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  • May 29, 2008, 01:26 PM
    What's wrong with this dress?
    I got this dress on wed : dELiAs > Megan Dress > apparel > dresses > halterand I want to wear it to church on Sunday my mom thinks that this dress is inappropriate because its sleeveless. Im 5'1 and I'm not a very busty girl the dress comes down past my knees my body type is small so it just looks like a cute halter dress nothing sexy in the least. The dress at the church I go to people wear jeans I have even seen girls and grown women as well wearing tube tops so no one would blink an eyelash at a halter dress so I wouldn't be out of place. In fact shouldn't she be happy that even HAPPILY attend church ? So what do you guys think ?
  • May 29, 2008, 01:28 PM
    That's a lot of cleavage for Sunday School. That would have never gotten past my mother.
  • May 29, 2008, 01:39 PM
    I don't go to church lets get that out of the way and I even think that church might not be the best place to wear it. Picnic sure, family function no problem, but for church a little to low cut. Let this one go it's not worth fighting with your parents about. Oh and as a guy I do find this dress to be sexy.
  • May 29, 2008, 01:41 PM
    Yeah, it would've never gotten past my mother either. The girl in the pic isn't very busty, but it makes her look like a poster child for wannabe victoria's secret models. You could always put a cute white tee under it or something, that's what I normally do if something is too low cut or revealing, try suggesting that to her.
  • May 29, 2008, 01:47 PM
    I've worn something similar to church (I'm 27 y.o. and a mom recently!) so for what's that worth! But I wore a little lite white sweater over top! With cap sleeves! If you want to wear it bad enough offer that up! Good Luck and God Bless!
  • May 29, 2008, 01:54 PM
    All4Noah, she has a great point. Maybe you could say hey mom, would you mind if I got a little sweater to go over it? I really like this dress and know you would feel better if I wore something over it;)
  • May 29, 2008, 01:59 PM
    The dress doesn't come down nearly that low on me though that's what I'm saying I'm short and very little (I wear a size 0 I had to get the xs in that dress) so the dress comes down past my knees unlike the model and the cut isn't that low on me... I could see if I went to a church where everyone dresses really formal but people wear jeans there and my mama won't even let me wear jeans. Its enough to make me not want to go to church at all... we fight every Sunday about what I wear(im a 26 yr old woman) evererything is either too elaborate for church or not dressy enough... I cannot wait until I move out (3 more months yahhhhhh)
  • May 29, 2008, 02:03 PM
    Quote : Maybe you could say hey mom, would you mind if I got a little sweater to go over it? I really like this dress and know you would feel better if I wore something over it

    That's a good idea thanks mayb shell go for that cannot wait untik I move then I can wear what I see fit to church

    What about this dress she hates this one too : dELiAs > Erica Knit Dress > apparel > dresses > halter
  • May 29, 2008, 02:09 PM
    Twink, I just check out the site, and if she says no. There are a lot of cute dresses there with sleeves, you may just have to give up and do what she asks... sorry love. How old are you again?
  • May 29, 2008, 02:27 PM
    Sorry no, mom is right, not a church dress. And if you have to wear it to church there needs to be a jacket with it.
  • May 29, 2008, 02:36 PM
    You don't have to do what everyone else do. I go to church sometime and wear slacks with a nice shirt and I see females in tube tops, but I will never wear it to church and I don't judge because at least their there. Your mom just want you to dress in proper entire likd my mom did. People used to jeans, but I was not allowed to on Sunday, because she felt it wasn't right. I couldn't even wear a halter dress until I was 18 because she thought it was too grown. The worst thing you can do is start a sentence with her by saying"everyone else". Get a sweater or jacket like the person suggested it looks nice, you can buy it separated from the dress. Or a short sleeve cargian that ends at your waist, then show your mom I bets she'll approve.
  • May 29, 2008, 03:16 PM
    Well even though you are 26 you still live with mom so have to follow her rules. Coming from a mother of a 24year old who both go to church every week I would say no to this dress too. Even though you say you are XS the "V" neckline of this dress goes all the way down to the empire waist. It's still down to the bottom of your breast area. That's too low. I probably wouldn't even like my daughter to wear this other places either. If you had a jacket or sweater you'd have to keep it buttoned up and so no point in that really. I would say some of the young men would also think it's sexy even if you don't. That could cause them to look at you in ways they shouldn't which isn't good either, it's a temptation to them. You have to be careful about stuff like that and show you respect yourself. I'd return the dress and purchase a more appropriate one. You can't compare yourself to what others wear.
  • May 29, 2008, 03:33 PM
    If you are 26, I think you should be able to wear what the heck you want. Saying that, if it were me, I would be respectful of my mother. You wear what you want, we all have different styles. I thought you were like 13 or something...
  • May 29, 2008, 03:47 PM
    Quote :That could cause them to look at you in ways they shouldn't which isn't good either, it's a temptation to them. You have to be careful about stuff like that and show you respect yourself. I'd return the dress and purchase a more appropriate one. You can't compare yourself to what others wear.

    The problem is the difference of opinon I don't see the dress as inappropriate she does... and as far as what everyone else does I really don't care I was using what other people wore as an example of how casual my church is as in saying I would not be out of place by wearing this dress... and trust me no matter what a woman wears men will lust after her if they see fit that is not up to me to keep them from lusting its up to them. Yes I live in her house but I am the one who bought the dress... I just feel I'm a little too old to be told what's appeopriate vs what's not. I wouldn't go to church in daisy dukes but I really don't see what the big deal with the dress is. Like I said its not just this dress its anything I put on to wear to church. Once I had a button up shirt and nice dress kakhis and she said it looked too casual.
  • May 29, 2008, 03:52 PM
    Twinkie, I almost feel as if you are trying to bring out a different issue. One maybe that you have with your mother and it goes a little deeper than this dress. Wear the dress if you want to. If you are worried about how your mom will feel, then put something over it.;)
    I think you are old enough to make these decisions!
  • May 29, 2008, 04:16 PM
    Yes we do have issues that go deeper such as her not acknowledging that I'm not her baby anymore and I'm more than capable of making decent descisons... but I digress... I try to respect her because I am in her house but some things that she tries to control are insane who tries to instruct their 20 something daughter on what to wear. If I don't know by now what to wear when then ill never know:(
  • May 29, 2008, 04:21 PM
    Twinklet, why are you still living with your mother?
  • May 29, 2008, 04:22 PM
    I am in my 30's and my mother would still tell me that dress isn't appropriate for church... although we don't go ;) When I did go, I was taught to dress well for the occasion. Don't get me wrong, it's a cute dress and all... but more for going to the park, beach, club, casual social event.
  • May 29, 2008, 04:31 PM
    I know absolutely nothing about female fashion but I know that my church and many others have started contemporary services over the past several years and the dress of the attendees goes from a to z. I have adapted to and attend the contemporary services but it still bothers me to see someone dressed in a way that it is obvious they want to become the focus of attention but we all know the focus in church should be on God. But it is a matter of taste and opinion and I can tell you that you would be welcomed in my churches past and present.
    But you have to have respect for your mother's opinion at any age. So I think you shoud abide by her request. You are a reflection on her and you owe her that.
    But you are a free human being. If you are unhappy with your mother's recommendations, go to another service or another church.
  • May 29, 2008, 04:36 PM
    I agree, if she feels there will be a problem, then she should cover up in respect to her mother. I think this whole thing goes much deeper than a dress like she said though. It was just a good OPENING topic to bring up in lieu of that. Twinklet, if there are things you would like to express, you can doit here.;)

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