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  • Mar 11, 2008, 09:59 PM
    Life after death
    Many religions talk many thing. There is a common agreement that death is certain and all it is uncertain when it will happen.
    But still it remained a question mark what happens after the death?
  • Mar 11, 2008, 10:14 PM
    Basically no matter what religion you are
    Everything is made of energy and energy can not die it has to be transformed into something and go on in a different state or form of some kind.
    Depending on a persons religion determines how you believe it goes on.
    BUT absolute truth is it will go on but our beliefs of just how are basically our human understanding based on our religious belief.
  • Mar 11, 2008, 10:59 PM
    Hi there Bipinchandra,
    I can only share my belief and my faith. I live by the Bible and faith in God the Father, Jesus Christ, the son and the Holy Spirit. I have placed my trust and faith in what Jesus did on the cross for payment, blood atonement, for my sins and raising again. I believe we are made up of body soul and spirit, with our body being the physical body we live in, feel, talk, walk, etc. the soul is our personality and our spirit is that which is the embodiment of who we are. I believe when we die, no matter where we go, our spirit goes there. The Bible teaches that when Christ comes back at the end of time, our bodies that have been buried will join with our spirits, but will be a glorified body, no illness, no flaws but I believe we will recognize those we have known here on earth. The Bible says there will be no marriage or giving in marriage in Heaven so even though we will recognize, I don't believe it will be on the same level as we recognize and see people now, we see their physical flaws, personality flaws, bad habits, etc. I don't believe we will see that in Heaven.

    The scriptures tell me that when we die, our spirit goes to either Heaven or Hell. Judgment is not immediate upon our death because our actions in this life has a rippling effect on so many lives so what we do today may affect others a long time down the road. If I place my trust and faith in Jesus Christ and ask Him to forgive my sins and come into my life to be Lord of my life, I have a promise of eternal life in Heaven when my time comes to die. With that come responsibility to do unto other's as we would have them do unto us, do good to all, be forgiving, have love and forgiveness in our heart (for the most part I have found, not really possible without the power of the Lord in my life and we all mess up in all areas but we ask forgiveness when we fail and begin again.). However, the Bible is very clear that we cannot work hard enough or do enough to earn salvation, it is a free gift, not of works lest anyone should boast. It is a simple act of faith. When you walk up to a chair, you see it, you know it is there, but it takes a bit of faith in the strength of that chair to be able to hold you up for you to make the choice to sit in it. For me, this was similar in that I heard or felt a tugging at my heart, inside of who I am, that Jesus wanted me to receive Him as Lord and be a child of God. I could accept or reject that. I chose to accept that. When Jesus walked on earth before he was nailed to the cross, He said that He would not leave us comfortless when he left and He was going to prepare a home for us in Heaven so that when we pass from this life, we can join Him and other's who have chosen to believe in Jesus Christ.

    I saw my father-in-law dying. He had been a believer in Jesus for many years. As he was going through the process, he would be in pain for a bit, then he would raise his hands up and all pain went away, his eyes were crystal clear blue, he appeared to be reaching out to someone who he really loved, then he would drop his arms and again be in this world and be in pain. This went on until he passed. To see the clarity in his eyes, the strength in his weak arms, the peace on his face, made me know more than ever that placing my faith and trust in God through Jesus Christ is the only way to enter Heaven. The Bible says there is a way that seemeth right unto man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Many say they believe in God and try to live a wonder life, helping others. Until one receives Christ into their hearts, it is all in vain, according to the Bible. We each have a choice as to whether to believe this or not. I do not push others but I do share my experience.

    My daughter was in her bedroom one evening and after praying and asking Jesus into her heart was so excited, she came running in with tears of joy in her eyes and wonderment and said to us that she had just asked Jesus to forgive her sins and come into her heart. When we went over some scripture with her, she was explaining it to us before we even finished reading it. Her understanding was so clear. Later one day in the car, she asked, "Mommy, do you know how they make dolls?" I wasn't sure where the question was coming from so asked what she meant. She said, "Well, you know how they stuff and stuff them until they are full? Well that is what God is doing to me, just stuffing me full of love and joy." That spoke volumes to my heart. She is now grown with children and still serves the Lord by loving others and helping others and being what she feels she should according to the Bible. We all fail, we sin every day but Jesus is our Mediator and when we pray, the Bible says He clothes us in His righteousness so when God looks on us and hears our prayers, He doesn't see our failing and sin but He sees the righteousness of His son. I have shared before the best I know how of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (the trinity) by an example of my earthly daddy is a father to me, a son to his parents and gives comfort to others. But my daddy is human and so cannot be all that God can be of course but just to give a little thought as to how God can be all three and each has their own purpose in our lives.

