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  • Mar 24, 2008, 12:40 PM
    I need $6,000 and fast!
    Okay... So, I'm 18 years old, I have no credit and I have no Co-Signer, therefor I can not get a loan. I need close to 6,000 dollars and I need it within one month. I can honestly say that it's a life and death situation, not only for me, but for someone I love dearly, I can not give up, so I've decided to just do anything and everything that will make me some cash... Well, I don't have a lot of idea's, I have no car and no ride and no money to pay for taxies, so, for the moment a job would be a hard thing to get and keep. I have probably a few hundred dollars worth of things that would sell on eBay, but that wouldn't even get me nearly the amount of money that I need. 6,000 dollars is a lot of cash and I would appreciate any suggestions to make this ASAP.
  • Mar 24, 2008, 12:54 PM
    Your best bet is to find someone who will loan it to you. You may qualify for a credit card that you could use or get a cash advance from, but you'll be incurring a lot of interest and will have to make your monthly minimum payment. Without transportation and a job I'm not sure what else you can do.
  • Mar 24, 2008, 01:03 PM
    $6,000 in a month? Not likely unless you borrow it from someone. I'd ask your parents, or a family member. Without a job it's not likely that you'll get a credit card, so I think a loan from someone you know is your best bet.

    What is this life or death situation? You mentioned that it's not only for you but someone else, is this other person helping you find a solution?
  • Mar 24, 2008, 01:24 PM
    I don't have family that would be willing to help me. I asked one, but they refused.
    The life and death situation is an operation and this other person is the only person in the world that I love and if I can't help this person and things keep getting worse then I don't see how I could go on living if I'm alone in the world.
  • Mar 24, 2008, 01:29 PM
    If it is life or death surgery then the hospital can't refuse because you can't pay
  • Mar 24, 2008, 01:32 PM
    Sanaquire - I feel bad for your situation, and I can understand that you want to help, but this is not your responsibility.

    Is this person a friend, boyfriend? How old is this person? Are his/her parents around, if so, why aren't they paying for this operation?

    I know that you feel desperate to help, but other than finding someone who is willing to loan you the money, I don't know what you can do. I can understand why people are refusing the loan, $6,000 is allot of money, and you don't have a job so they probably think that they won't be paid back, or that it will take a very long time for them to get paid back. Not many people have $6,000 sitting in their bank account.

    It's sad that this is happening, but it isn't something that you should feel is your responsibility to handle. Talk to the person who needs the operation and see if they can get a loan or have family members that are willing and able to help.

    Good luck Dear.
  • Mar 24, 2008, 01:39 PM
    Just because I said life and death, doesn't mean that it's for a medidcal reason.
    To tell the truth, My loved one's face was messed up in an accident. Medical Insurance denied paying for it. She was planning on college, but now she rarely leaves the apartment, she just hides from the world, she's attempted suicide more than once and the reason I was trying to get the money so quickly is because I want her to have this done in time to get into college. College will be paid for her, I don't know the details on that but she only has a limited time. And I'm just trying to save her life, I don't want her to harm herself. I'll continue to talk to people and try to get the help, but I also wanted to try and get the money myself.
  • Mar 24, 2008, 01:40 PM

    Originally Posted by Sanaquire
    I don't have family that would be willing to help me. I asked one, but they refused.
    The life and death situation is an operation and this other person is the only person in the world that i love and if I can't help this person and things keep getting worse then I don't see how I could go on living if I'm alone in the world.

    If its an operation you can always defer the cost to payments. Most hospitals do this interest free and your min payment could be as low as like 20 bucks a month. Does this other person not have any sort of insurance? Medicaid/medicare? Social aide? We have to be missing something. The person who would be doing the procedure would have gone over all the options and methods of getting it done with some social service if no other means could be provided.

    Ignore my post... I responded before I finished reading the entire thread.. /slap me silly
  • Mar 24, 2008, 01:44 PM
    I would try to get your friend into therapy to help her battle her depression.

    Even though she is depressed and has tried to commit suicide, this is not a life and death situation, as far as the operation is concerned. At least that's how people with the means to lend you money will look at it.

    I'm sorry that your friend is going through this, but I think the best thing for her right now is to get the mental help that she needs in order to deal with what is going on.

    Obviously getting the money is not going to be easy, it's time to accept that and find another way to help her.

    Good Luck.
  • Mar 24, 2008, 01:47 PM
    Thank you for all of the advise, I'll keep it in mind.
  • Mar 24, 2008, 01:49 PM

    Originally Posted by Sanaquire
    Just because I said life and death, doesn't mean that it's for a medidcal reason.
    To tell the truth, My loved one's face was messed up in an accident. Medical Insurance denied paying for it. She was planning on college, but now she rarely leaves the apartment, she just hides from the world, she's attempted suicide more than once and the reason I was trying to get the money so quickly is because I want her to have this done in time to get into college. College will be paid for her, I don't know the details on that but she only has a limited time. And I'm just trying to save her life, I don't want her to harm herself. I'll continue to talk to people and try to get the help, but I also wanted to try and get the money myself.

    I'm sorry for her messed-up face, but a better thing to do is for her to see a counselor (most will take into account her financial situation and go from there). If insurance refused to pay for plastic or cosmetic surgery, they apparently didn't think the surgery is needed. ($6000 is nothing for cosmetic surgery, so it can't be that big of a scar or disfigurement.)

    Is it possible that your friend is obsessing over her looks and has decided that she can't function in public? That's why I suggested a counselor, to help your friend get back her self-esteem. And why would college money be only for a limited time? That doesn't sound right. Are you sure you and she aren't being bamboozled somehow? Even so, if that money disappears, there are other sources of college money, but that's a different question.


    the reason I was trying to get the money so quickly is because I want her to have this done in time to get into college
    And I don't understand this sentence. You are trying to get the money, not to save her life, but to get her into college??

    Please help me understand what's really going on here.
  • Mar 24, 2008, 01:57 PM
    The college money is from a program one of her parents had put her in, It had something to do with the parents career. It's only available to her until she's 23 and she's already 20. The program was also available to her sister and her sister is in college now. Her family situation is that they haven't communicated in a few years and were never close, they knew about the accident but never tried to get in contact with her, so she's not willing to go to them for help.
  • Mar 24, 2008, 02:12 PM
    Can you tell us more about her disfigurement? How bad is it? That's why I suggested counseling, to help her adjust to a scar or whatever is wrong. And she has time to do that before the college time is up.
  • Mar 24, 2008, 02:27 PM
    Both her nose and upper lip are split open.
  • Mar 24, 2008, 02:38 PM
    To repair that would cost only $6000?

    What does her doctor say about her injury? Would he write a letter to the insurance company?
  • Mar 24, 2008, 03:32 PM
    Sanaquire. What country are you living in ?

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