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  • Apr 9, 2008, 10:49 PM
    Children's show from early-mids 90s (fantasy, I think)
    Do you recall a (non-animated) movie with a young girl, witch, gate with special key, and possibly a unicorn? I don't remember if it was actually a movie - could have been a mini-series or possibly even a TV show. The main character was a young girl. There was a witch, a gate with a special key, and possibly a unicorn. The girl was always trying to find some key for a gate or something like that. I saw it in school, in 2nd grade, roughly about 1994/95. If you can remember, please post! I've been trying to remember for years!
  • Apr 10, 2008, 12:27 AM
    The scecret garden??
  • Apr 10, 2008, 05:17 AM
    No, that isn't it. But thanks!
  • Apr 11, 2008, 04:51 PM
    Doesn't ring a bell-a bit reminiscent of the show where this kid is in some sort of a drema world and constantly tries to find a way to "wake up" and return to his body and his parents.
  • Apr 11, 2008, 05:01 PM
    There's one movie I'm thinking of that is one of the best... Labrynth! With David Bowie, very, very, very, great movie! Could that be it?
  • Apr 12, 2008, 07:09 PM
    No, I remember Labrynth. I'm really thinking that it was a TV show. But thanks for your help!
  • Apr 12, 2008, 07:33 PM
    The Shoe Police
    Return to Oz?

    I seem to remember 'keys' playing a major part in it. Fairuza Balk was Doroty.

    Check it on IMDB.
  • Apr 13, 2008, 07:40 AM
    It is similar, but I've seen that before, too. But thanks!
  • May 6, 2008, 09:56 AM
    I'm bumping this just to see if anyone else remembers!
  • Jun 2, 2008, 11:32 PM
    Hey. I don't know if we're thinking of the same thing, but I'm trying to look for the name of an older kids show (think it was only a 6 part mini series) on BBC (may have been on CITV I'm not sure). The premise was that there were these three teenagers, one girl and two boys (one of them I think was the nerd archetype) who got transported to a dark medieval land where evil was rife and being over run by a dark group of knights/ riders. The series often shifted back and forth between the real and medieval world using a set of "keys" which in the real world were something like a piece of string, a stick and a dustbin lid, but in the medieval world were powerful magical artefacts like a bow, sword and shield respectively. I remember they seemed to be trailed through most of the show by a dark knight and his almost Igor-esque type sidekick (like a twisted baldrick type character) who at one point managed to access the real world, I remember one particularly tense scene (for me at the time) when these two characters were crawling around through the bushes outside one of the kids' houses. I remember the final climax was something like the lead boy had to stab the unicorn in order to kill it and make it sing its final song, the music of which was the only thing that could save the land, only this all took part in an industrial site or something...

    Ring any bells? It was called something outlandish like Malabolg or something... on around 95-97.
  • Jun 3, 2008, 08:05 AM
    You know, that could be it! I'll look it up! Thanks so much!
  • Jun 3, 2008, 08:14 AM
    Halloween Town,there were a series of 4 or 5. This is info per my daughter.
  • Jun 3, 2008, 01:42 PM
    Yeah if you find the name let me know I'm desperately trying to remember it myself... argh!
  • Aug 21, 2008, 11:03 AM

    Originally Posted by pumpkin13
    Hey. I dunno if we're thinking of the same thing, but im trying to look for the name of an older kids show (think it was only a 6 part mini series) on BBC (may have been on CITV im not sure). The premise was that there were these three teenagers, one girl and two boys (one of them i think was the nerd archetype) who got transported to a dark medieval land where evil was rife and being over run by a dark group of knights/ riders. The series often shifted back and forth between the real and medieval world using a set of "keys" which in the real world were something like a piece of string, a stick and a dustbin lid, but in the medieval world were powerful magical artefacts like a bow, sword and shield respectively. I remember they seemed to be trailed through most of the show by a dark knight and his almost Igor-esque type sidekick (like a twisted baldrick type character) who at one point managed to access the real world, i remember one particularly tense scene (for me at the time) when these two characters were crawling around throught the bushes outside one of the kids' houses. I remember the final climax was something like the lead boy had to stab the unicorn in order to kill it and make it sing its final song, the music of which was the only thing that could save the land, only this all took part in an industrial site or something...

    Ring any bells? It was called something outlandish like Malabolg or something... on around 95-97.

    Hey I've been looking for that programme as well search every can't find it is it defo called malabog
  • Aug 21, 2008, 06:01 PM
    Anybody have a link for info on Malabog?
  • Sep 1, 2008, 03:58 PM
    goose 1

    Originally Posted by hobbitgal
    Do you recall a (non-animated) movie with a young girl, witch, gate with special key, and possibly a unicorn? I don't remember if it was actually a movie - could have been a mini-series or possibly even a TV show. The main character was a young girl. There was a witch, a gate with a special key, and possibly a unicorn. The girl was always trying to find some key for a gate or something like that. I saw it in school, in 2nd grade, roughly about 1994/95. If you can remember, please post! I've been trying to remember for years!

    Hi I think I remember this show can you remember if one of the characters was in a giant jungle environment dome on the run?
  • Jul 18, 2009, 09:17 PM

    BUMP! Just wanted to see if anyone new could help me out! I still haven't found the name of this show/movie. I found a series called Into the Labyrinth--anyone know of that show?
  • Feb 21, 2011, 04:49 PM
    Thank you for your post, I thought I had made this series up as no one else knew about it. Then I found another site where someone like you was also looking for it, so using your information I finally found it. It was called Elidor, I even read the book as a child so when you said it began with a M the title I knew that was wrong and it was a E but there is a character in it called Malebron so maybe that where you got Malaborg from . I haven't searched for where I can buy it to watch but check out this link on wiki, it matches your description about the unicorn so I know it must be that series. Hope I can finally watch it after all these years of trying to remenber what it was called! Thanks every so much, you and this other person ( nt_through_a_portal_to_a_world_where_there_was_a_b lack_knight) really helped. Here's the wiki link
    Its on eBay & IMDB
  • Feb 21, 2011, 04:58 PM
    It is that series, I've found a link with photos. I know this may sound a bit pathetic but I have been looking for this series forever! Even though I read the book as a child & watched the TV series because I was so young I couldn never remenber enough to find it, your post really did help!

  • Feb 21, 2011, 05:00 PM
    Sorry wrong link, that's the one to this website that I was going to post on a nother board to help someone else who was looking for the name of the show. Here's the correct link:

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