    I have heard of those who have seen Christians pass and have seen those pass who stated they did not believe nor accept the Lord Jesus and the death experience was much different. They do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven according to my belief.

    I know this is a subject that gets debated and argued but I do not choose to argue or debate. I share what I believe and why and that my experience tells me that this is true. I would just ask people to read the New Testament and listen to what their heart tells them is true. I loved to read in the Bible the books of Ephesians, Philippians, Galatians, because those books tell of our walk with the Lord, is very instructional, shows the promises of God. John 3:16 is a great place to begin. Ephesians 2:8 and 9. Romans 3:23 John 1: 1 and 14. Acts 16:31, Revelation 3:20 which refers to how the Lord quietly stand at our heart's door so to speak, and knocks, asking to come into our lives. God will never force Himself on you or anyone. It is an individual choice each of us must make. I believe that God desires to commune with us, help direct our lives, help us to love others, minister to the needs of people around us and upon our passing, welcome us into Heaven and all that Heaven has to offer.

    The joy we feel when we hold a new born baby or marry a person we love so much and want to spend our life with, or get a much desired promotion at work or achieve much in our work, or the appreciation we feel when we have accidentally hurt someone's feelings that we love and we ask them to forgive us and they say yes they do and all is well between us and give us a huge hug... or walk in the warm spring rain or watch a new little chick hatch from an egg, or feel the cuddle of a little one or the joy we feel when our babies look in our eyes and puts their hands on our face and says, "Mommy, I love you so much"... in my belief, as wonderful as these experiences are, I do not believe any of it will compare to the wonder of glory of Heaven and fellowshipping with our Lord and those who have preceded us in death who also believed.

    Thank you for allowing me to share. I know this is long but when one feels passion for their beliefs, it is such a joy to share with others. Again, thank you for taking the time to read this. :)
  • Mar 11, 2008, 11:42 PM
    Bipinchandra, hi
    Correct you have mentioned that death is certain but no body knows when it will come. Socially explaining what will happen after that depends upon the faith you follow.Islam says there will be a dooms day when everything will finish, then there will be a day of judgement when GOD will make every thing alive and every person will be judged by his goods and bads and finally he will be sent to heaven or hell as the case may be. Heaven and hell (swarg and nark) is also there as per Hindu mythology. Also a punerjanam or rebirth. Also it is correct what nohelp4u has said when a man dies his soul remains alive and leaves his body what you call AAtma. In this way you may find many common things or beliefs in all the faiths. I have just tried to correlate a few things, but the main thing is to go by your faith. Excuse me if any thing is wrong or mis-interpreted and let me know please.
  • Mar 13, 2008, 06:43 AM

    Originally Posted by bipinchandra
    Many religions talk many thing. There is a commom agreement that death is certain and all it is uncertain when it will happen.
    But still it remained a question mark what happens after the death?

    Dear bipinchandra : we all know what physically happens, so I assume you mean spiritual.
    The reply to that depends on what you BELIEVE !
    Hindu´s and Buddhists have their belief in reincarnation.
    Christians and Muslims in a heaven as ´reward`.
    Atheists and Deists do not believe in an afterlife. They accept that upon death everything ends.

    With so many believers in God/Gods and the ´rules`one would expect theists to be peacefull and sharing people disliking war and unpeacefull behavior. Reality shows however another picture, often with theist aggression, intolerance, and-or disrespect for other (religious) views.

    My personal views of what happens after death is that you will have the wellknown tunnel vision of a bright light coming nearer and nearer (your brain actually starving of lack of oxygen once your heart stops) and than nothing further. Human life is based on and subject to self-awareness. That starts around 15 weeks from egg fertilization till death. Nothing before it, and nothing after it.
    Nothing to be afraid for, and I hope for you that there may be many years of happiness in between these extremes!

