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  • Jan 26, 2006, 06:12 PM
    Fat with big boobs
    Hi all I'm a 14 yr old girl with size 14c boobs guys think its hott but they are relli annoying, I'm also fat 70kgs and losing weight by not eating I'm at that stage the reason I started to loose weight is because I got told that you could loose your boobs by losing weight so I'm doing excessive exercise and I'm just so tired I just wnt the boobs to go away and b 40kgs agen I know that's going to tak a long tyme but I relli need some help!! The pressure is always on to be thin!Im sick of being fat!! It just makes me wnt to go annorexic please help luf fat boob girl hanah xoxo
  • Feb 2, 2006, 04:19 AM
    How tall are you? I am in your same position. I am five eight, 17 years of age and I am quite heavy. Since I have a bigger bone structure I can't go down further than 60 kgs otherwise I would look gross..

    Let me tell you, I have tried starving myself with ding more than needed exercise, and it does not work. Once you start eating again you will put the weight back on quickly. What you are doing isn't good for your health.
    Some people are meant to have big boobs (Trust me, I'm 14 D) Buy an inflatable boxing bag for like 30 bucks and use it 30 min a day. I guarantee your boobs will tone up and perhaps shrink.

    Also cut back On sugar (Don't go crazy here!) Just bit by bit, don't punish yourself and eat 3 small meals a day. Snack on fruit through out the day.
    Make a cup ofd soup and add steamed veggies into it. Also try rice crackers with a spread you enjoy.

    I lost 25 kilos at the age of 14 by eating healthily and excercisng regualy. If you need any more tips, feel free to ask me :)

    Good luck.
    - Kate
  • Feb 2, 2006, 06:23 AM
    Hi, Hanah,
    Welcome to this site, and hope you have fun here.
    Weight loss is directly related to calories!
    The average person needs 2,000 calories a day, in order not to gain or lose weight.
    If you are eating/drinking more than 2000 calories a day (24 hours period), then there is a good chance you will gain weight.
    Get yourself a paperback book of Calories at a food store, drug store, etc, and add up all you eat and drink in 24 hours.
    Also, there are online sites where you can "count calories".
    Try it for a week, and you might be surprised at how many calories are in what you eat and drink. I do wish you the very best.
  • Sep 15, 2007, 10:01 PM
    my kids
    You are right it is hard ever magazine and movie skinny girls, and we all feel like we have to look like them but we don't everbodys different and I know how it is I have struggled with my weight quit eating and it's just not worth it because when you don't eat you get week and what's the use in being skinny when you have no energy and don't feel like doing anything really heavy heart beats that are scary. And it's really hard diet and exercise and it's hard to get started I know I love food. It's an addiction and I;m addicted but cut your portions and don't quit eating the things you love just cut them back and try dieting during the week and not dieting on the weekend don't go overboard but just eat the things you love in moderation start wanking a mile the first week and then upping it as you go.Good luck it's hard but it's worth it
  • Sep 16, 2007, 11:39 AM
    Hello dear,I am sailing in thae same boat. Do message me if u get agood ans.
  • Sep 19, 2007, 05:35 PM
    There is a diet you can go on no exeresies needed but if you do you will loose a whole lot more
    Its called the ultra light diet I myself haven't tried it yet but I have heard from friends that its amazing
    You loose up to 3-4 kilo in the first week and keep losing 1-2 kilo after that a week
    I'm going to the chemist on Saturday to find out a little more about it and hopefully start it
    It is around $395
    But if you really want to loose it money shouldn't matter
    Good luck
  • Dec 30, 2007, 11:44 AM
    First of all, I had a difficult time reading your post. Your english grammar is very poor.
    You need to really look at what you eat! And I mean REALLY LOOK! No BS allowed.
    Start walking a LOT more, remove yourself from this screen, and walk. Drink Lots of water.
    Despite what your mates think and say... your losing weight for YOU! Yes, your fat... but start working on it.
    Changing your eating habits gives your body the signal to start losing, and its by gravity.
    Keep an eye on what becomes loose on you... the weigh scale is bad. Good luck.
    YOUR age pays too much attention to the media.. what they do not tell you, is these actors and actresses have people to make them saleable. Marketable. If they do not lose weight, they do not work.
    Get rid of the junk food, and fast food... you do not need a book of calories... educate yourself. Veggies, get your mom to buy better food.
    GOOD LUCK.:p
  • Jan 3, 2008, 09:05 PM
    Having men like you for your breast size is demeaning. Don't be deceived into thinking that they truly like you. A worse possibility is that men are staring at you not because they enjoy looking at your breasts or cleavage, but because you are fat. Men tend to see fat women with large breasts to be "easy".

    It is true, unfortunately, that weight loss is accompanied by reduction in breast size. However, it is nowadays trendy for girls and women to keep a body of an undeveloped or underdeveloped girl - thin and relatively flat breasts. Men like women who look trim and take care of themselves.

    Anorexia is not something that you can "wish for" or "catch". It is an illness with long term or permanent damage to one's psychological and physical health. I say this from first-hand experience. Even if you are willing to suffer the consequence and "decide" that anorexia is the correct choice for you, it is typically unlikely that people become anorexic. Anorexics tend to have certain personality traits that make anorexia possible. Are you a perfectionist? Are you highly disciplined? Do you have high tolerance for social isolation? If this does not sound like you, you will find that even "trying" to be anorexic will have fruitless outcomes.

    Eat healthy, eat less, and exercise more. You will look better in several months.

    - - - - - - - -
    Life and Death of a Model
  • Jan 5, 2008, 02:41 PM
    What do you mean by 'get a good answer'.. what is a good answer. Check my post.
    Its not difficult, but YOU have to WANT to do it!
    If you are obese, your body is just waiting for a signal to lose weight. Weight will fall off you quickly, but you will reach a plateau.
    Then you start losing weight again.. Be patient.

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