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  • Apr 3, 2008, 11:06 AM
    Spots on penis and scrotum
    Hello, I've had these spots on my penis and scrotum for about 2 years now, and sometimes I just think they are normal spots that you get on your face, because I squeeze them and when I do it doesn't hurt but, there is this white stuff, its not sperm, it looks like a white thread (lol) and sometimes, they can be red but only 1 or 2 every couple of weeks (I have had a male partener and we did everything, without a condom) they have started to calm down but then are still they and I'm kind of getting worried now, should I go and see a doctor about them?

    Please help, and tell me if what I have described can be a STI, plase, thanks for reading :)
  • Apr 3, 2008, 12:00 PM
    I would go see adoctor to make sure,you should have seen your doctor when they first came up.

    They could just be ingrown hairs but you can't take are word for it because we can't see but get checked out by your doctor and get std tests it would put your mind at rest
  • Apr 7, 2008, 08:59 PM
    Hey... my boyfriend has had the same problem... since he shaves down below... he gets ingrown hairs... sounds exactly the same... white thready stuff coming out... I wouldn't worry about it too much... but if it continues... or they seem like they're really infecte go get checked out... and stop picking them... theyll get infected
  • Apr 8, 2008, 02:05 PM
    I'm sorry but you can not take peoples word for it when it comes to a health problem especially in this area please go and see your doctor

    Just because somebody says they have had a similar problem doesn't mean it's the same problem

    So please go and see your doctor and have std tests as well because you had unprotected sex
  • Apr 11, 2008, 12:27 AM
    As a healthcare professional, I strongly advise you to go and see a doctor, probably a GP to do some preliminary test on what you are having (knowing the fact that you have this for almost 2 years now).

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