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  • Mar 2, 2008, 02:55 AM
    Time to fight the flab
    Right then.
    It's time to get trim and lose a bunch of weight.
    Now I don't really have enough spare time to go to the gym on a regular basis, so I'm looking at a change to my diet.
    After doing some reading I was thinking of trying out the GI Diet, as it seems to fit well with my lifestyle.

    Does any one have any advice and or suggestions ?
  • Mar 2, 2008, 03:15 AM
    Hi Curly,

    Whatever you choose, of course you want it to be healthy.

    The problem with "diets" is that after we are done "dieting" , we don't keep up some of the methods, and the pounds find us again.

    So - Just a couple of tips to add to whatever you may choose

    1) Remember you want to change your eating and workout habits long term

    2) Don't deprive yourself of everything - may cause you to give up. Allow yourself treats - perhaps on weekends and be strict during the week.

    3) Make your last meal of the day no later than 5 pm or 6 pm at the latest. Try eating a Lean Cuisine for dinner or Smart Ones. I promise you they are really good.

    4) Come on my friend, give me 10 or 15 minutes a day. Even if it is just walking in place with lifting your knees up. Do it with music and Millie and you can have fun while burning off those pounds.

    In summary ******

    Just try changing a couple of things

    1) During the week - No eating past 5 or 6pm.

    2) Try the Lean Cusines or Smart One Frozen Dinners

    3) 10 to 15 minutes a day do some sort of exercise in the house. Perhaps when you first get home.

    During the week - For breakfast, some people like oatmeal, or some sort of low fat cereal, fruit, or a breakfast bar.

    Lunch, can be yogurt and fruit. They even have the 100 calorie pack snacks that are great to nibble on.

    Dinner - lean cusine or baked potato and veg with chicken. But it's so much easier with the Frozen Dinners. They have a variety of dinner kinds and I promise they are all good.

    On the weekend relax it a bit. But don't overdue it. I know you are at a huge disadvantage as Laura is an awesome cook, but you can have it on the weekends, and then back to the stricter eating habits during the week.

    This way it's more of a lifestyle change and not one that you feel you can never have a goodie. Weekends were made for goodies :).

    Even if at night you take a walk. It's still more then you are doing now.

    I am not a gym person either, all I need is in the home. So it leaves me with no excuses :).

    Wishing you the best. And you will feel better. :)
  • Mar 2, 2008, 05:07 AM
    Or good exercises is dancing (with the curtains shut) music on full bast and just dance
  • Mar 2, 2008, 05:27 AM
    Nice idea Nicki, but NOT possible with a 6 week old ;)
  • Mar 2, 2008, 05:29 AM
    Are you able to take a 10 minute walk and keep building on the time?
  • Mar 2, 2008, 05:37 AM
    I walk a lot around my plant on a daily basis.
  • Mar 2, 2008, 05:50 AM
    Is it consistent?

    Meaning straight walking - no stopping for 10 minutes or longer?

    Can you get a stationary bike for at home? Treadmills are even better and they have the kind that fold up, but in the meantime any type of walking, or aerobic excersice done for 10 minutes or more will help burn calories.

    The way we loose weight is if we burn off more then we take in ( I know you knew that but
    Just thinking out loud :)
  • Mar 2, 2008, 05:58 AM
    Here's a little website that details how many calories are burned off based on exercise.
    Now it list for 1 hr. But 10 - 15 minutes a day is a great place to start. Or 4 days a week.

    To me, men are a little more luckier as they seem to burn off quicker then we do. Also most of the areas of concern are their stomachs (which is not a good place to carry weight, as it strains the heart).

    The best way to get rid of that mid-section is to cut back some of your intake and increase aerobic exercise - and walking is one of the best ones.

    Calories Burned During Exercise
  • Mar 2, 2008, 06:06 AM
    I like to recommend a diet I started 21 months ago and have stayed with: "No Flour, No Sugar" by Peter Gott, MD. It was easy as falling off a log for me. I read about for years in the local newspaper, where he is syndicated. I like the diet because it is e a s y, and effective. Book Review: Dr. Gott's No Flour No Sugar Diet by Peter H. Gott, M.D. - Peter Gott M.D. et al - Dr. Gott's No Flour, No Sugar Diet -
  • Mar 2, 2008, 06:29 AM
    Hi Laura and Curly -

    Only cause I care A lot :) I'm being such a pest :). But I know how much you and Laura loved to cook, although hard to find the time I am sure with two blessings :), but I found
    This little site, that I hope helps.

    Love you guys,

    Over and out Allheart

    75 fast, healthy meals ideas
  • Mar 2, 2008, 06:32 AM
    The thing is when we cook it does tend to be healthy anyway.
    My main problem is that I eat crud and lots of it ;)
  • Mar 2, 2008, 06:36 AM
    LOL THEN NOOOOOO Crud. No between meals. NOOOOOOOOOO.

    It is so easy for guys to loose weight compare to us. Honest. Hubby cuts out in between stuff and he starts to melt away.