    One more thing : The goal of life is to ensure future generations. Your heritage is in your genes, which you will pass on through your children and grandchildren. That may sound rather trite, but it makes a lot of sense, and it is the task of every living lifeform. There is no objective evidence for `hereafters and reincarnation´ to exist. That is all based on the human need for a special roll in nature. Religion just provides that feeling with unsupported promises!

  • Mar 13, 2008, 06:50 AM
    Everybody has their own interpretation according to their beliefs but the ultimate absolute truth is not decided by any religion but by what the afterlife actually IS. Atheists can believe they die and then nothing but they will be shocked when they find that energy does not cease.
    If the atheist is right then the Christian and other religions would be none the wiser on the other side since all ceases to exist. I like having my hope for seeing eternal glory.
  • Mar 13, 2008, 06:57 AM
    Credendovidis is correct, as this is a religoius forum, not a specific one such as Buddhist, or Islam, there are varioius beleifs, from coming back as another person, or as a animal if you were not living that good a life here.

    To the teachings of Christianity and Islam and the Jewish faith where there is a Heaven.

    And even within those, it is debated if at death you lie in the ground "asleep" till a judgement day or if you are in heaven at your death.

    In the end, as a Christian, I not only believe but know in my heart that there is more to this world, Ihave seen the wonders God can do and that is why many of us are so serious about sharing that faith you others, because we love others so much we don't want you to die and have that nothing or worst.

    And of course religiion does have a lot of fulfilled promises, one of course is that there were studies that show people with a religious faith, did not matter what one, were healthier than those that did not have a faith,
    So that into itself is something, but as for as no evidence, there is none to those that don't believe, for myself, I have personally say miricle after miricle that God provided in my life and the life of others. So as Credendovidis motto, I believe it as soon as I see it,

    It is truly you will see it once you believe it.
  • Mar 14, 2008, 06:57 AM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    So as Credendovidis motto, I beleive it as soon as I see it,

    it is truely you will see it once you beleive it.

    ABSOLUTELY, Chuck! When speaking to atheists I try to help them understand the motto you pointed out "you will see it once you believe it", through what the Bible says, I once was blind but now I see.

    As jrebel7 mentioned in one of their posts about feeling the tug and knowing it was God wanting him/her to accept Jesus as their savior, I tell atheists that if they want proof of God's existence then that tug they feel is the best proof they are going to get as a non-believer. I tell them that they can deny that tug they feel all they want to, they can brush it off as human emotions or just simply human and not spiritual, but the truth is that it is God. I tell them there are many proofs of God's existence to the believer, but as a person who does not believe that the proof of God doesn't get much better than the tug they feel. Because it is personal to them, it is not someone else telling them about the proof they have, but rather they have the proof for themselves if only they would acknowledge it as spiritual... as God.

    I try to help atheists understand that their conception that faith is blind is a misconception... there is proof out there for them and there is no better proof than God Himself working with them. One of the things I felt is best in doing this is telling them that I know exactly what is going on inside of them though they have never mentioned what is going on within them to me. I tell them that they have a war within themselves... they feel that tug that pulls them toward God and the need for salvation when everything inside of them screams otherwise. I also tell them that not only can they know God is real through that tug they feel, but they can know that it is the Christian God. The reason being is because they have never mentioned to me that they feel that within themselves yet I told them exactly what they feel with absolute certainty! It is the One and Only God!!

    I have yet to come across an atheist who denies it though I am sure there are those out there who will. But it matters not that they deny it because I and every other Christian knows they have and/or do feel the pull to God at some point and in most cases, I am sure, frequently. But the point is not to get them to admit that they feel the pull to God and the offer of salvation because we already know they do. The point is to get them thinking about that proof God provides to the non-believer... "hmmm, she may be right."
    You see what I mean?

    But because we all have free will everyone has the capability of writing off that pull to God within them as human instead of spiritual. But if they were to ever take that leap of faith and believe that what they feel is spiritual... that it is God... their spiritual eyes will be opened and they won't be spiritually blind anymore... and as you said Chuck... they will see because they believed and not the other way around. They will see it undountably and undeniably as ever other Christian does!

