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  • Apr 2, 2008, 11:35 AM
    Water level drops in toilet
    Hi there,
    I have a 2nd floor main washroom that doesn't get used too much. I bought a new home off the builder and its now 1yr old. It seems this toilet doesn't have much water pressure compared to the other toilets in the house. A few months back, this toilet would start making a hissing noise (like it was running/filling water - but no water was there) every time I turned the faucet on and then off). The builder's plumber came in and adjusted the water level. This didn't really work as it still happens every once in a while. The plumber came back and changed out the black ball and parts in the tank (sorry, don't know what its called). In the mean time, my bathtub started to gurgle every time I flushed the toilet. No water comes up through the tub, it just gurgles. I told him it was probably the air vent that was blocked and should be snaked. I've also noticed that the water level in the toilet is slowly dropping. I did a dye test and saw that the dye was coming into the bowl after an hour or so. Do you think this is all related to blocked air vent? I told the plumber to snake it, but he said "How the heck will I know which stack to snake if there's only 1 stack in the roof - the snake won't be able to find the right stack" I see that there is a suggestion that the stack will be better located through the attic.

    Am I off base here with what the issue may be. I have found all kinds of things in my vents heating vents (bottles, etc) and now I'm thinking that the builder crew may have dropped garbage in one of the bath vents?
  • Apr 2, 2008, 12:01 PM
    One problem at a time please.

    First the toilet

    Originally Posted by chogge
    Hi there,
    A few months back, this toilet would start making a hissing noise (like it was running/filling water - but no water was there) every time I turned the faucet on and then off).

    What faucet are you speaking of?


    Originally Posted by chogge
    I've also noticed that the water level in the toilet is slowly dropping. I did a dye test and saw that the dye was coming into the bowl after an hour or so

    You probably have a leaking flush or flapper valve.
  • Apr 2, 2008, 12:16 PM
    Thanks Harold
    That would be the bathroom sink tap (next to the toilet).
  • Apr 2, 2008, 12:29 PM
    Are you saying that every time you turn the sink faucet on you hear a hissing noise from the toilet?
  • Apr 2, 2008, 12:44 PM
    Yes, like the toilet is running (not flushing).

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