    Chop up some apples or something to take with you. Instead of crud. You don't even enjoy eating that crud probably just a habit while your working.

  • Mar 2, 2008, 10:47 AM

    Originally Posted by Curlyben
    Right then.
    It's time to get trim and lose a bunch of weight.
    Now I don't really have enough spare time to go to the gym on a regular basis, so I'm looking at a change to my diet.
    After doing some reading I was thinking of trying out the GI Diet, as it seems to fit well with my lifestyle.

    Does any one have any advice and or suggestions ?

    It looks good to me. I never heard of it before until reading the link you provided. Have a go at it. You should also exercise as well. Go out walking every day a stick with it. I always tell people to get out and go for a jog or run but as long as people get active they are really not salving the problem. I hope it works for you and please post, when and if it works for you and how you went about doing it. Cheers to you.
  • Mar 3, 2008, 04:57 AM
    Cough who says I'm dieting ;) I've lost a stone and a half in the last 6 weeks I'm already fitting into my pre pregnant clothes its sir ben here that is still eating for 3 lol
  • Mar 3, 2008, 04:59 AM

    Originally Posted by Allheart
    LOL THEN NOOOOOO Crud. No between meals. NOOOOOOOOOO.

    It is so easy for guys to loose weight compare to us. Honest. Hubby cuts out in between stuff and he starts to melt away.

    chop up some apples or something to take with you. Instead of crud. You don't even enjoy eating that crud probably just a habit while your working.


    He is a chocolate gobbler he won't just have one or two and be happy oh no no he has to keep going till there gone got that from his mum he did ;)
  • Mar 3, 2008, 06:03 AM
    Although changing your diet helps tremendously (you'll be eating healthier once your little one eats solid foods - showing a good example and all) you'll find it hard to hit your losing flab goal without increasing your calorie burning. Some brisk stroller rides (I did that) can help.
  • Mar 3, 2008, 06:48 AM
    I'm not trying to be an antagonist, just give ideas. We have a four year old in the house, and a crazy schedule. This means getting up at 4:30-5am for workouts. Its ugly, I hate it, but it works. Kickboxing/taebo/pilates/yoga dvd's are all good ways to get in a quick workout in the morning at home, or in the evening... and our kid likes to do some of the excercises too... distracting at first, but he knows now he can participate or play in a different room. Or get some free weights... we have some 1lb and 2lb for him to "excercise" with... and you can do some simple excercises with free weight in no time. Won't help your heart, but it can help your core.

    wife hits the gym almost daily with an insane schedule, but she is super disciplined about it. I tend to go more on the weekends consistently, sneak in some during the week, and the kid likes to go too on the weekend.

    as I've gotten older, I've found poor diet (drinking, snacks, sweets, etc) can quickly add weight, but a better diet takes it down a little, slowly, and not necessarily adequately. Exercise is really the best call for sustainable weight loss. Lord knows I wouldn't be up at 4:30am to exercise if I didn't need to. Yuck!! Also, exercise first in the morn gets your metabolism cranked so your early foods get burned more.

    as for diet, I have little new to say that hasn't been. Ill keep some nuts around (sunflower seeds, macademias, almonds, walnuts) for snacking as these all have good health benefits... and a rule my wife has is when you have a particular jones (hers is good chocolate) you should feed it... moderately, occasionally. For her its like sex... when you want that thing you can try to find all kinds of substitutes, but in the end, you are still going to want that thing. So instead of eating sticks and twigs all the time to try to get over her cravings, she eats a bit of that treat... often after agreeing to exercise first, and then eat the treat while her metabolism is on a high.

    that GI diet looks sensible at a glance. No experience with it directly. But I see no big red flags if you're in decent heath.

    also look at portion control. Use smaller plates or bowls at dinner... doesn't take long for slight reductions in food portion to start to take effect. I think I notice it within 2-3 weeks after starting to watch portion control.

    good luck! Give any new thing 6-8 weeks before it becomes more of a habit and less of a chore.

    and watch out for artificially sweetened things, like diet soda. A study I read recently said that the sweet taste on your tongue followed by no calories screws up your minds response, even potentially slowing your metab. =(
  • Mar 5, 2008, 11:48 AM

    Originally Posted by curlybenswife
    He is a chocolate gobbler he wont just have one or two and be happy oh no no he has to keep going till there gone got that from his mum he did ;)

    Awww that is just so cute. Sorry just saw this CBW.

    Well Chocolat Gobbler how's the fight going.

    The GREAT thing is you guys already eat healthy. So, if you have 4 chocaltes, cut to 3... and walk a little more.

    This is a Flab check :):).

    Hope you guys are going well.

    My Mother-in-law who is right about everything, absolutely everything I tell you (at least that's what I make her think :) It's called survival... anyway...

    She says the best time to have your choclate is directly after your meal and it will digest with your food and won't put the weight on. OKay that sounds more bizarre when I type it.

    But she swears by it. And if I were honest, she is usually right. (usually) ;)

    Hope the fight is going well.

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