    I know this is off topic and goes in Christianity but I wanted to comment on what you (Chuck) said in your above post, which happens to be here. What you said is wonderful and I just wanted to elaborate on your comment about seeing because you believe... and why it is that way.

    As far as the original questions goes everyone has answered well. What happens after death depends on what you believe.
  • Mar 14, 2008, 07:53 AM
    N0help4u agrees: I have given atheists every form of proof possible and they still twist it so they can stay blind :(

    Yep, and it is because God gives all of us free will. It is also because of our sinful nature that we do everything we can to quench the Spirit. When we are unsaved that pull we feel to God goes against everything inside of us because of our sinful nature. Because of that we have the ability to quench the Spirit, write it off as something other than God, or ignore it.

    You could take a poll of all the Christians in this world that asks, "How many of you accepted Jesus as your savior the first time God offered it to you?" I guarantee a huge percentage will tell you they denied the Spirit multiple times before humbling themselves to God and asking for His salvation. It is because of our sinful selves, that is the norm for us. The goodness of God, the cleaning up of our soul that salvation gives us is the exact opposite of who we are as unsaved people. To receive salvation is a huge change to us human and Spiritual... it is a complete turn around from who we once were. Because of that everything inside of us screams or wants to scream denial of that change. That is why atheists and the unsaved twist, and turn, run and deny. It is in the sinful nature to do so.

    That is where humbling yourself comes in. To go against everything inside of you, to decide to change your very nature to God, to understand that this can not be done through your means, but can only be done through God... is humbling yourself. That is what God expects of each and everyone of us because that is the only way to know God. I even had them make the comment that God requiring this humbling of us seems conceited of Him. But it is not and the reason is because God is not in our sins, God has nothing nor will have anything to do with our sinful nature (other than redeeming us of it) we have to come out of it... and as soon as we do... there He is. But we can't do it alone. He offers it to us and we either accept or reject.

    Faith would be going against everything inside of you that doesn't want you to change your ways, and believing that the pull you feel to God is actually God and not whatever your mind can imagine it could be. Once you take that step toward God you get out of the fray of the sin that spiritually blinds you, and now see. And you see because you believed.
  • Mar 16, 2008, 08:54 PM

    Originally Posted by bipinchandra
    Many religions talk many thing. There is a commom agreement that death is certain and all it is uncertain when it will happen.
    But still it remained a question mark what happens after the death?

    After death there will be a judgmentday.
  • Mar 19, 2008, 05:22 PM
    What happens when you blow a candle out?
  • Mar 21, 2008, 05:52 AM
    Does the flame still serve a purpose once blown out?
  • Mar 21, 2008, 08:38 AM

    Originally Posted by Moparbyfar
    Does the flame still serve a purpose once blown out??

    The memory of the flame brings warmth to those who watched it burn, (warm feelings in one's heart rememembering the joy of watching the movement of the flame as it danced to every movement in the air and even feeling the warmth the flame provided when hands that were cold, were held close and warmed by the flame) the fragrance of the candle still lingers as a reminder of the existence that the flame did burn brightly once. The absence of the flame is also a reminder that nothing lasts forever and it is a good reminder that we need to know what we believe happens when our flame is no longer burning. Although, the candle now cold and still (no flickering flame), gave all it had to give until the flame was blown out.

    What are your thoughts on this subject? :)
  • Mar 21, 2008, 03:23 PM

    Originally Posted by jrebel7
    The memory of the flame brings warmth to those who watched it burn, (warm feelings in one's heart rememembering the joy of watching the movement of the flame as it danced to every movement in the air and even feeling the warmth the flame provided when hands that were cold, were held close and warmed by the flame) the fragrance of the candle still lingers as a reminder of the existence that the flame did burn brightly once. The absence of the flame is also a reminder that nothing lasts forever and it is a good reminder that we need to know what we believe happens when our flame is no longer burning. Although, the candle now cold and still (no flickering flame), gave all it had to give until the flame was blown out.

