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  • Apr 22, 2008, 09:38 AM
    When did I get pregnet
    Hi I am 17 and pregnet. I am not sure when my last period was but when I went to the doctor I had a ultersound done and it said that I was 9w2ds pregnet, on jan 23,08. I had another ultersound April 2,08 and it said I was 19w2days, SO MY DUE DATE IS AUG 25TH.both ultersounds was done by two different doctors... so it was really close within 2days... so if I counted back from those dates is that the day I got pregnet?and is it accurate?I need to know to find out the baby's father!
    When I did count back it gave me the dates Nov. 20-22,07. I slept with two different guys... I only slept with one of them 1 time and he pulled out,that was nov.30th. And the other guy is my boyfriend and I slept with him many times before those dates and after those dates and he did not pull out... so is it still a high chance of the baby being the one night stand? Or is it a low chance? Or is it even possible the I got pregent since when I counted back from both ultersounds it was between nov.20/22,07. Meaning I would have already been pregnet when I slept with the one night stand on nov.30th.thanks... and please help. And even if you can't say for sure give me your just really stressed about it all because my boyfriend doesn't no about it and will leave me if I tell him now and won't come back even if it is his so I would rather wait and tell him when I know for sure.
  • Apr 22, 2008, 09:43 AM
    First of all, it is spelled pregnant.

    When you count back it should give you an approx. date of the beginning of your last period. This is not the day you had sex.

    Your due date is calculated from the first day of your last period, not the day you had sex to conceive.
  • Apr 22, 2008, 09:44 AM
    And just to add to that, you won't know who the father is just by the due date. You will need to get a DNA test for that. If you had sex with 2 different guys in the same cycle than it could be either of the guys. The due date will not tell you.
  • Apr 22, 2008, 06:17 PM
    Just wanted to add that just because the ultrasound said 19w2d, doesn't mean that is correct. When I was only nine weeks pregnant (I knew how far along I was as I was tracking cycles, and trying to get pregnant.) My on my ultrasound it said I was 12 weeks. My baby always measured further along on every one of my 8 ultrasounds, turns out... he was just a big boy... 9lb5oz!
  • Apr 22, 2008, 06:26 PM
    Sperm can live inside a women for 5-7 days. There is honestly no way to tell. You'll have to get the baby tested.
  • Apr 22, 2008, 06:28 PM
    Unfortunately, you will not know until a paternity test is done. I wish I had better news for you, but pregnancy/due dates, etc. are not an EXACT science.

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