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  • Feb 1, 2006, 12:21 PM
    Bad past
    Hi I'm 17 and have yet to have a girlfriend ( I no it sound really sad), I have had a really bad past from primary to secondary I was really overweight and unattractive this of course lead to low confidence since then thoe I have thined out and become a lot more warrey of what I look like when I go out and stuff, but yet I still haven't meet anyone I seem to find it difficult all in all to get anywhere with girls and when I find a girl who's everything I want in one she's taken or doesn't I feel she doesn't like me. What the hell is wrong with me... :confused:
  • Feb 1, 2006, 02:18 PM
    100% there is nothing wrong with you! You're a young guy just 17. I really think you need to work on your confidence this will be a big part about you meeting someone and feeling better about yourself and become more relaxed and confident.

    You need to get out there and enjoy yourself, and then you may find that right one turns up for you. The past is the past you need to learn to move on and leave the past there where it belongs in the PAST...
  • Jan 7, 2010, 03:33 PM
    anonymus me

    You will gain confidence in time and learn to trust yourself and become comffortable in your own skin and appearance I know a lot of people say this but it is true and eventually you willl trust someone enough to let them in
  • Jan 8, 2010, 08:05 AM

    We all have things in our past that we wish we could forget; whether it is our physical appearance (I hate to look at high school pictures!), or an experience with someone else, there is always something that we wish to get over.

    The thing about the past is that it is past. It does not have to define who you are today. It is gone, never to return.

    Dwelling on the past just makes you look behind you when you should be looking to the future.

    One thing I will say about girls: you're looking for a relationship - that's good. But the one relationship rule that you should follow is this: If a girl/boy is in a relationship/engaged/or otherwise "connected" to another individual, she/he is not available. Period.

    Liking girls that have boyfriends/fiance's/husbands will only get you in trouble and will cause you pain and heartache.

    Nothing is wrong with you. Start spending time doing things you like... the perfect girl will cross your path when you're not even expecting it. :)

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