascism is just socialism by another name. What she calls moderate /liberalism is in reality incremental socialism
  • Jun 11, 2008, 11:37 AM

    Originally Posted by Choux
    I have to talk to your level in order to communicate with you. Look at the pathetic joke you thought was so amusing and educational......aren't you ashamed of yourself for being so shallow and uninformed, p?

    Yes, in America, it is a fight between Fascists *against* Moderates/Liberals. There are few Conservatives, just only Fascists calling themselves Conservatives like wolves in sheep's clothing that they are. Proof? SEE GEORGE W BUSH'S FASCIST GOVERNMENT.

    I know it is difficult to understand complicated concepts, but don't opt out your mind to the first BS you hear because you love to hate instead love to understand the issues at hand.

    My dear Choux: the government over which George W. Bush presides is the same as that given to him and us by Lincoln, TR, Wilson, FDR, LBJ, and Clinton: all of whom are proud, big government, liberally-idealed fascists. All these presidents have trampled upon the constitution given to us in the name of their big-time programs and power, especially for their constituencies.
  • Jun 11, 2008, 11:47 AM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma
    Wow, you are deluded if that's what you think all liberals think. And you obvioulsy do harbour a good deal of hatred.

    Aren't you from a country known to sue everyone for anything bad that happens to you (regardless of political ideology)? How does that play into your 'personal responsibility is a conservative value' argument?

    It fits very well, wouldn't you say?

    If my property is damaged by the actions of an individual, and I sue them, is that not the perfect example of PERSONAL responsibility?

    Or perhaps the government should just write me a check, with the money they have taken from 1,000 other peoples taxes, who had nothing to do with the actions of this "individual"?
  • Jun 11, 2008, 11:50 AM
    You two angry white guys better go back and read Kucinich's Articles of Impeachment if you want to see what the Fascist Bush did to the National Government. :)

    p, you are too ignorant to talk to... first of all, AMERICA WAS FOUNDED BY LIBERALS. The founding fathers were **LIBERALS**of their time. So, come back in a couple of years after you *learn something* besides propaganda and lies.

    See you, places to go people to see. :)

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