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  • Mar 22, 2003, 08:29 AM
    I need some information please. Is Romanian food very different from Western foods? PLease help. Thank you.
  • Jun 6, 2003, 07:05 PM
    The Romanian gastronomi -... Romanian cooking is rich, tasty and substantial, as befits a country were all food is still naturally grown, where fruits and vegetables follow their normal...
  • Jan 4, 2005, 07:57 PM
    Hey if you still need help with the romanian food thing. I got it for you. Romanias foods are extrodinary since I am romanian and so is my mom and dad we all eat a lot of soup, homemade that is, such as tomato soup, chickenwith garlic and herbs soup, beef honycomb soup,cabbage rolls, cozonac and a whole bunch more and the homeade bread is really good.well g2g. Ame :)
  • Feb 27, 2005, 03:55 PM
    Food... And More Food:
    "Romanian food is distinct yet familiar to most people, as it has some unique elements to it but, fundamentally, it is similar to the gastronomies of other European countries. The local dishes are the delicious sarmale, imported from Turkey, mamaliga (polenta), friptura (stake), and cozonac (a special cake bread baked for Christmas or Easter). Other dishes include a burger bun with a slice of ham, a slice of cheese and a layer of French fries, cow brains, ciorba de burta (sour tripe soup), an onion salad - diced onion served in a dish, tomato salad - diced tomato with cheese, pig skin - boiled and sometimes in stew, and drob - a casserole made from lamb internal organs. Bread comes with almost every meal and dill is as or more common than salt as a flavoring.

    Generally, there is good street food, including covrigi (hot pretzels), langoşi (hot dough filled with cheese), gogoşi (donut-like dough, coated with fine sugar), mici (hamburger patties in the shape of sausages), and excellent pastries.

    Most restaurants in Romania, especially in more regional areas, only serve Romanian food, even though it is similar to Western European food."

    Source: Romania - Wikitravel

    Hope this helps.

    HANK :)

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