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  • Mar 9, 2008, 03:27 PM
    Talking to an Alcoholic friend
    My best friend/roommate has been sober now for 90 days and I feel sometimes we are becoming more like 2 people who just live together than best friends that live together. Our communication is not really there anymore and he really is not home that much for us to just talk. When he does come home he usually has someone else with him or he goes into his room and closes the door. He acts like there is nothing wrong between us and just goes on with his life like nothing has changed. I want so much to ask him questions and to learn about he is going through, but I don't want to ask the wrong questions or pressure him into telling me something he doesn't want to talk about. Can anyone give me some advice?

    Thank You,

  • Mar 9, 2008, 03:36 PM
    Sometimes you just have to back up, he's been sober for 90 days, it's like he's starting a new life, maybe he's just not comfortable talking to you about it yet. Just gently, let him know, if he every just wants to talk, your still there for him. And as hard as it may be, your going to have to learn how to handle, the new him.

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