    What are your thoughts on this subject? :)

    In other words, it no longer serves a purpose, just as a person dies - we have memories of them because of course we live on, but they do not because as it states in Psa 146:4 "His spirit goes out (just as a flame from a candle), he goes back to the ground, in that day his thoughts do perish." If our thoughts perish how are we aware of anything going on around us? But I absolutely agree with you that they leave us some joyful, heartwarming memories and we should be happy for those passed away that they no longer feel pain or suffering. :)
  • Mar 21, 2008, 07:37 PM
    The success of the proselytizing religions... Christianity and Islam... rests in their promise that average human beings can be *Gods*... that is, live forever in an imitation perfection of life.

    As statistics show, more and more people are letting go of this belief. Many people still find solace in ancient myths from another time.
  • Mar 22, 2008, 03:34 AM

    Originally Posted by Moparbyfar
    Psa 146:4 "His spirit goes out (just as a flame from a candle), he goes back to the ground, in that day his thoughts do perish." If our thoughts perish how are we aware of anything going on around us?

    Actually from reading Eccl 12:7 "then the dust returns to the earth just as it happens to be and the spirit itself returns to the [true God] who gave it." this is telling us that our spirit or life force belongs to God and it is up to him once we die to decide whether or not we deserve to have it back. In other words our spirit is in Gods hands, just as a criminal in a court would tell the judge "my life is in your hands."

    Eccl 9:10 "there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol the place to which you are going." If we were dwelling as spiritual beings with God, fully aware, would this scripture make sense?
  • Mar 22, 2008, 08:57 AM

    Originally Posted by bipinchandra
    Many religions talk many thing. There is a commom agreement that death is certain and all it is uncertain when it will happen.
    But still it remained a question mark what happens after the death?

    Not really. When you die, all your body parts stop functioning. Including the functions of the brain. The brain controls your body using electricity. It receives and sends electrical signals, stores memories, and allows the thinking process.
    When you die all these functions stop (the tunnel to the light is actually the brain dying from lack of oxygen).
    Afterlife in whatever format is based on BELIEF. There is no objective evidence to confirm that afterlife exists.
  • Mar 22, 2008, 09:44 AM
    Again I believe Credendovidis ( wish they would pick shorter user names or easier to spell) but I don't believe any of the main religions believe the body says intact, it dies, and as I say at the grave site, from dust to dust, I am not sure in what order things stop but they all do, and the body is but a shell.
    After that we have faith or ( beleif) in what we have seen with our hearts or even our eyes for those of us that have seen wonderous miricles done by the Lord.

    I guess for some even athiests if they believe in ghosts ( do they?? ) they may believe some spirit or energy from a person could remain, but what happens to that being or spriit of the person varies greatly by what becomes of the soul of the person.

    I guess I am surprised someone does not create one with wild life heaven, to really draw people in from today's world if they want a larger memebership.

    And I guess by the time we find out what is true, it is too late to come back and tell.

    But at least if someone like myself is right then I will be blessed and have my reward, and othes who are not beleivers will really be mad they did not accept when they were asked. If others like Credendovidis is correct, I guess it won't matter will it, since it is just dead.
  • Mar 23, 2008, 07:40 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    Again I beleive Credendovidis

    No need to BELIEVE me. But if you react to what I posted here, please at least try to be clear in your response.

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    ... Credendovidis ( wish they would pick shorter user names or easier to spell)

    It's a Christian tradition to use LATIN. Just abbreviate that to Cred, if needed.

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    I guess for some even athiests if they beleive in ghosts ( do they ???)

    You know the answer : no they don't. There is no reason to BELIEVE in supranatural entities. Never has any objective evidence for their existence been provided. Nor for ghosts, elfs, witches, fairies, and more of such imaginairy entities, like spirits and energies from people who passed away.

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    If others like Credendovidis is correct, I guess it won't matter will it, since it is just dead.

    We all know that this is just another format of Pascals Wager, a format that has been proved to be invalid a long time ago.
  • Mar 23, 2008, 07:53 PM
    There will be an eternal life after death. It depends on what you do in this world. All you do in this world is counted by GOD(Allah), and it will lead you to the hell or heaven.

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