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  • Jun 8, 2008, 08:33 PM
    What's considered complications after abortion?
    To those of you who disagree on abortion I totally understand and respect your opinion but I do not wish to read any negative remarks/feedback thank you very much

    The only reason why I'm being 100% honest is because I feel a person can get the best answers that way. I'm not at all promoting this in anyway. Everyone has there demons, and mistakes in life.

    When I was 18 I had an abortion (im now 20) I was 3-4 months into the pregnancy. I waited sop long because I really wanted to have it but for our personal reasons (would rather not go into detail) we decided to have the abortion. When I first got to the clinic they had said that it woud only be a 1 day procedure, but then once I got put under anestesia they woke me up and said that I would need a 2 day procedure. I was extremely scared at this point, and no option to turn back. I was in excrutiating pain all night and the next morning. After the procedure was done, a couple hours later I started to get a fever, BTU was able to lower it within gthe hour. I was supposed to take of my body,rest etc. well to cope with what I had done I used drugs through out my healing process. I didn't want to think about anything. I also was on the depo as well right after. I didn't get my period for about 6 months and I had theses excrutiating cramps that were on and off 4 2 weeks, no painkiller would kill the pain. I went to my obgyn that was on call because at this point the only thing that was making the pain go away was about 8 doses of morphine that would where off every 6 min.(im 5"0 100lbs), he didn't know what was going on so he referred to the nearest emergency and had his partner look at me to get a second opinion, while he was giving me a pap smear, and as he put that utensil in me I felt as instint relief, and saw that a lot of dark almost black blood was coming out of me, it was scarry but the pain was gone. I started having my normal periods again. Well now its been 2 years since then and now I'm married, and my husband wants to have a baby, we've been trying for quite some time and no luck. Everymonth I buy pregnancy test and I'm never pregnant. Is there a professional that would maybe know what happened tome and if so is it possible for me to have children? Or is it possible that everything that happened to me could have been an infection or coplications since I didn't get my period for about 6 months?
  • Jun 8, 2008, 08:59 PM
    You need to see an OB/GYN about this, and probably will need a referral to a fertility specialist.

    You've been Trying to conceive for 2 years--are you tracking ovulation? Are you having sex BEFORE ovulation? How long have you been off Depo?

    There are so many factors that go into getting pregnant, and if you haven't been consulting with a doctor throughout--and being completely honest about your medical background--you will have a more difficult time.

    There are ways to check your uterus and cervix for scarring, as well as check to see if you are ovulating normally. Also--it may not be YOUR body that is the problem. Has your husband had his sperm checked for count, motility, etc?

    Fertility tests are expensive, and generally NOT covered by insurance unless your life/health otherwise is in danger. However, checking your cervix for scarring SHOULD be able to be done by a gynecologist.

    You need to consult with a doctor. As I said--too many factors go in to getting pregnant for anyone online to tell you what exactly YOUR problem is. You'll need a complete medical exam, and your hubby may need to have some tests run as well.
  • Jun 8, 2008, 10:49 PM

    1st off thank you for being honest, but what is trying to conceive? And I've seen my obgyn and I've told him every detail I could buut all he told me was that to get on prenantal pills and ill be fine. He said that I was young enough to heal on my own. I've spent hundreds of dollars in medical bills for ultra sounds of my uterus, x-rays, etc and they were never able to tell me anything. And about ovulation, I have no idea when I'm ovulating or how to know, I've tried one of those calendars before but its never right. And would you happen to know why I didn't get my period for 6 months after the abortion? And why blodd was stuck in my body?
  • Jun 8, 2008, 10:50 PM
    Also I only used the depo right after the abortion I never went back to get another shot
  • Jun 9, 2008, 05:39 AM
    I'm not medically trained--I've just been Trying to conceive (Trying To Conceive) for some time now. I have no idea why you would have had the effects you did, though being on Depo stopped my period, so that could have been a side effect of the Depo, not the abortion. If your doctor won't tell you what is in your medical records as to what happened 6 months after your abortion, you might want to get another doctor. That information is YOURS, and any doctor that denies giving it to you or explaining it to you isn't a very good doctor.

    So... get on prenatal pills. Keep talking to your doctor. Start taking your temperature every morning and marking it on the calendar. Ask your doctor how to chart ovulation based on YOUR body and YOUR monthly schedule. And if your doctor doesn't take the time to explain--again, get another doctor.

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