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  • Apr 22, 2008, 06:17 AM
    Tae Bo & Running?
    I have been working out (most of you heard from my last post) and have been fitting in pants that were too small for me. Now I'd like to still lose more weight, because summer I want to look great. I was wondering, I decided to do that whole Tae Bo thing, how long do you think it'd take to lost weight watching Tae Bo and doing this everyday along with my 45 minute run? I've changed my diet around completely, 2 bowls of Special K everyday, if I want a snack I'll have fruit, and have my usual dinner - but not over consume. So do you think that it'd come off in a matter of weeks?

  • Apr 22, 2008, 07:44 AM
    Depressed in MO
    There are different types of Tae Bo that you can do.

    I personally have the Tae Bo cardio workout cd, and it works great! I am not a fitness/health expert, so I am only telling you based on my own personal experience and from what I've been told to what I've tried out. Cardio is an excellent way to lose fat and keep muscle. At least in my body it is, and I've heard that for others as well.
  • Apr 22, 2008, 08:36 AM
    If you plan to do cardio you need to hit at least a 40 minute minimum. Couple that with your diet that should net you some very exciting results. How many days a week do you plan to do cardio? Also be careful to avoid too much fruit. Eat as much veggies as you want/can. Eat very well rounded meals. Get in some dairy (I assume you eat your special k with milk), Get in some protein (Actual low salt meat). Portion control is the key. If you are female (not making assumptions) try and reduce or eliminate bread from your diet. Do NOT starve yourself.
  • Apr 22, 2008, 09:01 AM
    45 minutes of running, taebo, and eating properly you should see results in about 6 - 8 weeks.

    As smoked said, be sure not to starve yourself and make sure you're getting plenty of nutrition... I usually take a multivitamin when I'm cutting weight to make sure that I'm on top of it.
  • Apr 22, 2008, 10:08 AM
    Oh, trust me - I wouldn't starve myself, I plan to do both Tae Bo Cardio and Running 5 days a week, because I do a lot of different things on my weekends that keep me busy. I have been getting the right amount of veggies, I eat celery and carrots as a snack during school hours, I used to eat hotpockets and microwavable stuff like that but my dad won't allow that in the house so that helped me get on track a lot, I feel a lot better also. I'd really like to lose the weight by June 28 - graduation day. I'll get back with you guys soon and let you know how its going
  • Apr 22, 2008, 10:30 AM
    Awesome. Feel free to post in my fitness calendar
  • Apr 22, 2008, 02:55 PM
    First it is not healthy to lose too much weight too fast, no matter how you are doing it. So weight lose should be slow and steady.

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