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  • Feb 26, 2008, 07:44 PM
    My husband wants to adopt
    My husband and I have been married for 2 years and together for 5 years. I have 4 boys and 1 girl from 2 prior relationships. My husband has raised my children in the past 5 years on my oldest son his father has been in jail for the past 4 years and won't get out until my son is 17 years old. The father to my other children has not seen them in the last 3 years and will not allow my husband to adopt them. Their father has 4 other children and has given his paternal rights up to 2 of the children and refuses to do so for my children. We were told if doesn't pay child support for more than a year then we can revoke his rights but ever time were close to doing that he starts to pay. What can we do to allow my husband to adopt my children without having to wait.
  • Feb 26, 2008, 08:42 PM
    There is nothing you can do, and even if he goes a year, it is not automatic, the court will still have a hearing and he can fight it.
    So often if the bio father does not want to give them up, there is almost nothing you can do. Now of course he should be 1000's in arrears of the child support, put pressure on him, see if you can get enforcement to garnish wages, go after past support, make it hard on him for money unless he gives up his rights, But even then that may not work.

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